OzBargain Soylent Recipe

Soylent is the name some nerd twit came up with for a meal replacement shake and then the internet hailed him as inventing "food 2.0" (no really, the internet is that retarted) - basically it's just a shake that aims to supply whatever nutritional guidelines you happen to agree with: USA and AU are both good places to start. There have been products on the market that are exactly the same nutritional profile for 50 years. But don't tell Reddit that lel.

Anyhoo I been following this recipe for almost 2 years replacing 2 meals a day http://soylentmaker.com/the-beginners-diy-soylent-recipe/ - it's worked for me (although don't use the guys afflinks, you can get everything much cheaper elsewhere).

I've lived off that + 1 meal of mainly junk (frozen pizzas, bacon & eggs, steak & chips) and multiple (after dinner) snacks of usually icecream or chocolate (thanks OzBargain).

It's working for me, I look great although understand I also exercise for an hour 5 days a week as well. It took a long time to get used to it… I had planned to try and eat it exclusively but I really didnt do well. Very odd feeling of being fully energised but at the same time having a panicy hungry feeling after a week - some part of my body thought I was starving. But with 1 main meal it works for me.

How does it taste? Well, provided you use chocolate or other strong flavouring it's bland but not unpleasant. You won't be reaching for it when you want a tasty snack.

I just noticed that Bulk Nutrients have a powder that follows the AU gov guidelines:


So I am going to try a new recipe:

Bulk Nutrients:

Vital Pre-mix
WPI (chocolate)
Noopept (optional & not in nutritional guidelines)
MSM Sulfur (optional? not in nutritional guidelines … I think)
GABA (optional)
Choline (optional, debateable that it's of any benefit unless you do a lot of cardio)


Homebrand Oats
Olive Oil
Home brand iodised table salt

Chemist Warehouse:
Benefibre (large container)

Haven't tallied up the ingredients on a spreadsheet but they're easy to find - but it's more convenient than the first recipe.

I can usually tell quite quickly if I'm missing something nutrionally with Soylent.


  • +6

    Thanks for posting, but frankly I'd rather be hideously obese and die young than replace two meals a day with a bland viscous liquid.

    • LOL, it's not for everyone that's for sure.

    • +1


    • Incorrect.

      Objective evidence: My GP gave his cautious "blessing" when i consulted with him about starting this but insisted on testing before and after. Basically the summary is I was pretty healthy as far as indicators go before and now I score slightly better. I was in pretty good shape all things considered before I started now after a fair period I am certainly not unhealthier.

      Subjective evidence: the way I look, the way people react to the way I look, the way I recover from workouts, my trainers reactions. This is obviously very unreliable but FWIW my feeling is that I am not unhealthier as a result of this.

      Also you do realise that it's based on gov guidelines for nutrition right :D … nutrionally deficient indeed :p

  • +4


  • +1

    Sounds like a lot of hassle, better off making porridge and taking a multi vitamin every day.

    • Hah ;) Once you get it down to a routine it's very quick, a couple of minutes from start to drinking it.

  • Left out fibre, oops.

  • I've heard that from how we process food, our brain has problems with keeping up with calorie intakes in liquid form (that's why we don't get full with coke easily, for example), So does that affact how you eat/drink (well other than panic hungryness you've described)? I am simply curious. :)

  • How much does it cost you to make XYZ number of servings? (could you give us an idea here?)

    Do you know how many calories roughly you'd get in each serving?

    Just curious how it might stack up to pre-existing products like Ensure? (though the obvious downside to a pre-made product being the lack of control of what it's composed of..)

  • Thanks so much for the recipe, never tried Soylent before, my most recent dish that have soy product is homemade soy milk follow the instructions from my vegan app on apknite. This Soylent recipe is great. Nice share.

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