so i guess the cheapest way to get this is thro amazon ?
Metal Gear Solid V Phantom Pain - Collector's Edition PS4

because we are in EU region and it is £99.99 over there (which is around AUD 200).
add the tax or whatever, we have to pay $248 for it…
Holy crap :|
What happened to you, AUD ;_;
Shipping: Currently, item can be shipped only within the U.S.
Considering this is OzBargain, let me offer you an alternative.
Get the regular version. The Collector's Edition will likely contain a poster you won't hang up, a soundtrack you won't listen to, maybe an in game item you won't equip, and if you're really, really lucky, an in game multiplayer map that you won't play; because who plays Metal Gear Multiplayer?
You're welcome, I just saved you $161.
we already konw what it contains - its not a very well kept secret -…
ehh, you could probably use a freight forwarder and it will still come out cheaper probably
maybe you can find a second hand sample through Internet……….
Why is $250 in Australia and only $99 in US? Normally if it's $99 in US it would be $150-180 here.
I guess Amazon is the cheapest. Even with the 1-3 day shipping it would be $100 cheaper.