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Final Fantasy Type-0 PS4/XBOX One $68 @ Target


Saw it on their catalogue, but can't find it on their website yet. The game is just released today in AU.
You can price match at EB Games or JB Hi-Fi I suppose, since it's a catalogue item.

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closed Comments

  • Good price for instant local stock, I pre-ordered from Ozgameshop for $64… but who knows when I'll receive it.

    • Good timing! Hope you will enjoy this game this Christmas.

  • +2

    I'm sick of paying full price of FF games. They drop so damn quickly. There's plenty to play atm so I'm going to wait it out 6 months and pick it up for like $20-30.

    • Then thats what you should do. Dont complain about games getting cheaper man. Its great.

  • I'll wait until it's $13 like the previous FFXIII's have been. And then I still won't buy it, because if it's anything like the other few FF's I've played, the gameplay won't exist.

    Flame away, I know people hold FF dearly to their heart. Time to move on is what I'm saying.

    • +2


    • +2

      times have simply changed, altho ppl yearn for the old turn based combat of the ps1 ff's its unlikely any developer will be brave enough to invest into a A+++ title using this system.

      i wouldn't discount ff type 0 just yet, at $68 it is still a great price. (remember the old ps3 days when new titles were over $100+!)

      for me i'm hoping ffxv revives the series. fingers crossed

      • I have never really liked the turn-based combat of earlier FF series.
        My first RPG love was Secret of Mana on the SNES.
        I came across FF afterwards and never bought into its turn-based style.
        Was quite happy when they evolved into a more real-time event.

        • +1

          i love secret of mana :) reminds me of uni days.

          If you really want to give turn based style a go try FF6..remarkable game and highly underrated compared to its successor FF7!

        • Just saw the preview, it looks like real time gameplay a la FF12 though.

          I agree with what you said about old turn based, my fav. turn based game system would be Chrono Cross where your timing and button presses during attack count towards the type of melee attack you make. Less boring that way.

          My mates who like old turn based are turned off FF because the story/plot aren't as 'fun' (FF7/FF9, where you get 'cute' sidequests) anymore as the graphics get prettier.

        • @loki niflheim:
          SoM was completely real-time battles, even boss battles, that's what I love about it.
          Also, it is one of the few games where the story line has wowed me so much.

        • @SuiCid3: Might take it up, thanks for the rec. When you mentioned SoM I was thinking Legend of Mana, which I played.

    • +1

      This is a port of an ARPG that was made for the PSP years ago by an entirely different team from the FFXIII team. The reason it's getting average reviews is because they took out the best component of the original, the multiplayer.

      • +3

        Good. If they continue to give bad scores to these 'next gen' versions of last generation remakes, then hopefully someone in the game's industry might go "Duhhhh, maybe we make noo gamez nao?".

        NOPE! DMC REMAKE! Remember that Devil May Cry game nobody even liked? HERE IT IS AGAIN.

        • +1

          The difference here is that type 0 was never localised, so people expressed great interest in a vita version. It was popular enough to get a completed fan translation.

      • Also the camera is horrible. Been playing it on and off today but damn the camera is driving me nuts.

    • XIII was naff, XIII-2 was really good, first game I 1000 pointed, didn't bother with XIII-3 because the reviews weren't that good and Lightning was never that interesting to begin with. Although if XIII-3 is $13 I might get it haha.

  • +2

    Got the SteelBook edition pricematched at EB.

    • Wasn't able to price match steel book, each store to their own I guess.

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