OzBargain Website Scripts for Less Than $500! Cheap!

Saw this posted on RentACoder.com a while ago:

Someone wants to hire a development team to write some code, on a budget of $100-$250. Here's the job description:

Require a website with the same functionality and look as www.ozbargain.com.au (including the comments section and the approval requirements before it appears in the main section)

Then you get keen developers putting up bids between $200 and $1000 USD. Sounds like a bargain to me :) Cheaper elsewhere? Or is it a dup? :)


  • Perhaps SGBargain should take up the job and earn some quick cash??

    • i wonder how they are able to "copy" the site? do they view page source and reverse engineer it?

  • +1

    Go scotty go! ctrl c ctrl v… PROFIT!!

  • +1

    Maybe we can all submit proposals - they "buy" then we take years to deliver - at $200 bucks they cant be expecting fast delivery!!!

  • +1

    LOL glad to see Ozbargain sets the standard of a website out there :)

  • +1

    I remember when facebook first came out, people were trying to buy clones for a few hundred dollars.

  • Another one posted today on oDesk:

    • Planned start date: 18 Nov 2009
    • Estimated delivery date: 30 Nov 2009
    • Estimated budget: $200

    Compare to getacoder.com, I think I have found a bargain!

  • Maybe these guys are from India or some other place where $200 goes a lot further than it does here. I know you can get people with phD's to programme almost anything for next to nothing if you know who to ask in India…

  • probably some html files with screen scrapes of ozbargain? :D that's certainly worth about $200.

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