New Stats & Records Page

The old Stats & Records page used to live on the Wiki, where it was manually updated by the moderators. I have just added a new OzBargain Stats & Records page that is generated from doing number crunching in the database.

Due to heavy operations, these are currently only generated once every two hours (and maybe even less frequent in the future). But at least they are almost-up-to-date.

Interesting fact — out of 5 most commented deals, 3 of them are Dell and the other 2 are Catch of the Day…

Any other interesting stats you would like to see there?


  • Good work, scotty. Suggest 10 results for each stat and record, and the three top posters/commenters could be displayed in parallel columns.

    Other possible stats/records:-

    • Total number of deals
    • Total number of comments on deals
    • Domains with highest number of deal posts
    • Domains with highest average score
    • Total number of forum topics
    • Total number of forum replies
    • Comments/replies with most comment votes
    • Total number of registered members
    • Number of members active in past 24 hours
    • Number of guests active in past 24 hours
    • Most members ever online was … on …
    • Newest member is …
    • More stats:

      Number of views of the front page, vs New Deals pages, vs various forums …

      Trying to get an idea of where people are spending most of their time etc

      • Those are probably in the category of web site statistics instead of the statistics from the database. I've got Google Analytics for it but sorry won't be sharing them (yet).

  • Hi Scotty,

    is "most popular deals" the deals with the most votes?

    If so, I can't see my bargain :) 106+ 1-

    • It lists the deal with the single highest score until that number is surpassed and a new record takes over, moving to the top of the list and setting the new score to beat.

      You'll have to top 300 to enter the record book.

      • Oh :)

        thanks for the clarification :)

  • Hey Scotty is the new stats and records above still the most recent? Seems none of the popular deals for 2018 are showing on the list.

    • +1

      The deals listed under "Historical Most Popular Deals" are the list of most voted deals. New entries are added when a deal beats the previous high. Unfortunately none of the deals so far in 2018 has more than +2,560 votes.

      • Oh ok. I thought it was just the top 20 of all time. Make sense.

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