Budgeting for Two Months in Europe, Looking for a Ball-Park Figure

I leave for a two month trip to Europe on ANZAC day this year. I realise that things should have been finalised long ago, but there are reasons they haven't and I'm aware that it's probably going to cost me more as a result. What I'm trying to get a handle on is the amount of money I should be budgeting for the trip so I can get a feel for the size of the bank loan/overdraft I need to take out, including:

  • Return flights
  • A handle of European domestic flights
  • A Eurorail pass
  • Accommodation
  • Activity money (including a week in Greece and a trip to Monaco for the F1)

I have a British passport through my Dad, so visas shouldn't be an issue, but please let me know if there is anything else I should probably be aware of.

I don't necessarily expect one person to have all the answers, but feel free to share whatever snippets of Ozbargain goodness you might have and I can try to take everything into account. :)

Thanks guys!

closed Comments

  • +5

    I wouldn't expect to get away with this for under $10,000 AUD. Monaco GP could drive it up a lot if you're after a good package (which should have been booked ages ago).

  • +7

    Well business class flights will set you back $10-20k, hotels for 2 months @~$500 a night will be $30k, room during the Monaco GP will be $30k, maybe $50k if you want track views, hire of an E class or equivelant will be ~$12k, including excess cover. You might want to use Eurail for longer train journies, so lets say another $5k in 1st class rail fair contingencies. You wont be cooking, so lets say $150 a day for food, so $9000k.

    So lets say $125k for 2 months + $50k spending money.

    • Spot on. Sorry i negged you meant to upvote it!

    • +2


      best laugh I've ever had from OzBargain, comedy isn't most users thing around here.

      many thanks :)

  • +2

    Also, what kind of an idiot travels on credit? Save the money up like a normal person.

    • -7

      Probably the same kind of idiot that spends 5 minutes typing out bullshit answers on a help forum and insulting people looking for help. You don't know my situation, so don't presume to lecture me on my finances.

      • +1

        I thought that might help you, give you some realistic pricing that fulfilled all the criteria you established. If you are borrowing money to travel, don't travel. It just does not make financial sense in any way. There are no arrangements where borrowing money for something etherial makes any sense. I didn't go for luxury options, so I found something in the middle. Business class instead of first, E class instead of S class, regular 5 star instead of suites.

        If you want luxury, triple everything.

        • -3

          That's not at all reasonable, and you know it. Tickets to some GP events can be had for less than 100€, because I don't need to stay on a yacht and sleep on a mountain of cocaine surrounded by high class prozzies. I only need to stay somewhere nearby-ish and get the train in on race day.

          But alas, I've already let you win by engaging in your trite, meaningless drivel, so let's just agree you're an arseclown and leave it at that.

        • +4

          @zeroshift: My reckoning is you need a lesson in fiscal responsibility before you go bargain shopping. The way I see it, you have no budget at all, so you might as well shoot high-ish. Either way, I might be an arse clown for suggesting something you can't afford, but realistically, even if someone suggested you got a aluminium dingy and rowed there, seeing as you have no budget at all, that would be equally unaffordable. Or am I missing something?

      • Dont shoot the messenger, this is a bargain forum, where people look aftr their money. So it was bound to happen. Just move on and ignore it if you dont like the advice.

        Sorry havent been to Europe so my 2cents would be worth spending… Good luck

  • +3

    I spent $12,000 AUD in a month in Germany, Austria, London, Amsterdam and I stayed in backpacker joints.

    unsure why people downvoted thorton82, he raises a very good point. plus Monaco is going to be expensive as all (profanity).

    plus if OP already knows how much tickets are and everything else, why ask here if he speaks down to people giving honest good advice?


    • -2

      I know race ticket costs and not much else. These things can always be done on something of a budget (a big "something", I'll admit). I thought this was a bargain website?

      Please just stick to the task at hand and spare me the personal financial polices. I have an accountant, I can comfortably figure the rest out with him.

      • +4

        There is nothing to figure out, your logic is all wrong. Also, I would suggest that if you can't spare $20k for travel, you are wasting your money on an accountant, I mean after all, how hard is it to figure out deductions for working on the grill? Doesn't Macca's provide your uniform and hair net? :)

        • -7

          Unfortunately, we don't all excel at being online comedians. You should definitely post this topic to your Twitter feed to prove to your family members that you have finally made it.

      • +5

        Surely you must be trolling, nobody would be so rude to people offering advice. If you don't like to take ALL advice, then don't ask. Try google for your answers.

        • -3

          I would suggest you reread the so called "advice". I can only spot 1.5 posts in this thread remotely resembling it.

          Forget I bothered asking. This place used to extremely useful and had a real sense of community, it would appear to have turned into little more than cesspool for Reddit rejects and 30+ year old keyboard warriors. Enjoy.

          You may commence with the insults.

        • +5

          @DisabledUser40215: If I have to decode for you my advice, which was so deeply covered in subterfuge and comedy gold that you may have missed it: You can't afford to travel, if you don't have the money. Im sorry if you didn't get that, but its the best advice in this thread.

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