Hi, I was just wondering if there are any good deals out there on the psvita slim model, and if not, when you guys think the price will drop, and do you think the bundles will be any cheaper?
Do you guys suggest i buy a used or 'preowned' ps vita console of eBay or gumtree?
PlayStation Vita Bargain?

Last edited 07/03/2015 - 17:56
I have found the PsVita slim version for $205, console only, do u think it is worth it?
Or do u think i should just wait, not in too much of a rush, but would be better if i can get it sooner on my hands.
Do u think it will be on special for easter?
ThanksIf you can, I'd at least hold out until Easter and see if anything pops up.
Who's selling it for $205? i saw jb selling it for $249, and eb is selling pre-owned for $198. If it's an online seller, better check for shipping. if you don't need it urgently, I think it's best to wait for any deals to pop up during Easter (usually eb has sales then too).
Hmm, personally, i wouldn't buy it for $205. I was waiting for it to drop to under $200, and it did, before I purchased it. Basically, it CAN be cheaper so I still think you shouldn't jump on it so soon.
I've got an OLED vita, as new and several games and memory cards (all new and sealed) that I'm looking to sell. I already own another vita and a PSTV so it's unneeded.
How much you looking for it, and what games and memory cards?
And is everything new and sealed?
ThanksI'll message you.
Edit, can't message you as you've not enabled it. Click my name and message me, cheers.
I got mine from Superufo. Pretty good price imo.
http://www.superufo.com/pp/sub_category.asp?sub_category_id={2B1A3A0F-6198-45C9-A4DC-DDD8FBE6841F}4 months later
The previous deal by jbhifi was really good. $198 for the slim, and a game of your choice (although there only 3 choices or something). Unfortunately that deal is over now, I reckon you should just wait it out until that deal comes back. The current prices are kinda high