Vaccinations - what's the best way to get them?

Hi all. Heading to Thailand. Need HepA & Typhoid shots. Rabbies & Jap Encephalitis are on the maybe list. Dr prescribed Typhoid & HepA in 1 ($154). I asked the chemist the cost of individuals $70 & $50 respectively..saving $34! (2 injections, but a true ozbargainer would take a bullet for $30!)

Anyone know what chemist / centres will give the best price?


  • +2

    I've heard you can get them in bangkok for cheap.

    • +1

      That's correct.

      Only $11 for Typhoid & $34 for Hep A.

      A saving of $109.

    • +1

      I think you need to get the vaccination about a month before you leave.

      • +2

        Very true. If you don't get them appropriately and do become sick, your travel insurance may not cover you.

        Unlikely, but possible.

        Hep A! Well you can eat all the frozen berries you want at least.

  • Chemist Warehouse shows $64.99 for Havrix and $41.99 for Typherix, close enough to what your chemist mentioned. You can try calling other pharmacies and shopping around.

    If you have private health insurance, ask for a receipt; certain covers give you money back on vaccinations, though you'll have to check with your health fund whether it's covered.

  • Rabies and Jap Enc. is a bit overkill, but your choice of course. Typhoid & Hep A should get. I think there is a vaccine which covers both in one.
    I had some vaccinations done at the Thai Red Cross in Bangkok, very cheap there. Check how long before you need it and consider getting them there. You probably spend a few days in Bangkok anyway.

  • Both Typhoid & Hep A are transmitted by eating contaminated food, so vaccination can be avoided entirely by drinking only boiled water & eating safe food.

    For example, you could take packets of freeze-dried food with you from Australia:

    • +3

      You can't be serious about bringing freeze-dried food overseas for consumption right? One of the most fun things to do overseas is to try out the local cuisines. It is authentic and cheap, especially in Asia.

  • Just had my entire family vaccinated (Hep A & Typhoid) couple of weeks ago.
    Few points:
    Best time to have the shots (according to my GP) is 2-3 weeks before travel.
    Vaccinations need to be refrigerated, so you can't buy them on-line.
    You'll need a special receipt from the chemist to claim private health insurance. (Receipt including doctor's name, patient's name, pharmacist's name…)

  • Thanks to all those above. I just had a vaccination that I paid for and never thought about a claim on my health fund. Yep it's claimable

    Paid $65 for Havrix at Doctor

  • +1

    Cheers all,

    From my research -Most health funds will refund any amounts over the PBS threshold of $37.30. So, for instance, if the Typhoid shot is $57.30, your health fund will only refund you $20.

    So running those numbers I found the best /cheapest way (assuming you have private health) is:

    Get Here: Hep A "Havrix" and Typhoid "Typherix" (gives it a few weeks to kick in, and no cheaper OS).

    Get in Thailand :(from the reputable clinic mentioned above by Vikvance - Thaitravelclinic next to Victory Monument in Bangkok)
    Japanese Encephilitis - "Imojev" newest / best - cant even get it here - $12) or JEspect - $169 here!
    Rabies - $16 there ($109 here - 'Rabipur').
    *Even if not a high priority for Thailand, at least you now have them for Bali etc. A bloke last year was infected with JE in Bali and still basically has lost his entire memory, and obviously Rabies has no cure (so technically way more dangerous than HIV).

    Malaria Tabs
    Doxcycline - shop around varies between $20 - $6 here!

    For avoiding gastro bugs in general - Look for "Travelan" (over the counter) and take before food - $27.99 here…no idea over there.

    Hopefully a useful reference for others down the track.

  • If you have access to a sexualy transmitted infection clinic at a hosp, they do the hep shots free.

  • Nice tip! Unfortunately I'm 400km from the nearest centre, but worth knowing.

  • My girlfriend got her tetanus shot before going to the Philippines: $80

    My mate came off a motorbike, and got given a precautionary tetanus injection by a ladyboy nurse at a Filipino hospital: $0

    Just crash something.

  • If you're going to South America, it might pay to wait to have your Yellow Fever jab (depending which countries you're going to first).

    We were in Buenos Aires for 2 weeks recently and some people had theirs there; it's totally free in Argentina! I can't remember what we paid for ours in Melbourne but I'm sure it was upwards of $100.

    • Problem with getting these jabs when in a foreign country is that often you need it 2 weeks before going into an area with the disease.

      And if its a 2 week or less trip whats the point.

      • Agreed… but for those going for a few months and stopping off somewhere like BA first, why not get the jab there and save yourself the money… obviously if you're going on a short trip then absolutely, make sure you are covered for whatever you need before you set off :-)

  • Even getting the exotics (ie Rabies $200's here / Jap Enc -A new vaccine we cant get here yet!) at the end of the Journey in Bangkok would be worth it for future travels to places like Bali etc. Even top up your boosters.

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