Hey guys im planning to get a xbox one soon, does anybody know any upcoming sales or really good deals on it?
Any Upcoming Xbox One Console Sales?

Thank you for your comment but i was looking for a slightly better discount, but if there is none defiantly will pick up it.
Christmas sales?
Have to agree with this, have seen some good deals from time to time on gumtree….and lets face it it will either work or it wont so easy to check and see before you pay
gumtree definitiely
seems like heaps of people ditching the xbox for good reason
Big releases and new games usually have a fairly generous discount with that game bundled. Unfortunately, you're talking about the Xbone, which has no games coming in the near or distant future, so I have to regretfully inform you that the best retail prices will be around E3 time. Retailers usually do that to ride out the hype.
Then the games actually come out and turn out to be disappointing.
15% off Microsoft Store with this deal.