How to Gain Weight with Least Amount of Money for an Underweight Person?

Hello Ozbargainers,

This question is not for me, but for my girlfriend who's BMI is 17.1.
I know that BMI usually don't tell the full story, but it has gotten me worried. We've been forcing ourselves to hit the gym but we've came to conclusions that calorie intake might be an issue as well. To be honest, as a blob of fat, I am partially jealous of her fast metabolism in a way, though I've heard bad things about having a fast metabolism.

So what would be the recommended way of fattening my girlfriend up for this Thanksgiving or Christmas even? (this sentence has been approved by my gf, so it's fine I suppose?)

I've tried to feed her stuff, but as with most petite people, she doesn't eat much and gets sick easily with lots of food.

I've heard decent things from people about protein shakes/meal supplement and how it might help to some extent, but I've never bought one myself.

Are there any recommendations for my girlfriend?

This is from a comment that I've wrote in this post, but I think I might add it here as well.

My girlfriend and I both have agreed that she could benefit from gaining weight. She have been losing weight recently, and we believe that this might be causing her immunity problems (though this is just a speculation from correlation more or less).


Thank you guys so much for these many responses. I read them all and I wanted to say a big thank you from both me and my girlfriend. I have discovered a truly marvellous people contributing to this, by being sincere or trolling, and I want to thank each and every one of you by mentioning your names, which this margin is too narrow to contain.

I am thinking about keep doing what we are doing, hitting the gym and doing weight training. Though I think I might make her go little bit less intensely, since I think, from your comments, I have been pushing her bit too much.

In terms of what we might do, I will come back to this post tomorrow, I've had a long long day (9am to 9pm with everything placed everywhere, bike rides from one end to another in 5 minutes) and so did my gf. We've exhausted ourselves with some intensive time table. Though sincerely, I thank you all for the comments.


Thank you guys once again for the replies you've given me on this. Since the GP that we visit is not free this week, I will definitely make her make a vist, at least to get her results from the blood tests that she've done.

I've read through all the suggestions, well at the very least almost all of them. Definitely I will try to walk her gently towards eating more, mostly healthy stuff and little bit of junk food (because them chocolates and them ice creams, if she buys some, I might be able to have some as well). I will have to learn how to make treats for her/resist the temptation to make some for me.

I will definitely take things slowly and gently (unlike what my younger brother told me, "If you can walk properly after your leg day, you are not doing it right!") After all, the last thing I'd want is her to turn into blob of fat like me or stay underweight and be unhealthy (well from GP's suggestions, it was implying this) because the routine is too tough.

Thank you guys so much on this. I will definitely revisit this post to see if there are any new suggestions.

Though if she turns really healthy, I will look more unhealthy than I am now. Also she will be all buff and strong… Damn my dilema.


  • +7

    Full cream Milk.

    A litre a day should do it in no time.

    • +2

      Yep ;) already doing this. Though, I can't drink that much.

      • +2

        You need to be drinking more than you think you can, that's when your body starts to store 'excess' fat.

        • +3

          She's little bit lactose intolerant. She gets sick after 2~3 cups :( Or it might be my cooking.

        • +2

          @AznMitch: Try lactose free full cream milk? Gentler on the tummy, and all the creamy delicious calories and fat :D Check the long life section in the supermarket as there are more options than the fresh milk section… and you can usually find some on special. There are home brands these days too - Aldi, Coles, Woolies. Bit pricier than regular milk, but if you find some on special, it's not usually by much at all.

        • +1


          Careful there, drinking too much milk can have consequences:

          'Three or more glasses of milk a day could lead to an increased risk of death'

        • have you tried the A2 milk? I find that easier to stomach although it is a bit pricier…

        • +2

          @AznMitch: I'm lactose intolerant too. So I did my research and settled with Farmdale (Aldi) Lacfree Lactose Free Milk (2L/1.99$), I get the Regular variant.

      • +27

        That's terrible advice!

        • +5

          why - he wants to fatten her up? Eating lots of sugar doesn't have to be a permanent change but it is a sure fire way of putting on weight.

        • +1

          @rpro: Cos she'll feel like shite for the duration of the processed sugar loading. The weight will most likely fall straight back off when she stops drinking the soft drink, too.

        • +8

          @waterlogged turnip:

          Not to mention getting diabetes or building up insulin resistance.

    • +7

      As opposed to light milk?
      A common misconception is consuming fat makes you fatter.
      In fact, it's sugar that mobilises insulin in turn converting blood sugar as fat.
      Digesting fat does not directly end up as fat on your butt.

      So to gain weight, eat lots of sugar and don't exercise. Soft drinks are full of it and easy to drink.
      McDonalds even offers free sugar sachets where you collect straws, so maybe just grab a handful of them, mix it in water and drink your skinny healthy self away.

      • +3

        Just watch the Insulin Levels. You wouldnt want to end up Diabetic or Insulin Resistant as well from all the sugar intake

    • Buy some pure WPC in bulk and consume 30 g (1 serve) per day.

      It's a high quality, cheap and convenient source of protein.

  • So yeah I'm compliant in this. If you want a gist
    H= 164cm
    W= 46cm

    And the circumference of my wrist is <14cm… Seriously, if you can't register how fragile that is, grab a piece of string that is 14cm long. :(


    • +2

      What do you mean by width? Would that be your waist or hip measurement?

      • +2

        Yeah that was supposed to be kg. I weigh 46kg ^_^;

        • +8

          Pheew .. I got really worried for a sec. 46 kg isn't too far from a healthy BMI. Bananas, Avocados, peanut butter, milk … and you'll be there in no time :)

      • +9

        H= 164cm
        W= 46cm
        And the circumference of my wrist is <14cm

        She's a cardboard cut-out.

  • +1

    Beer and bacon with white bread everyday.
    Or try food with starch (rice/noodles), sugar, coke/pepsi. Any junk food. That's all I had to get fat :|

  • +1

    Define 'underweight'? Why do you both think umamandy is underweight?

    • +1

      I apologise if it insulted anyone. I have referred to the term underwight on the basis of BMI. 17 falls under the range of underwight in BMI scale (<18.5 BMI is considered underweight).

      I wouldn't have brought this up without my girlfriend's permission, since I know that weight change is something hard and something that you, as a person, should feel like doing. The reasons I bought this up were:

      1. My girlfriend and I both have agreed that she could benefit from gaining weight. She have been losing weight recently, and we believe that this might be causing her immunity problems (though this is just a speculation from correlation more or less).
      2. My girlfriend wants to gain weight.
      • wife has that problem too, Asian as well

        cure is…..
        pregnancy lol
        3 kilo's in 14 weeks

        • +2

          Only works for nine months.

        • +4

          @alizzan: If she's anything like most Asians I know, she'll have the baby then revert back to her crazy slim pre-baby weight.

          I have a photo of myself as a big baby sitting on my mother's lap, and goddamn she is thin as a rake. Wrists like twigs. Ate like there was no tomorrow though o_O

      • has she gone to have her thyroid levels checked? too much hormone will cause weight loss and a weakened immune system.

    • :( by western standards I'm a stick. By Chinese standards (the other half) I'm still a stick. Seriously. Last time I went back to China, even my super skinny classmates were like "THE HELL HAPPENED TO YOU?"

      If it was just standards i wouldn't care. The big problem is that I always get sick because I can't protect my body.

      • +8

        hmm, maybe you need to look at what kinds of foods you're eating currently? I'm thin too, and have been much much thinner but never got sick with colds or the flu or anything for years while 'healthy' family and friends around me did get sick. I just put it down to the kinds of foods I ate versus the kinds of foods the people around me ate/eat. I eat mainly whole foods / fresh fruits and veggies, hardly anything processed. Lots of colourful natural stuff, bright salads packed with nutrition, clean proteins. I spend quite a bit of time thinking about what goes into my body and how to make sure I've got things as balanced as they could be (though there is always room for improvement and I still struggle with a lot of things).

        Meanwhile, the people closest to me don't seem to eat so well, IMO. I call them lazy eaters, but I realise that busy lifestyles etc and the fact that not everyone is equally interested in food means that it's not always at the top of everyone's priority list.

        I'd probably start force feeding you handfuls of almonds, and sneaking avocados into snacks each day for you. Mmmm healthy delicious fats and all those calories. Pretty versatile basic things too. Increase your portion sizes slowly of whatever you're already eating, too. Let your tummy get used to the bigger meals (drink more water with the meals too, that might help your tummy expand without you feeling as sick as you would if you'd filled up all that stomach space with more food). Then you can step it up as your body adjusts? I dunno..

        Mind over matter :)

        • +2

          Can I hug you? I'm going to hug you. ;-; <3
          I do eat pretty healthily, but I'm still getting sick. Maybe some avo would do me good. :3

        • +1

          @umamandy: haha hug! Do you eat much fruit? Gotta get some fruit into you. Oranges. Berries. Veggies too! Think of all those delicious vitamins :D Smashed avocado on sourdough with cracked pepper and salt = bliss. Aldi in Sydney has been selling really good little avocados in nets lately. They're smaller than the ones you'll find in other supermarkets or fruit shops, but the seeds are also tinyyy inside (thus way more avocado flesh inside mmm). While the big avos elsewhere lately, I've found, have enormous seeds in them and minimal flesh. Total rip off lol.

          Make sure you're getting enough sleep too :)

        • +3

          @waterlogged turnip: I knew I was doing something wrong ;) ;) ;)

      • +7

        @umamandy, if I may add, please go and see your GP for a check-up. You could be anemic.

        Also peanut butter is packed full of calories, protein and good fat. We have it on crackers, toast or in smoothies.

        Take care,

        • +2

          Wow, that smoothie looks amazing. I will definitely make some for umamandy :P
          Though I won't be allowed any because I am a blob :P

          Thanks, I might ask her to go to GP later with me this week (when the GP is actually free).

          EDIT: Apparently it is possible that the GP checked for anemia when she went to see GP.

        • +1

          Thank you! I might ask for another copy of the tests and go through it again. ^_^

        • +1

          @umamandy: I worked with a girl who over time kept losing weight, got super skinny, and started getting ill with greater regularity. So sounds similar to you. She was diagnosed with an overactive thyroid.

          So I do second wickets advice. Before carb loading just be certain there isn't something else going on with your body first.

        • +1

          @mooney: That was actually the first thing I checked. I have a family history of hyperthyroidism. Doctor said nope,(hence why I have a crazy detailed blood test for my weight)

        • +2

          @umamandy: OK. So that's good news!

          In that case I highly suggest following Dr Nick Riviera's weight gain Program.

          I've attached his food pyramid for your reference, you probably need to eat more from the chocotastic group.


        • link didnt work -pls update..

        • +1


          Just signed up to comment. I was going to tell you to check for your thyroids, but I guess it's not the problem. Lucky you..

          But best is to get medical advice if you keep getting sick on regular basis

        • +2

          I've made one for umamandy today… It looked nice. :'( She enjoyed it a lot.
          So thank you so much :D

  • +35

    why are you wanting to fatten her up for thanksgiving/christmas?
    are you planning on eating her?

    • +5

      Nom nom nom nom!

    • The serious answer would be, my gf has been asking me about going to my home country with me. If she's going to see my parents, I don't want the first impression to be "she looks unhealthy; she's too skinny". I am completely fine with her being skinny; I don't care if my parents think of her. Of course this is given that it's healthy for her. But Asian parents… They want them booties, child bearing booties My father's not going to judge, but my mom might. Since she has been telling me that she feels like she's losing too much weight + with the GP's suggestion about her immune system, I thought I might as well put some time frame by which I want her to be fat and juicy.

      • +3

        Get her to start going to the gym with weight training routine:

        Gym can also help you gain weight in a healthy way, not just make you lose weight.

        With the Chinese thing… can completely relate (I'm chinese as well). However i tend to be more rebellious with tradition vs science/logic (have countless arguments with them especially over the purported benefits chinese medicine). I could not give a rats ass about what they think of others, if I chose my gf it is none of their business.

        The whole fat thing is a tradition anyway. Going on their beliefs, wealth is always erroneously correlated to the size of a person's stomach (think the money god - choi sun). They think bigger women give birth to fat kids which are going to become rich or at least more healthy kids for some reason.

        Not only is it outdated, but it could also affect the health of loved one. I would never care what they think regarding this as it makes no sense and would instead ensure loved one is heathly.

        /rant about oppressive childhood

        TL;DR - ignore what your parents think and just make sure your GF / Wife is healthy and happy.

        • +1

          Hmmm, I apologise if I have accidentally brought up bad memories for you.
          It's never nice to have that sort of memories pop in your mind.

          I've simply said that as a joke mostly. My girlfriend and I are both Asians and so I thought it might be funny to add that in. Obviously I was not thinking about the possibilities of some people who've experienced that seeing this. I apologise again for this.

          The main reason that I've bought that up was, well, my gf is very thin, not only in terms of appearance, but also in BMI and compared to her peers as well. Also, she has been told by GP that she would benefit from gaining weight. If it was solely because of my parents, I wouldn't have bought it up. I honestly don't care about what my parents think about my girlfriend, because they are not the ones who are going live my life for me, IMO. Of course, they have the wisdom from their age I s'pose, so I am going to at least listen to what they say. I've told my parents several times that I'd consider anything they say and follow to large extent, but when it comes to marriage and relationship, if they oppose me without any valid ground, I will go as far as cutting myself from the family. I am already breaking a lot of obligations for the first born of the generation, which my uncles would flame me to death for, but I don't care, my dad approves.

          So in short, I apologise for making you remember your bad memories. I assure you that the reasons you've mentioned are not the reason for my concerns with my gf's weight.

        • Going on their beliefs, wealth is always erroneously correlated to the size of a person's stomach (think the money god - choi sun).

          Doesn't Budai contradict that?

  • +3

    Beer keeps me nice and plump. The missus says each beer is ~140 cal. 3-6 beers a night and I'm not endangering myself with losing weight! :D

    Seriously though, just have multiple meals + snacks a day. You don't need to eat junk food.. Lots of chicken!

    • +1

      re suggestion of chicken - high protein foods like chicken satiate and make people full very quickly. high carb food is far better for weight gain as it is easier to overeat.

  • +1

    protein powder

    • Could you recommend us with some? I've no clue on where or which one to get for my girlfriend, especially with so many products out there. I've never tried protein powder in beliefs that I don't require them, but my girlfriend might.

      • +1

        I've used Venom Protein. They always have deals.

        As for which product to use to encourage weight gain - i'm not too sure. would be a good start.

        I've found protein powder makes me farty, an unfortunate side effect

      • dont get a body building protein mix.
        My mum needed to put a ittle weight on a while back. Doc said she had to eat more protein via meats and to drink Sustagen (the hospital formula, you buy it in Chemists, not the sustagen in supermarkets).
        There are different flavours but its this one to put weight on …… . remember it doesnt replace a meal, it is in addition.

        You can't each much becuase that is what you are used to, you need to teach yourself to eat just a little more, over time you will be fine.

        I know others are joking about pizza, fried food etc, but dont go that route, just lots of good food. Maybe more smaller meals/snacks during the day rather than a few bigger ones.

        and go to a doctor for a check up.

        • The RRP for that is $26.70 for 15 serves (13.8g of Protein)

          Price for Protein powder is $35 for 25 serves. (35g of Protein)

          Even on a per serve basis, the protein powder is better value. Double that if you only take half serves to match the sustagen

      • -3

        don't get the protein powder - you are wasting your time doing that. It will make her feel really full and it will be much harder for her to overeat. See my post below - sugar is the key as well as high carb foods.

  • +4

    Deep fry everything

    • +2

      Epic Meal Time?

      • +1

        Bacon strips! Bacon strips! We've got more bacon strips motherfquackr

    • +4

      Deep fry dominoes pizza? She will be normal weight next week :)

  • +1

    I have a friend who is in similar situation. He started taking protein shake, he gained weight but he lost his appetite in the process. So he gave that up, lost a bit of weight, got married and regained the weight he lost.

    If she is in a healthy state, you should accept it is normal for her. An attempt to 'fatten' oneself could only lead to medical issues later on.

    To answer your question, the cheapest way is to get married =)

    • And pop a few rugrats, that's a definite way to fatten up :)

      • +9

        And pop a few rugrats

        ^This… it will do wonders for your cleavage too. I was almost as enamored with my breasts as hubby was. I couldn't stop touching them…all the time. Even when I was in public. They were THAT AWESOME!!! :)

        • +4

          Pics, or it didn't happen. The pronoun in the third last sentence is correct? Should read "He"?
          EDIT Sorry JJB (and Wiki)

        • +6

          @strangeloops66: sorry mate, no pics :( was too busy playing with them, in between trying to keep 2 brand new human beings alive. But you can take my word for it , they WERE AWESOME!!!

        • +1

          @Jar Jar Binks:

          They can rise again, Phoenix-like (more mountain range-like).

        • +5

          @strangeloops66: Not if JJB keeps spending so much time on OZB, they won't :b

        • @wicket1120:

          "Mesa called Jar-Jar Binks. Mesa your horny servant."

      • +2


        • +4

          lol!!! Please don't make babies until/unless you're ready :)

        • +12

          @Jar Jar Binks: b-bu-but… boobies, rising like the mountain range….

  • Follow the elvis diet..try deep fried Mars Bars every day

  • +2

    please , if you are both worried about the weight go to a doctor and discuss.

    • I did a couple of weeks ago, while AznMitch was overseas. She literally said "eat more and come back in 6 months if you haven't gained any weight." :(

      I'm trying to find what to eat to do this weight gain thing. My mum has forced me on like… The Spartan diet for weight loss (my dad is chubby) since I was five.

      • She literally said "eat more and come back in 6 months if you haven't gained any weight." :(

        Have you considered that maybe your Doctor gave you sound advice?

        Eat some small meals in between your usual ones. You need to progressively change your eating habits to eat more.

  • +1

    If you and your GF eat meat I suggest a lot Pork. Immunity problems might be due to vitamin deficiencies so get her some multi vitamins (look for sales here on OzB).

  • -4

    I guarantee you that eating FAT DOES NOT MAKE YOU FAT so the suggestions of milk, pork, bacon, as well as food high in protein or fat is not the right approach. Eating food like that actually satiates so you won't feel as hungry and the body metabolizes those foods differently.

    You want food that has an insulin response. That is food very high in sugar/carbohydrates. Foods like white bread, pasta, potatoes, cereals, cakes, biscuits, pastries, fruit, jams, etc. Beer is liquid bread so that is good too.

    It sounds counter intuitive - but also looking for food that says 'low in fat' is also a good idea as that usually means it is higher in sugar which helps with weight gain.

    For drinks - get her drinking full sugar soft drinks too and the kilos will stack on.

      • +2

        hey the original poster said he wants to fatten up his girlfriend so I think my answer fits the brief perfectly.

        As you know it is not easy to overeat high protein/foods high in fat (esp animal fats) so excess calories using those foods is far tougher than going nuts on sugars and carbs.

        • hey the original poster said he wants to fatten up his girlfriend

          He really shouldn't have said that. I don't think (hope not) that's what he actually wants, but he has derailed his own thread.

    • i assure you eating mcdonalds every night makes you fat.

      • I ate 2 or more Big Macs every other day for a month when they were free in 2013.

        I did the same with Double Beef and Bacon/Chicken and Cheese in 2014.

        And I didn't become noticeably fatter on either occasion.

        • really? i went to maccas every night for a few weeks in '12

          I noticed an increase in weight.

        • @Davo1111:

          Body composition is the result of numerous factors other than how much fast food one consumes,
          i.e., previous body composition -> metabolism, hormones, nutrition, physical exercise, etc.

  • +2

    BMI shouldn't be the only gauge of someone's being underweight. Get a doctor to tell her if she is unhealthily underweight. Some girls are naturally petite and a BMI would not be an accurate judgement, equally I have sizeable muscles mass and BMI said I am overweight but I hardly have any fat.

    • My gf apparently went to see a doctor and the doctor apparently said it's likely to be her being underweight that's causing her to get sick easier (after blood tests and such).

      I understand where you are coming from. I was obese and I had to go to air force. During my chair force time, I've actually ran every day and mostly did legs (ironically since most people end up doing arms and no legs). So even though I've gained fair bit of weight, I don't feel as unhealthy as what I was before 3 years ago. BMI is really inaccurate in judging obesity, but I think that's because muscle weighs more than fat. So, the fact that BMI is showing up as underweight concerns me, because it can mean that she has muscles yet she weighs less.

      • +3

        During my chair force time,

        XD !!

        • +1

          Fun fact, only exercise I could do during my work hours was kegel. And we did shifts.

  • +1

    Thanksgiving? WTF?

  • +2

    She have been losing weight recently

    If she is losing weight rapidly, perhaps it might be time to visit a doctor for tests.. Rapid weight loss could be a symptom of something else…

    • +2

      Parasite? i.e. pragn… Oh lord, that would be… unexpected and I'd have to change so much in my planning. (Btw, it's a joke from an article I've read. Of course pragnancy is something valued.)

      My gf apparently went to see a doctor and the doctor apparently said it's likely to be her being underweight that's causing her to get sick easier (after blood tests and such). It's really hard for us to change her diet completely because her mother is very stubborn and has her own idea of "healthy".

      • +1

        I suggest a second/third opinion. There are a number of significant health issues that cause weight loss and it's better to be safe than sorry.

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