This was posted 15 years 4 months 21 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

Bonds Fit Undies for $1.25 after Cashback! (Kmart)


I'm not sure if this is considered a duplicate, or a deal in its own right…I'll let the mods/voters decide on that :) I won't be cut if it gets pulled.

So in true ozbargain spirit I went to Kmart to check out the 25% off underwear sale to see how much the Bonds Fit undies would be…turns out they had a selected range on clearance for $15!
This works out to be $11.25 with the 25% discount…then if you claim the $10 cashback as posted here: - it works out to be $1.25!

I had to be annoying and ask the checkout chick to put them through as seperate purchases though (I bought 4 pairs).

Whether or not you choose to boycott Bonds is up to you, but $1.25 for comfy undies is a steal in my books!

p.s. not sure if this clearance special is available at all Kmarts, but Eastgardens had quite a few sizes/colours in stock (as you can see from my photo)

EDIT some stores also have Fit Briefs available for $13.99 (normal price I believe), which come down to $10.50 after the 25% discount, ie. 50c with the cashback! Verified at KMart Broadway, and also by user andykillz below.

p.p.s Thanks again to phildo for the awesome original post, champion!

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  • I'm anti Bonds, but $1.25 for undies is a bargain no matter what the brand..
    plus, you're screwing over Pacific Brands by putting in multiple cashback claims.

    • haha thats the spirit scubacoles.

      I'm gonna make sure I've got copies of all the claims and document everything…I have a strange feeling they'll try to be tricky with this cashback offer.

      • +3

        before you slag the product, you should probably take a look at where most of your clothes (or other items for that matter) are made. i'd be surprised if most weren't made in china (even some of the brands we consider "Australian" or "designer").

        • +2

          You are right.

          Though i purchased some Holeproof explorer (pacific brands) socks today and to my surprise they are made here in oz

        • -2

          I didn't slag the product at all. I made a comment about its price.

          • @AlexF: He meant, look at most of your clothes, and how much you paid for them. $30 is no bargain for chinese-made <article of clothing>. :)

      • are you sure $1.25 isn;t a bargain, cause I reckon its a really good price for underwear that was made anywhere. If I was in china i reckon i'd struggle to get a pair for less. Second hand pair maybe………….

        • +1

          I guess that's because you've never been to China, where AUD$2.50 is about a day's wage, to notice the wholesale price of commodity like underwear or hosiery.

          • +1

            @AlexF: no I get it, people in China are exploited and get paid a lower wage than people in Australia, and Bonds decided to do what nearly every other manufacturer does and get their products made where it is cheapest in order to make more money, capitalist pigs that they are. Its just not a good comparison, people in Australia make luxury cars but there wages are not enough to afford the product they make - same the world over. The point is you said that $1.25 is no bargain for Chinese-made underwear. If that same product usually retails for $15 and now cost $1.25 then it is a bargain, regardless of the ethics or where it was made. But well done you, do those hemp undies itch at all?? My lovely new red and black $1.25 bonds are dead comfy.

          • @AlexF: A day's wage? That's a huge exxageration, usually popular with a current affairs shows and 60 minutes.

            I doubt you've been to China.

            edit: To clarify, I have bought underwear in China and you don't get decent stuff for $7RMB

            • @walugi: Not to sign up as a competitor is a pissing-contest, but I've been to parts of China you'd never want to visit. In rural villages I worked in, $2.50 is a fair day’s wage.

              • @AlexF: And i've been to parts of china where $250 is a fair hour's wage. What's your point? It says nothing about the quality of manufactured goods.

                Tired of the same idiots who just spend all day slagging off Chinese goods. Don't buy them, and don't cry on ozbargain when other people post good deals.

                Let me guess. You tried to do some type of business in china, got royally screwed and now you're bitter and twisted? Now you take it out on chinese things over the internet.

                • +1

                  @walugi: $250 is not a fair hour's wage in any country, changeling!

                  • @AlexF: it is if you're a porn star or drug dealer! :)

      • +1

        Yet people are willing to pay up to $200 for a pair of Chinese-made Nike shoes. Just because it's made in China, it doesn't mean the quality will be inferior.

  • omg. sweet. I have a $10 kmart voucher as well.

  • +2

    What if you get the undie under $10 in shops, you will earn money from this.

  • awesome find ! +1

    • +3

      The author is aware of the semi-duplicate nature of this post..
      BUT I'd argue that this is more relevant since it tells you where to get the cheapest price for Bonds Fit..
      the original post just tells you of the offer and directs you to BigW which is more expensive, by $5.75

  • -1

    The 25% off ends on sunday. I reckon they will sell out before then thanks to all the ozbargainers
    oh I forgot - they already sold out ;)

  • Great deal. I just picked up 5 pairs on clearance for $15 (came down to $11.25) at Kmart Eastland. Still quite a few pairs on the clearance rack, mostly sizes small or large. The full priced pairs are still a good deal (for Bonds), come down to $15 after the discount so would be $5 after cashback.

    Lets hope the cheques come through!

  • +2

    Managed to get a clearance pair for $7, so with 25% off… $5.25! Will let you know if I manage to get the $10 cashback.

    • haha, nice one!

      maybe i didn't look thoroughly enough…bonds fit for $7?! thats a good find indeed.

  • +4

    This is great !!!

    I just called Bonds Customer Service and you can actually claim multiple undies on the same receipt,
    But you have to fill and sent the claim back form of each undies, sent it on the same envelope,

    I just bought 10 undies :)

    • I also called the Bonds phone number to confirm the deal. As long as multiple online forms, or stickers on the underpants are filled out they will post the $10 back.
      note. no photocopying is accepted

      on a side note, "Only one claim per purchase is accepted", is stated in the Terms & conditions. (so when i bought my 10 just then i made 10 purchases 2 be safe)

      • So you can't buy 10 on the same purchase and fill out 10 forms? I'm confused, because this contradicts what the above poster said (unless I'm reading it incorrectly).

        • Both people said the same thing.

          You need to fill out a form for each item you purchase.

      • Maybe it means that you can only claim once per pair of undies.
        Seems a tad obvious, but you never know who will try and scam their way out of paying money for something haha

        • so let's be clear: do we need a SEPARATE receipt for each claim? or can you have all claims through 1 receipt? and yeah of course you need to fill up each sticker.

          what worries me is T&C #6 which says "Only one claim per purchase is accepted."

          • -1

            @ltwo: Not according to Bonds.

            This is great !!!
            I just called Bonds Customer Service and you can actually claim multiple undies on the same receipt,
            But you have to fill and sent the claim back form of each undies, sent it on the same envelope,

            • @anthony: $1.25 sounds too good to be true, but i'll give it a go nevertheless.

              • @ltwo: They might reject this offer because they were on sale.

                And also, just because one person at the office says it is ok, will have no effect on whether they actually accept the dockets. That person could have no idea, they could change their policy, many more reasons. So be wary.

                • @cakesy: They shouldn't. It's Kmart that is having them on sale not them. Whether Kmart sells them for 20c or $100, Bonds still gets the same amount of money that they sold it to Kmart for.

                  Any comp[any that tries to squirm out of a promotional offer because it is on sale should be reported to the dept of fair trading. how much a shop sells something for is not the manufacturers business and falls close to retail price fixing

            • @anthony: Why, did you call them? What did they say?

            • +2

              @anthony: I called them as well and they said you have to have separate receipts to make the claims. 1 receipt = $10

  • That is a great deal, will check out my local K-Mart. Voltfox & pingMarky thanks for the call to Bonds, it makes it even easier now. Its 1 claim per purchase meaning if you purchase 5 you can claim 5, 1 on each. You cant claim more than once on the same item.

  • +1

    Make sure you get 2 receipts for each item just in case.

  • just bought 2 pairs on clearance price for $7.5 each ($10 with 25% off) from KMart, with $10 cash back means I will get $2.5 net profit with free undies for each of them, GOOD DEAL!!

    • I highly doubt that. Do you think they will give you $10 after seeing the price on the receipt? I think you can at least get them for free but not profit.

    • Are you sure they are f4om the FIT range?

      • they are Fit Short, one of them with the cashback sticker

        • Nice!

  • -3

    erm, question.

    What is stopping you returning the underwear once you have received your cheque in the mail? For a profit?
    (photocopy your kmart receipts and keep your credit card statement)

    • Cos you have to send it in along with the barcode

    • Umm, I'm pretty sure you can't return underwear. And wouldn't we receive the check in the mail for at least a month. And I'm pretty sure you can't return stuff 2-3 months later. And I think your statement's not really well thought through. :)

      • If it is unopened in a bag they might. And there are plenty of places that will accept it with no docket.

        • i believe they have policy for underwear, u can not return it, for hygiene reason.

  • Just went to my local KMart and the $15 sticker was not there, so with $10 cash back it worth $5 each. Still good price though.

  • Thanks I got a great deal today although the Kmart at Fairfield is pretty much cleared out. I bought 3 Fit Brief's. They were marked as $14 so with 25% off makes them $10.50 and then with cash back they will be 50c each. Very happy

    • same here. 7 undies for 7days.

      • I bought 12 … 1 more each month :) lasts a year

  • My Local Kmart were all marked down to only $16.95, so it comes to about $7 each after cash back. Only Bonds that were not part of the cash back were Closer to $10 each. There was no clearance rack at my local K-Mart.

  • +1

    Rivers undies are equal quality to Bonds and they sell for $3.95 everyday on their website and clearance stores (aren't they all clearance stores??)

    I personally can never be bothered with cash back schemes.

  • Awesome post - thank you! I just went to Kmart at Cannon Hill and they had quite a few "FIT" undies in their clearance rack for $15. Mainly size Smalls & Mediums now (I bought all the Large sizes… he he)Thank you! Fingers crossed now that we get the $10 back!

  • Most of the ones left at Eastgardens are now $20 or $22, so total price is $5 - $6.50 after cashback. Still a couple of $15 ones, but mainly in small (I guess the Ozbargainers who got there earlier had also taken advantage of the recent Cadburys, Lindt and meat pie deals! :D).

  • Just came back from K-mart Broadway. They had the Fit Briefs for $13.99. I normally wear briefs so it doesn't concern me they aren't trunks or shorts. Anyhow with the 25% off it came down to $10.49 per undie.

    So once i get my cashback it equates to $50 cents per undie excluding the cost of the stamps to send all the redemptions in.

    The Checkout guy was a true champion. Asked him to scan 11 individual undies each in individual transactions. Even though someone here posted how you can have it all on the one receipt i got it scanned invidiually just to be certain. He was fine with it and also scanned my flybuys card for 10/11 transactions. lol.

    Great find!

    • Same here, went to broadway Kmart and the check out girl didnt mind scanning 6 items separately. With staff discount of 5% i managed to get these beauties for $9.95 each for the briefs and $15.55 for trunks.

      Although the trunks feels heaps better than the briefs.

  • Also does anyone know if we have to send the claims in separately? Such 1 receipt/barcode/claim form per envelope?

    • +2

      I just called their customer service number and found that that we didn't have to purchase them all on individual receipts (10 pairs in the same receipt would have been fine) and that we don't have to send them all in separate envelopes.

      So I'm just going to send my 7 claim forms and 7 receipts in the same envelope (important that you fill out a claim form for each pair that you want to claim though)

      Hope that helps!

      • Many thanks, that was my question answered.

        Would end up costing more than the undies to post the envelopes in otherwise!!

  • Where exactly is the store receipt number located on the receipt? I'm guessing underneath the barcode?

    • Each store has their own way of documenting their store receipt number but for K-mart, yes, it's the number underneath the barcode. If you call their customer service number (Bonds) 1800 006 151 they have this spreadsheet which they can look up and tell you where to find the store receipt number.

      • Store receipt number is the one after the word SALE, 11-12 digits

    • It is the number that is not a price, date, phone number, address number.

      It is usually fairly obvious to which number is the receipt number if you look carefully

      • Just be careful not to write down the number for fuel docket at the end :P

  • great deal. thanks a lot.
    i've got only one question.
    i know i need to send a form and an original receipt, but it is not clear if i have to cut out a barcode from the paper label attached to each pair of underwear and mail it ti BONDS ?
    Or a barcode on the receipt is enough ?

    • I'm wondering about this as well.."attaching the original full store receipt for proof of purchase and product barcode and sending it to" — does that mean attaching the receipt FOR proof and the barcode? Since the barcode is on the receipt..

      At first that's what I thought, but just in case..

  • WARNING! My Kmart has rebate stickers on the Guy Front Briefs. I rang Bonds to confirm these are not part of the promotion and they also said a number of Target stores they know of put stickers on the wrong undies!

  • never knew undies could be so popular!

    • for that price they are

  • Just grabbed some smalls from Kmart Eastgardens. Got a nice selection from the 'Fit' range - 2 trunks, 1 brief and 1 shorts. They were all different prices - max was $15. Asked checkout lady nicely and got 4 separate receipts.

  • this might be a dumb Q, but are the money back only for the guys briefs?

    • "4. The purchaser of any underwear from the Bonds Fit range during November 2009 will
      be entitled to receive $10 cash back"

      Anything from the "Fit" range

      • As far as I know, the Fit range is only for guy undies. I think I looked through the female range just to see..

  • Ahhh what is the product barcode - is that the barcode from the actual underware.. Geez I hope not as I've already wrapped mine as a present!

    • Yeah, it's the barcode that's on the back of the underwear tag. I've just included the entire tag with my claims, so we'll see how we go.

      • miss_eeyore to save the time to unwrap send that to me and I'll do all the hard work :)

  • are these undies normally $15 each??

    • More like $20+. Kmart has 25% off underwear which makes it all the more worthwhile to purchase from them.

  • +3

    Tiny space for the FIT range when I checked yesterday at the big Kmart in Burwood, VIC (Larger sizes and you'll still have to pay $5 each after the rebate effort) and none on clearance. Worth it for $1.25 if you can find any but nothing special for the extra $$.

    It's good marketing by these undies companies. Get a $5 (retail) pair of undies mark them up to $20+ and people will flock to buy them like they are Marky Mark ;-) Unless you wear them on your head no one is going to see the brand unless your pants are off in which case it won't matter by then ;-)

    • Can't believe the cost of these things normally. My normal Rio undies were never close to the expensive RRP of the Bonds (usually get the 2 x 7-packs for $8-$10 when they go on special at Big W).

      Still, for 49c or less (or $2.50 free), can't complain. Shame there's only 1 Kmart in town.

  • That's a pretty good price, I picked up some at BigW, they also had a sticker on it saying get cashback.

    • The Bonds cashback promotion is not localized at Kmart, it's everywhere. It's just that Kmart also have 25% off at the moment, so it's double the deal.

      Great bargain, thanks.

  • +1

    Thanks for the post, awesome deal.

    Made even awesome-r by the fact that my Kmart in Townsville had unmarked bonds undies on sale for $10. Minus the 25% discount = $7.50! So, you buy those, they pay you $2.50 per pair. Unbelievable bargain..can't beat free money and free undies.

    It's not marked on the shelves — you'll have to scan the barcodes. I noticed that the ones you need to find are the ones marked "Bonds Fit Brief", not the ones marked "Bonds Fit Brief Cotton Stretch". They look the same and from what I saw, had the same design/model number on them (and felt etc the same) but have a different barcode and price. There were a couple of slightly different colours and that's what made me check..lucky I did.

    My advice: if you spot the 'Fit Brief' ones minus the "Cotton Stretch" tag, go scan them. Got nothing to lose and you might just win.

    As a side note, anyone in Townsville shouldn't bother looking for XLs in the briefs at Kmart; they might have been all purchased tonight :)

    • Same here, bought a whole bunch on Friday, 24 pairs! I don't know whether any of them fit me, cause most of them are small and medium, with a few XL's in the mix. But most of them were $10 on clearance, plus 25% off that!
      So i bought about 20 pairs at $7.50 each, and will get $10 cashback for each one. So after the cost of a stamp, i'm actually being paid $2 for buying these.
      I've got a few that were $15 on clearance, $11.25 after 25% off. So they'll only cost me $1.80 each after cost of a stamp.
      I made sure every pair was on a seperate receipt, the girl at the checkout was very patient. :)
      Average cost per pair would be <$0, seeing most of them were $7.50.
      So i walked away with a whole bag of free underwear essentially.
      My half brother could fit into small or medium, so a few for him for xmas. :p

  • couldn't find any clearance, so they were the reg price of $20 each
    $15 after 25% discount

    i am still happy to pay $5 as that is ridiculously cheap

  • +2

    Went by Burwood (NSW — hola to above VIC Burwood person! XD) KMart. They had a few hanging with the other Bonds, but I found a rack a few rows down at the side with more~ Most of the Trunks are gone, sadly. I bought…

    FIT short: $19.99 reduced to $15
    FIT brief: $13.99 reduced to $10.50
    FIT trunk: $19.99 reduced to $14.99 (Probably because of a different colour. Some others were reduced to $12ish. The most expensive FIT shorts were $21.99 before discount.)

    I really like how the bands feel. All smoooth.

    Like some people have said, make sure yours is from the FIT range; I saw some other Bonds undies for sale at $7 but they weren't from this range.

    • None at my store :o(

      • It might help others if you could say which store you visited..? XD Unless you meant Burwood..hrm..

  • just bought another 5 pairs Fit Brief on $10.50 from my local KMart

  • So I bought some undies and took them home and two of them don't have the bonds tag/barcode on them anymore? wtf? Did the checkout chick steal them?

  • Only found 1 at my store, trying another tommorow. 50 cents ftw!

  • North Rocks Kmart have no Bonds Fit undies left in my barge ass size (XL).

    Got 7 pairs at Castle Hill Kmart leaving a few for the others with big posteriors.

    Hornsby Kmart has not much in the way of XL size Bonds Fit either…

    • try Kmart @Hurstville, quite few xl left. a bit far from where u r.

  • BTW some Asian dude and his hot girlfriend (love to see you in the undies you bought) in line in front of me bought about 7 pairs at Castle Hill - in 7 different transactions with 7 different receipts all on his debit/credit card

    LOL another OzBargainer I suspect…

    • +1

      That must have been a long wait for 7 card processes. Lucky there was some eye candy for you to pass the time…

  • what if its under the price you pay is under $10 are you still eligible for the $10 refund?

    • There is nothing specified in the conditions about the price you buy them for. Just send in the paperwork as they require.

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