This was posted 10 years 6 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

PlayStation Plus US/AU: March Free Games (Subscription Required)


US: Game are already up. Aus: Starts tomorrow.
PS4: Oddworld: new n tasty. Valiant Hearts: The Great War.
PS3: Papo and Yo. Sherlock Holmes crime and punishment.
Vita: Olliolli 2 (also for PS4). Counterspy (also for PS3/PS4)

PlayStation Plus Membership Prices

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closed Comments

  • +5

    Thanks Op!
    No thanks Sony…>.<

    • +2

      Sony, why now, I spent on those games :((

  • +1

    Nice list!

    • +4

      I don't really agree. And I LIKE the oddworld series.

  • About to post it..

  • Might want to mention starts tomorrow

    • think will go live tonight

      • Think it normally drops 3am tomorrow morning

    • +1

      Thanks. My account is US so forgot about when AU goes up.

  • Argh, just bought valiant hearts less than 1 month ago…

    • Not too sure why you were voted down (or every other comment in a similar vein following)?

      I did the same thing when it was on sale, little annoyed, even more so because I haven't even downloaded/installed it as my shame list is long enough as it is.

      Is a game I'm looking forward to playing though either way.

  • So happy I didn't buy Oddworld: New 'n' Tasty when they gave the 10% off code last month. Step up your game Games with Gold. 4 PS4 games this month.

    • +1

      I bought it but should have known. PS+ offerings have been dire for almost the last year and very average the last 6mths. I should have realised that at some point, almost every PS4 indie title will be on there.

  • +2

    I bought new and tasty 3 days ago….goddamn!

    • -1

      Lol, so obvious they delayed the announcement so that Oddworld devs could cash in on the Steam release. Glad I waited it out…

    • +1

      As a positive, it will be cross play if you have a Vita. Free version won't get crossplay. Glad I bought it now :D

      • Did not know that. Thanks buddy.

  • +2

    wow i actually wanted to play nearly all of these but havent bought them yet! hell yes!!!!

  • Blah - was hoping for better after the Games with Gold list came out.

    • same here…such a letdown :(

      • Still crap.

    • +8

      Tombraider and bioshock infinite have already come out on PS Plus.

      • I was hoping to see a big retail game this month, and was hoping (or probably just dreaming) that we'd see tomb raider definitive.

  • Sigh… I waited ages for Counterspy and Valiant Hearts to go on IGC. Finally bit the bullet when they were half-off at $7.5.

    Now, 3 months later, they're on the IGC!!!

    Can't win.

    • +3

      You've had them for 3 months already and only cost you $7.50?

      I'd say you did win!

      • Not if he didn't play them…

    • CounterSpy was redeemable via Coke Rewards

      • Not on the US PSN. :(

        • You just need to make an Australian account and tell it that the ps4 is the primary one for that account and then you can play your coke games from the US PSN no problem don't need the aus one to be signed in

        • +1


          OMG, you are soooo right!!! I totally didn't think of that because at the time I only had the Vita!!

          Now I really need to kick myself in the arse!

        • @tebbybabes: It's so annoying that vita can only have one PSN account on it

  • +2

    Urgh, Sony why you no give proper ps4 games? I think the only ps4 igc game I've played was Resogun.

    • +5

      Then you have missed out on a lot of good games.

      • +5

        I didn't spend 450$ on hardware to play indie 1080p retro 8 bit/2d side scrollers which seems to make up the bulk of the ps4 igc games. Dead nation and infamous fl are the other 2 games I've played.

        Good is subjective, I choose the games I play base on what I enjoy.

        • +3

          It's a bit hard to expect Sony to give out two "proper" retail games for the PS4 a console that has been out for 16 months, that would be 32 games. And what a disappointing batch of games they would be.

        • +3

          @Venom_TAG: I don't expect 2 proper games per month but 1 in 16 months is not much to ask for.

        • +2


          And you got it.

          Injustice definitive a couple of months ago…

        • @linton: I was wondering about that, I guess Infamous FL is also a 'proper' game, although it doesn't seem big enough to earn the title (it's more or less DLC). I was hoping for something like Killzone, Knack or Infamous SS ie games that have been around for a long time.

          While it sounds like I'm bitching about PS+ games in reality it doesn't really matter what they give me. I have barely touched another game since Destiny which I need PS+ to play anyway. Even on the PS3 I was only using PS+ for the auto update & sync features.

        • Killzone, Knack or Infamous SS

          Hope not, got them all!

    • +1

      resogun was the best! took a while to platinum though. couldn't find an aussie co-op partner but got there in the end with americans

      • I found an Aussie to play with, but was uber laggy. Fought through it too for the platinum, now they've released the DLC and my completion has dropped from 100% to 60% :(

        • i know them feels but i cant go through that again :D

    • Apotheon was a great game! It was in last month's offering.

  • +3

    CounterSpy is ridiculously good on Vita! Not sure how it is on the other platforms though but it's very fun with a really polished look.

    • +3

      It's ridiculously good everywhere - and very underrated by many reviewers in my opinion.

      FWIW it was my runner-up for game of the year last year…

    • +2

      My one complaint about Counterspy on vita vs, let's say, the PS4 is that the loading times can be a bit long.

      • "Despicable' even… ;)

      • agreed!

  • Not really free as it is part of your paid subscription you get these games. It is a good month by the looks of it and I look forward to downloading.

  • +3

    Can anyone vouch for any of the PS4 games, month after month I download then play and constantly let down. Anyone save me the effort?

    • +2

      Oddworld is good if you enjoyed Oddworld on PS1 and CounterSpy is pretty fun stealth platformer (if you liked mark of the ninja it's sort of similar). Yet again more platformers on IGC though = bleh.

    • Played the hell out of Oddworld on PS1. Great game.

  • Yes! Was so close to buying Oddworld last month

  • +1

    So hyped for Oddworld!!

  • +1

    Ok, this is a thing now, maybe price could be mentioned? Or are these actually free?

    • +3

      If you're subscribed to PS+, you can download and play these at no extra cost. However you must remain subscribed to keep access to them.

    • 1 month - $9.95
      3 months - $19.95
      12 months - $69.95

      Included is everything inherent with psn membership.


      • Also, 14 day free trial per PSN account.

        Suggest this info be added to the deal,or maybe in a forum post?

    • +1

      You pay $70 a year & then you get all these old games "free".

      • -1

        You get online play and pay less then a dollar for these "old games", all of which besides Papo and Yo have been released in the last eight months.

        • -2

          Multiplayer and online is already free on any decent gaming platform already.

        • @infinite:

          And by that I would assume you are referring to PC.
          A platform where dedicated servers are run by a lot of ISPs, so really funded through your ISP charges, or the more dedicated and specialised are hired by end users and/or teams.
          PC also has the power for direct connections.

          Console online works in a different way to that of PC, so large server farms are required from Microsoft and Sony (and some publishers) which get larger and more expensive as their user base grows.
          Plus, as long as people continue to pay for it, of course they'll continue to charge.

          I won't bother to include Nintendo in any online gaming talk…

        • @linton:
          Voted down by naive or uninformed.
          People love hiding in the annon.

  • +1

    Great month!! Was thinking of buying both valiant hearts and new'n'tasty anyway.

  • This is great timing with my Target Ps4 purchase :)

  • What happens to the games after the month is up can u still play them?

    • +1

      Yes, as long as you maintain your PS+ subscription.

      • Can you download games from previous months or do you lose them if you delete from HDD?

        • +5

          You can only download games that come up while you have your subscription and only if you have gone through and added to your library by going through the shopping cart can you re-download ones that you previous downloaded.

        • +3

          You can't download earlier games if you didn't 'buy' them for free when they were available.

          If you did 'buy' them at the time and subsequently deleted them, you can reinstall at a later date - but only while your PS+ account is active.

          I've had PS+ for several years, and everything I've 'bought' each month is still available to play or download if I want.

        • +1

          Thanks for letting me know. Yeah I didn't expect to get all the old freebies before my subscription, that would be cool though!

          I have just been waiting a while now to bite the bullet and get a subscription. These PS4 games don't look too bad, might be worth the 70 + online play. Good to know once I have them in library I can download them at anytime. Just have to keep that subscription going :-)

        • @flumpf:

          What happens if your PS+ membership lapses for a month? Just asking because I always thought that they are your free regardless of the PS+ status..

        • +1

          @UserInterface: No PS+, no PS+ games.

          As for renewal, I think there's a grace period of a few months - I just vaguely recall hearing that - whereby if you pay up again you'll still be able to play those previously downloaded PS+ games.

        • +2


          As long as they were added to your account when available for free on PS+, then it doesn't matter how long your account is inactive, they're still linked to the account and are active (unlocked) again as soon as the account is current again.

          I know from past experience with ps3 games, my account was inactive for around 12 months.

        • @linton:

          Thanks! That sounds better :p

  • Thank god I had some restrain and didn't cop these during the au psn sales.

  • +1

    bought new and tasty a few months back…. recommended everyone play it, especially if you played the original.

    while I would love ps4 to get alot more ps+ love, I have enjoyed.. contrast, outlast, Trine 2, and First Light (and oddword if I hadnt already bought it)

  • Bah would be the two games I actually bought. Typical.

  • Damn. Already bought Oddworld on release day, and bought Sherlock Holmes on sale at EB last week (albeit for PS4). Sigh.

  • Aargh! Beat me to it :)
    Nice post

  • +1

    i like the summary:

    Leaving PS Plus:
    4th March: Apotheon
    4th March: Transistor
    4th March: Thief
    4th March: Yakuza 4
    4th March: Rogue Legacy (PS4/PS3/PS Vita)
    4th March: Kick and Fennick

    Entering PS Plus:
    4th March: Oddworld: New ‘n’ Tasty
    4th March: Valiant Hearts
    4th March: Papo and Yo
    4th March: Sherlock Holmes: Crimes and Punishments
    4th March: OlliOlli 2: Welcome to Olliwood (PS4/PS Vita)
    4th March: CounterSpy (PS4/PS3/PS Vita)

  • +5

    After having my plus subscription for about 3 years I'm letting it expire next week. I guess it's not really sony's fault I just haven't been interested in a single 'free' game in the last 6 months or so.

    I'm all for indie games but just so sick of retro/sidescrollers. I thought the point of being indie was to be original and creative not just make what everyone else is making

  • +1

    Be Aware with Auto-Subcription.
    Last Time, they re-new subcriptions automatically

  • So it's free, so long as you pay for the service it get's delivered on………….. I'm thinking that doesn't actually make it free.

    • +1

      Then re-jig your thinking.

      They're added bonuses to a service that you pay for to play online, as long as you add them to your account in the month offered.

      If Sony didn't start it, do you really think Microsoft would be offering games right now?

      • -3

        Microsoft aren't offering free games either though, you have to pay for their online service.

        Which seems fairly ludicrous seeing as online gaming has been free for decades already & still is on all decent gaming platforms.

      • +1

        Do you have to pay to play PS4 online only? I'm pretty sure my PS3 can play online without PS+ ?

  • +2

    Looking forward to giving all 6 a go this month.

    Excellent selection imo.

  • Great to see lots of PS4 games! :)

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