Dat $200 price bump on MacBook line

Mmmmmm, sweet Apple. How everyone loves you.

Even when you bump Macbook Air and 13inch Pro Retina models up by $200. For a VERY SLIGHT spec bump. You can leave the same SSD capacity and 720p camera in there too.

tl;dr pray that 'old' models go on sale. New models are a rip.

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  • Ouch. Makes that Dell XPS 13" a lot more attractive.

    • +5

      It makes the Surface Pro 3 look absolutely remarkable.

      • Don't be surprised if the Surface Pro 4 is priced a little higher. Have you seen the recent Dell price hikes???

    • +2

      I think the prices of all new electronics will go up too. The new Surface Pro 4 I believe, will have a price tag that will be higher than that of the previous generation when it first launched.

      Crappy AUD currecy (Shakes fist at the RBA)

  • +3

    Its currency rate. 15" with no update went up by 15%

    • -5

      Our exchange rate hasn't changed significantly (5 cents, max, maybe?) since the last refresh to justify $200.

      I haven't checked to see how much it went up in USA.

      • +5

        You are wildly incorrect. The Retina MacBook Pro was last updated on 30 July 2014, when the AUD vs USD was at around $0.93. Today the AUD vs USD is around $0.76.

        Source: http://www.xe.com/currencycharts/?from=AUD&to=USD&view=1Y

        • Thanks for correction.

        • +3


          i'm utterly surprised that people here on OZbargain, have no idea that the currency has fallen from $1.05 to 75c

          do you not watch the news? read the papers? you dont get internet under that rock?

        • -1

          @tonyjzx: It wasn't $1.05, and it's not $0.75 now. I knew it got worse slightly, but so what? Prices never went down when dollar went up (yes I'm aware of corporate greed). It's still a FU for a mediocre spec bump.

        • +2


          Actually Mac prices did go down when the dollar was high and there was all that noise about the Australia tax.



        • +1


          you nitpick 75c and yet this is your comment:

          Our exchange rate hasn't changed significantly (5 cents, max, maybe?) since the last refresh to justify $200.


      • This time last year it was 90c USD = $1 AUD
        Now it's 76c USD to $1 AUD

        Which is an 18% bump in imports. (90/76 - 1)

      • Last MBA refresh was April 2014, our dollar was at US$0.94 then. We've dropped 17 cents since, so the price rise isn't unjustified.

        • +1

          But a low dollar is good for our economy. Joe Hockey said so.

          Has no one noticed the hike in petrol prices, with the depressed dollar as the excuse?

        • +1

          @ThirdRonnie: I'm sure you've worked out that anything changing in the world (including an infant passing wind) will cause the prices to go up.

  • -7

    lol android fan go have a research into the exchange rates….

  • The race to the bottom is over.

  • Still regretting not actioning on this.

    Probably will remain biggest OzBargain regret :(

    • Yup, doubt we'll see that again. I'm hanging out for a 'last-gen' clearance, but I don't think it'll happen…

    • Yeah. Silly me didn't pull the trigger cuz I was waiting for the 64GB version iPad

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