This was posted 10 years 7 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

HALF PRICE Cadbury Blocks 200-220g $2.12, Circuit Weight 20kg Barbell Kit $20 @ Big W


Get the last of the 220g blocks before they go back to 200g
HALF PRICE Cadbury Blocks $2.12
Circuit Weight 20kg Barbell Kit $20

Comment saying the blocks are not showing on special so make sure you show this link. If you want to see the full page it's in your last Big W Email

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  • +16

    I think I will need both.

  • Man, if there's one thing I don't need right now, it's Cadbury chocolate. I wonder if there'll be another "round" before March 31st…

    • You can always try asking for a rain check if Big W have a rain check policy. Some stores don't always check if they have stocks on the shelves before issuing a rain check particularly when the desk is busy.
      I often prefer a rain check than stocking up when the item is on special Rain checks are one of my favourite things.

      • I've never tried one for anything. I wouldn't bother for a bit of chocolate, but it'd be great for something like the $10 whole frozen ducks Coles have once a year. How does it work exactly sting? Do I just rock up to the counter and tell them the name of what I want (or the bar-code number of it?), and pay for it, and they give me a piece of paper saying they owe me one? Do I have to redeem it soon after it's back in stock, or is there a long time-limit?
        For the ducks for example, it would be great if I could get a couple of rain-cheques (different stores) rather than a couple of ducks, then I wouldn't have to store them ever (they're big!); I could just take in a rain-cheque every time I wanted to 'do up a duck'.

        • Do I just rock up to the counter and tell them the name of what I want

          Yep, pointing at the item in the catalog works for me and may encourage them to not bother checking the shelves for stock. They'll also ask you how many you want.

          and pay for it, and they give me a piece of paper saying they owe me one?

          Yep, except you don't pay for it or have any other obligation. It's not available on all items, exclusions should be stated in the catalog and Coles ones say they aren't available for phone products.

          Do I have to redeem it soon after it's back in stock, or is there a long time-limit?

          It's up to you, but there is a time limit. I think Coles is a month and Woolies is a year. You can use them at another location. If they can't supply in a reasonable period I believe they should offer an alternative but that part is a lot trickier to enforce.

          Some staff allow partial redemption but I doubt that's part of the standard policy so its probably better to go with multiple checks.

          I intentionally use the American spelling of rain check, even though they originally were a form of cheque.

        • @Stingo:
          That's all good info' Stingers, cheers mate! I'd long-since assumed you had ignored my comment, after I realised I'd accidentally asked about Coles rain-cheques in a thread about Big-W… luckilly for me, you seem to be something of an expert on all rain cheques! LOL… anyways, thanks for all the info/tips :)

  • My WA BigW catalog is saying $3.50 for cadbury blocks. Buyer beware.

    • +1

      It was an email so should be nationwide and I;m from WA too, it's actually not part of the catalogue it's a special that ends Saturday

      • Thanks for clearing that up :) Im off to BigW!

    • yeah the catalog says $3.50…

      I'll wait till I get some reports of the cheaper price in SA before I waste Petrol

    • -1

      I've just been to Big W Vic South Yarra. The 220g blocks are $3.50. It's the 155g blocks that are on special for $2.21. Post needs to be amended.

      • +1

        should have showed them this post and the link which clearly shows 200-220g Family blocks & sharepacks. Maybe they don't know about It because it's an one off 3 day special

  • +1

    Get the last of the 220g blocks before they go back to 200g

    I wonder if these are worth holding onto. I still have a pack of the full size Killer Pythons, thanks to OzBargain.

  • The 'Gut Leach' gear isn't bad value on special at the moment! Hell, some of it is ALOT cheaper than I can purchase from my Chinese overlords… I mean suppliers!

  • +2

    I just skimmed over the deals and thought it was a 20kg Cadbury Chocolate Barbell kit for $20, much to my disappointment when I reread it.

    • +1

      Haha. Ditto!

  • +1

    Back in my day they were 250g!

    Can almost measure lives in Cadbury chocolate shrinkage.

    I'm just about to turn 2.

  • not bad for the weight set …may pick it up

  • +1

    I have the exact same weight set. They are not great but okay for a beginner but I think you are better off paying a bit more for proper iron dumbbells.
    When I use mine all the sand/concrete particles come out from the plug hole on the weights haha.

    • Hm good to know, thanks. I think I'll wait for the Guy Leech weights to go on sale again, odd that they're not included in this catalogue.

    • hey mate just wondering if it also has a dumbbell bar or is the barbell bar split-able? the picture shows a barbell and a dumbbell so i'm not to sure

      • Looks like there are 2 different sets, one is a barbell set and the other is a dumbbell set, hence the confusion with the picture. Both are $20 till March 11th

  • I picked up 5 blocks of various Cadbury chocolate blocks for $2 last week when my local Woolworths was clearing out the old stock. When I checked the store this week all the old stock had gone.

  • +1

    I can go down to Cadbury's factory and get them for $2.20 from the manufacturer themselves.

    So this is a good deal.

    • Your profile says you are from Melbourne. I thought the Cadbury factory was in Tasmania. I visited there about 20 years ago and had great fun watching the production line and buying discounted chocolate.

      • +1

        Changed my profile so people didn't know where I lived haha.

        Can't do the Cadbury tour anymore for whatever reasons. $4 entry to the gift shop where there's just thousands of chocolates at great prices.

        • +1

          Probably too many kids getting sucked into tubes…

  • cadbury sharepacks are half price at coles ashfield nsw ($2.29)

  • Belmont have advertised half price but their scanners still record the non-special price. Be aware.

    • Too bad Big W is not a signatory to the Australian Scanning Code of Practice, (not according to a FB post in 2013) so you'd would have gotten your first chockie bar free but you still should have been able to get the rest at the right price. Technically, the scanning code of practice applies to to scans over shelf prices but I've never had my claim for a free item refused when showing the catalog, claiming my SCOP rights with someone whose aware of it.

      • +1

        Yeah I asked if the scanning policy entitled me to one free bar and she barked at me "WE'VE NEVER DONE THAT!". So I assumed she meant "no, sorry" haha. Don't worry mate, Im on to it. I get free meat all the time. I rubbed my hands together when I saw the wrong price hahaa. She just gave me the difference like IGA do

        • I got a freebie not that long ago at my IGA - checkout operators don't know the rules half of the time so you sometimes have to ask for a supervisor and remind them of the code. Looks they have their own code of practice. Yep, the scanning code of practice is one of the best things in life. Pity the store doesn't leave their old shelf tags lying around under the current ones anymore like it did when it was a Franklins.

  • I got the blocks and share packs for half price still tho. Thanks for the post trent

  • +1

    Some of the Cadbury Family blocks at Macquarie Centre scan as $2.12. Some scan as $3.50 saying there is a self special.

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