No idea what Headphones to get

Hey guys, I'm new to these forums so not sure if this is alright to be posted here or asked. But i guess i'll try anyways

My budget is around the $250 for headphones so I have looked around and ended up with these three conclusions.

V-Moda Crossfade M-100
Sennheiser Momentum Over Ear
BeyerDynamic Custom One Pro

Any opinions on which one i should get out of these? Or suggestions on other headphones?

Okay so i found out i got really lazy on this post, what im after is

Bassy type of headphones, but that doesn't completely drown out the mids and highs
Closed headphones, though i'd like some open headphone suggestion as well since i might buy another pair for indoor use laterr on
Something that looks decent or kind of good like the Sennheiser momentum.


  • the beaver dynamics ones are great for bass. Definitely those out of your list.

    • +1

      The dynamics of beavers are not well understood

  • I bought AKG K550 for about $220 (original UK retail is about £200 pound) after seeing all the really good reviews, have to say they are physically very big and the bass balance is underwhelming. They sound good if I listen to a CD through my Onkyo hi-fi but if listening to anything else they don't really blow me away… if I had to buy again at that price range I would probably get the Sennheiser HD 25 II

    • I own them and I'm happy. Very comfortable. I would say they are balanced in the bass. Certainly not for the OP. So much more comfortable than most closed headphones. My pet hate with them is non detachable cable.

  • Hey OP,

    If you are looking for the momentum Over-ears. I just posted this.

    From Amazon shipped should be about $220-$230 depending on location. Cheaper than local stores by about $50 at the very least.

    • Damn that is a good deal, do you know when the deal ends?

      • Sorry mate, no idea. But it is the cheapest it has been on Amazon it seems.

        Most definitely a clearance as the momentum 2 will be out soon.

        • Oh damn didn't know momentum 2 were coming out soon, this makes me want to save up for them now.

        • @Canndy:

          Momentum 2 includes ANC and BT features as well… can't remember if it has NFC as well…

          Regardless, if you don't need those features you could always buy the momentum 1 as they are supposedly similar… though how similar I have no clue. Check out some reviews.

        • @ProjectZero: Yeah I'm looking them up now to see how they compare

        • @ProjectZero: Oh wow they're expected to retail $500 USD that's going to be around $640 mark in Aus. Might stick to the first momentums if i decide to get those, still kind of trying to figure momentums or v-moda's or other headphones suggested so far that i'm looking thoroughly through

        • @Canndy: Yeah that's why I would suggest getting the first gen if you don't need the additional features lol.

          Just my 2c, out of the three brands you have… and purely based on brand. My preference would be

          Beyerdynamics - Heard really good things about this brand
          Sennheiser - Same as Beyerdynamics
          V-Moda - Only really heard of it since I started checking head-fi. So I don't know too much about it.

        • @ProjectZero: Beyerdynamics is kind of off my list, for the custom pro since I've heard more bad than good about the sound.

          V-Moda i've been looking around and it says that it has a lot of bass, really overpowering bass to some people and others are saying that they have the right amount of bass.

          Sennheiser Momentums are more balanced but a lot of people are saying that they don't have much bass.

          I'm considering getting the Urbanite XL since one of my mate is selling one pretty cheap since she received two for her birthday.

        • @Canndy: From what I know, I believe JB HiFi has both the momentum and urbanite on demo… may be store specific though.

        • @ProjectZero:
          Don't go to JB, go to Store DJ because they have a massive range to demo so you can properly compare the Momentums.

        • @Manh: Pretty far away from me that's why, so i'll check at JB hifi first for now.

  • Just to throw a suggestion in, Onkyo ES-CTI300

    • got them. best 'phones under $1000. BTW, you are the first person that i have seen that even knows they exist (outside hi-fi sites).

      I got the deal of the century for these. Free. Got them brand-new unopened from a guy that literally won lotto.

      • Wow, thats nice. Thing is i only have the ES-HF300's believing i could just upgrade the cable once they came out. I asked Onkyo and they knocked me back saying i could only buy a replacement if i owned the CTI300's =[.

        • -1

          unlucky. hehe

          the cable itself is good, but the proprietary connector is a weak point (becomes scratchy if unplugged too much), so you aren't missing much.

          I actually opened them up and soldered in a standard connector in them from a Seinhauser. Now it is the ultimate! ☺

        • @Son ofa Zombie: Not quite at that level with em yet. Does that mean you have the mmcx cable lying around? =o

        • @ATangk: You can get them easily from Ali I believe.

        • @AznMitch: is that any mmcx cable or onkyo's own? If latter one a link would be nice coz I've tried everywhere.

        • @ATangk: Connectors, that's what I meant. I've heard people diy-ing with the parts from Ali. :)

        • @AznMitch: that's a shame, I really like the OEM cable, very durable (durable feeling anyways, don't feel like breaking anything today). I just miss the volume control in the other model cable.

        • @ATangk: Can't you rewire those as well? As in getting mmcx male and make them into a mmcx cable? I've heard that it's hard. At least it looks hard.

        • @AznMitch: Wouldnt have a clue, but wouldnt want to risk destroying a $70 cable. The mic needs the 4-pin 3.5mm connector so that needs to be changed too, and im not too sure about the details. So i guess id rather just pay for it ahha.

    • I've never knew that Onkyo produces headphone. Are they good?

      • The best.

        40mm Titanium drivers. Aluminium Housing. Tight and very balanced.

        • Sounds very nice, do they sell those in Australia (as in officially distributed)?

        • @Son ofa Zombie: Dont scare him with that. Here is a (much) cheaper one shipped from Japan.
          Though, they were selling for $240 or something like last week due to sale.

          Also, i second the comment above. Theyre really pushing above its pricepoint, sound and construction-wise. The only downside is perhaps comfort. Theyre kind of half on ear half over ear, so it might not suit some people.

        • @ATangk: Hmmm, only if I could justify my spending on an on-ear headphone :'(

        • @AznMitch: Depends on your purpose. I have Bose QC25's but since i take public transport everyday, its worth the hefty price tag.

          The Onkyos are good for almost everything, so u could use them for computer headphones, watch movies, listen to music and even take calls. That being said, if you want to do everything except taking calls, there are 2 cheaper versions of the same headphone, varying in just the cable.
          Onkyo ES-HF300 is the same headphone but the cable doesnt have volume control. The cable is still 6N oxygen free.
          Onkyo ES-FC300 is the same headphone but with a cheaper, flat, tangle-free cable. No mic either.

        • @ATangk: :'( Ah the temptations. I think I still have to stick to HD600 and tell myself that I'd not need something more than that. :( Though I might go to Japan in few years, so I might if I get the chance to.

  • Wireless bluetooth headphones are the future, I've got the Sony MDR-1RBT MK2 and it's still awesome.

    let the reviews speak for them:……

    Forget about the inflated RRP, can be had for about $250-280 delivered on ebay/Kogan etc.

    • I have them too and posted a deal on these a few months ago.

      The replacement model - MDR-1ABT - is coming out in a month or so, but it'll probably take a few months for the prices to drop, if at all, considering where the Aussie dollar is at. I agree that the MDR-1RBTMK2 are exceptional value at the current prices.

  • ..double postu

    • Huh?

  • If you want closed, Momentum are great, if you can get them at the $160 odd price. At 160 they are impossible to beat, should be able to get them around that price, as the next model is coming out.

    DSE had them for 159 just recently

    • There's no way you can get them for anywhere close to $160, it was a one-off clearance deal at DSE.

      They best prices at the moment are around the $300 mark.

        ~$90+~$8 delivery for Momentum or is something different.

        • Yes, different. This is the On-Ear Momentum, which is a lower-end one than the Over-Ear that's being discussed here. This is a very good price for the On-Ear model though.

        • @elektron:

          ah ok my bad.

        • @Aneurism:

          No harm in asking!

      • You can find heaps around $200 - 250 range if u look hard enough haha

    • Ahhk cheers, i can get them for $200.

      • Any chance you could post a link? For that price I'd consider getting them myself.

        • +1

          Well the ones im looking at are Gumtree sales that are unwanted and unboxed for $200 range.

          Therer's also this for $214 but i have no experience with Topbuy, need to do research for it…

          Oh and there's also sale on amazon right now for $200-220 i forgot which one

        • @Canndy:

          Thanks for sharing. When I was saying that they are currently around $300 I wasn't talking about private sellers.

          Make sure you factor in the shipping though. Topbuy would have been $225 delivered, but they don't have stock so that doesn't count.

          I assume you know that Amazon's prices are in USD? The shipping will also be substantial many Amazon sellers don't ship headphones to Australia.

          The cheapest buy it now price for a brand new unopened pair on eBay is $234 with free shipping. That's from a private seller with 100% feedback. Then there's a store in Sydney that has them for $269.

          I don't use Gumtree (heard to many stories from those who have), but if you can get a brand new / unopened pair for $200, I'd grab it.

        • @elektron: They do ship to Australia, it's posted on Ozbargain deals already ,

        • @Canndy:

          Amazon is also out of stock.

          Did you end up picking one up from somewhere?

        • @elektron: Yeah, I was looking today and it was OoS already =(

          Might come back though so perhaps set an Amazon alert or something.Maybe the brown or ivory one might go on sale soon too.

        • @ProjectZero:

          Somehow I don't think it'll be back in stock given that this is now a superseded product.

          I think eBay is now our best bet.

    • Anybody has a big head and owns the Momentum? Any problems with them?

      Usually headphones break on my head after some time, I looked at the Momentum because they look like they have a metal headband that would last longer then others.

      • I've had of people with larger ears having problems with Momentums.

        • Thank you, I was just about to buy them.

        • @mihai.petrescu:

          You should not have an issue if you have a larger head but medium-sized ears.

        • @elektron: I cannot be accused of having normal ears either. Everything is in proportion just BIG :).

      • Depends on your ears, mine are kinda mid size, and it still just a tad tight. if you have big ears… yeah probably would be uncomfortable

        • I am thinking maybe momentum on ear, they are suppose to be on the ear anyway.

  • Best value headphone ever created is the Koss Portapro, no need to drop big bucks on these other recommendations because they are in the same performance league as the $50 Koss Portapro.

  • Love my V-Modas, best headphones I've had in a long time. Portable, powerful, don't need to be amp driven but are improved by it. Very comfy, I can wear mine all night in long LAN sessions/study sessions (4 - 8 hours) with only occasional removal for breaks.

    Try without the XL pads first of all, as I have both, but the standard set are still perfectly fine (for me ears, which are quite large and angled).

    I listen to all sorts of metal from Dream Theater to Meshuggah, game sound tracks, pod casts etc and they perform great no matter what.

  • Hey guys I tried the sennheiser momentum and the ath m50x, I dislike the momentums and the ath 50x were good but its not what in looking for right now.

    I have came to the conclusions of either these two headphones

    V moda crossfade m100
    Sennheiser Urbanite XL
    I can get both for roughly the same price, any opinions?

    • Hmmm could you tell us why you didn't like momentums? :)

      • Well for the most part it was comfort, first thing i noticed when i put the headphones on is that the ear pads wasn't big enough for my ears so it was kind of squeezing it in, felt like i could've only worn it for about 30 minutes. However it was light so maybe it was just an on the spot thing. I felt that the sound quality of the ATH-M50x was better than the momentums, and with the $150 -200 price range of the ATH-M50x i rather go for it in the future. But right now i'm looking at something a bit more bassy.

        I actually really enjoyed the Sennheiser HD7 DJ, though the construction felt cheap, i really enjoyed the sound from it. But was way out of my price range at $400

        • HD 25 II? Though I've heard worse things about the comfort for that one.

        • @Canndy: I was saying it as a recommendation but that looks good.

        • @AznMitch: Ohhhh ohkay got it i'll check it out. My bad

        • @Canndy: Nah, I was really vague. Also I think HD7s are successors of those, so I am not sure how much you'd like it (not sure though).

        • @AznMitch: Yeah looking reviews on it now, heard something about it being inspired from the HD 25 II, though it's more just interest since I'm looking for both outdoors and indoor use, and HD7 take a lot of power to use.

        • I felt that the sound quality of the ATH-M50x was better than the momentums

          Seriously? Momentums (over ear) outperform the M50x in almost every way.

          Comfort can be a big issue tho, if your ears are big

        • @Pacify: Okay mate that's your opinion, and i have my own opinion. Sound is subjective, you're only able to give your own opinions on the headphones but down to it, it might not be what the other person likes. You can go from peoples suggestions and opinions but down to it, it's what you like. So yes, Seriously i do enjoy sound of the ATH-M50x more than Momentums, anything else you want to add?

        • @Canndy: I thought momentum was more bassy than m50x… You sure you want something bassy?

        • @AznMitch: Yeah it is more bassy than the M50x, but it wasn't the kind of bass I was looking for, the ATH-50x is more as a 2nd pair of headphones for when my phases change for genre's of music. Cause right now i'm more into Trance, deep house, hardstyles etc.

        • @Canndy:

          sure its my opinion, but every review ive ever read comparing the 2 says the same

        • @Pacify: If there is absolute values in headphones, why would we have something other than 1 headphone for each price range? Obviously he prefers ATH-m50x over Momentum, and that's his preference. Reviews are subjective and so is personal experience. Obviously there are certain aspects of headphone that can be objective i.e. has problems at certain frequencies that it makes that awful buzzing noise etc, but other than those, I think everything boils down to personal preference.

          It's just my 2c.

    • Good thing you tried before you bought but we are all very curious about what it was that put you off the Momentums. Just to be sure, you did try the Over-Ear version, right?

      • Yeah it was the over the ear one. I commented above about it.

  • My suggestion… a pair of custom molded in ears. Comfortable, isolating and sound amazing.

    Take a look at

    Expensive yes but a pair lasts a long time.

  • where abouts are you located?…
    if you're in sydney go to the showroom and try them all out for yourself.
    I tried the Beyers the other day and really liked them.

    • Ahh i would love to, but i'm so lazy to travel about an hour 30, then another hour 30 back.

  • I would love to hear any opinions on Urbanite XL and especially if you can compare it to V-moda crossfade M-100, or found a video since i've been looking for reviews on google and havn't found anything that i couldn't just read off the box.

    Btw Thanks for everyone that has commented and help, it's appreciated.

    Right now i'm leaning more towards V-Moda since there's a huge hype about them everywhere.

    • +1

      Just be careful, I've always found that the reviews on headphones are biased so the "hype" might simply be a bubble. If you can listen to them both and compare, that would be alright, but don't go in without thinking that the reviews can be biased.

  • I REALLY love these headphones. Shure SRH840s. $199 plus delivery from which is where I got mine from, good service too.

    Give these a shot, they always seem to get good reviews.

  • Mr missus adores her Jabra Revo and I am rocking the Sony MDR-1RBT. Both have excellent sound quality with and without a cable.

  • +2

    Since you're in Sydney, I HIGHLY recommend you go to Minidisc to try out the headphones before you buy anything.

    Lvl 3, 224/813 Pacific Hwy
    (Entry via Help St)
    Chatswood NSW

    In the past I read what people said on Head-fi and 95% of people's opinions is rubbish or bullshit when I tried the headphones. Now I go to A2A to try any headphone out before I buy it.

    • Hmm was looking through it, they dont have V-moda's to try. But yeah i was considering going there, just pretty far and hard to get to for me.

      • IMHO don't listen to how people describe the sound signature of headphones. Your ears and taste is unique so it's worth the drive to pick what you like.\

        My suggestion for your requirements is the Beyerdynamic DT770…

        • Yeah i know, which they had some place closer to me so i can try headphones everyone is suggesting. Sucks that most are about an hour + away from me, and the shops that are closer are very limited to what they have.

          I think my mate has those, i'll ask him about it. Thanks

  • If you've got a little bit of extra cash and want a well featured wireless headset, look at the SteelSeries H Wireless. Very, very accurate sound reproduction and a very nice weight to them. They don't go out of sync like many others do (some special protocol they designed or something that is always pre-empting frequency hops I read somewhere). The only downside is they aren't very good at being loud.

    Apparently the EU passed regulations about how loud battery powered headsets can go… and they built the restrictions into them. Comes with two batteries and a DAC of sorts. Certainly worth checking out anyway.

    PCCG have them for $299 -…

  • If you own a samsung galaxy phone, don't forget to take advantage of the 'adapt sound' feature. I thought my Monster Inspirations over ear headphones were amazing before but now…

  • Just incase anyone is wondering, I just bought a V-moda Crossfade M-100 from DWI Digital Cameras. If anyone wants to know my experience with them just message me and i'll let you know after i break them in. Thanks for everyone's suggestions and opinions, they've been very useful.

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