Recommend me a knife sharpener

I would love to hear your recommendations for a great quality and simple to use knife sharpener. I have global knives and used to have this one:… and it was quite good. I would like to buy one that will work for any brand of knives, if there is such a thing…


  • I have that sharpener and it seems to work OK (I've never owned a different one).

    The box says you can use it to sharpen any type of knife (not serrated) but you will need to use more strokes (20 rather than 8). No idea why, maybe Global knives are made from softer metal than normal?? shrug

  • budget?

  • +1

    That's the one I have. Works well for other knifes too.

  • I've heard decent things about knife sharpening stones, use it with a guide so that you keep it at angle, but I don't think that would fall under "simple to use" knife sharpener.

  • I recommend the below:…

    Used it on various knives and works great!
    Tried with a blunt knife and made it super sharp.

  • Thank you all! Will stick with global again

  • if you need a sharpener for any kind of knifes then you need a pull over sharpener that can sharpen both Asian and European knives.

    They have different edge angles.

    Asians knives are 14-16 degrees and European knives are 20-22%.

    I now use a waterstones which is amazing (sharpener than any pull over can achieve) but before then I used this one…

    can do Asian, European and serrated knives

  • I am cook and I love Global which is one of the best brand for knifes but the best way to sharp your knifes is to use a sharpening stone. It's more expansive but it will always be the best way. I was looking for some picture and I found out that Global sell it too! Didn't know that ahah

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