Anyone Used One of Those Electric Conversion Kits for a Bicycle?

I use a Gomier Tricycle that I have modded to be a cargo bike to cart the kid to childcare. It weighs probably 20-something kilos and then there is the kid as well and I would appreciate a bit of assistance on the hills.

It seems that this kit has quite a following, but is a bit expensive at $399:-…

One of the reviewers mentions putting it on a Gomier Trike which is heartening.

Anyone know of any better options?


  • As someone who has to listen to these things screaming past my unit at ungodly hours, myadvice is get better gearing on your bike or something to make the bike easier to ride up the hills and improve your fitness. It is a win-win.

    • It's electric how is changing the gearing going to reduce non existent noise?

      • Some electric ones still make noise and my advice was to not get an electric, but to keep the old school pedal system but better gears to make the hills easier.

    • +1

      2 stroke petrol is noisey, electrifc is pritty stealth

    • As a fellow cyclist, completely agree!

  • Your link has reviews that all sound really great… And thats what makes me a bit skeptical!

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