Hi all,
I've read quite a few posts here on Ozb and found CitiBank Plus debit card is the best card you can have to withdraw cash in Japan.
I just have a few quick questions and hope you 'senpais' can help me confirm:
1. Any ATM cash withdrawal fees if using ATMs at 7-11 or say Lawson?
2. Which account type should I choose to withdraw cash, Credit or Savings?
3. What is the maximum value (Yen) I can withdraw per transaction?
Point 1. Confirmed as of mid last year on a trip to Japan. Used Citibank ATM's and 7/11 Japan Postis the othermajor ATM's that you can use as per the pdf below. (not used by me). Never tried Lawsons, as it had never been mentioned in any prior trip research.
This PDF shows all the locations and mentions 7/11 and Japan post. Some nice ATM logo's to use for recall. Skip the bit about bank balances for free transactions as that's for Japanese locals. The point is these are the fee free for Citibank customer ATM's
Point 2 I cant accurately recall. I think I used Savings as that is what these accounts are
Point 3 There is a limit What that is again I can't recall. I do know as I tried to take out too much Yen at a Citibank ATM at Osaka airport and it rejected me twice, so fearful it may eat my card, I then went to the 7/11 ATM which was next to it and at that time realised I was entering 1 to many 0's to the amount of yen I wanted, which exceeded either my balance or the withdrawal limit. A little Jet Lag didn't help. I did manage to withdraw enough for at least 5 days of cash spending if that helps. According to my Citibank statement the highest I withdrew at any point was 50000Yen