[Unemployed Grad] Cold Visiting?

Hey y'all,

Kind of the same boat as this. Except I've been looking for work since mid year last year and my grade is more D than HD and I've got no relevant work experience.

Since work won't come to me, I want to go to them.

  • Is this a good idea?
  • What should I wear? I think it's a little weird to show up dressed up like your going for an interview only to drop off a resume.
  • Should I include a cover letter?
  • Should I converse with the receptionist or try to research who the HR person is and ask for them directly?

Any and all advice is welcome and appreciated.

EDIT: Thanks for the suggestions guys, and sorry for not being more clear.

  • I am an eng/commerce grad looking for a job in mech eng.
  • The furthest I've gotten in the recruitment cycle is assessment centre/online video interview
  • Main job sources - Indeed/Seek/Linkedin/EngineeringJobs


  • i won't recommend doing that, are you just applying for grad roles?

    what field?

    • I'm looking in Mech Eng, and I look for entry level stuff as well

  • +1

    I think if they have enough free time for you to make an impression, they won't have enough work on to offer you a job.
    Even in terms of reception or HR. If they are doing nothing and ready to chat with you, there is no work on which is not a great sign. If they are busy, the office might need a new hire, but someone unexpectedly interrupting their workday will be an annoyance and I am not sure it would lead anywhere good.

    Being innovative and confident is a good idea, I am just not sure this is it.
    Perhaps if you attend networking evenings for your industry where it is more socially appropriate to inquire about jobs, or volunteer placements for experience. There should be some kind of industry association that runs these.

    Work on your LinkedIn presence so it stands out (accumulate recommendations etc) then message recruiters / HR managers in your field? < The modern equivalent of a cold visit really, but less intrusive so more likely to get your message across.

    If you are within 2 years of graduation your university careers office will probably still let you go there for advice etc.

  • +1

    "I've got no relevant work experience."

    Get the relevant work experience by offering to work for free for a month.
    You never know, they may offer you a job after that time, and if they don't then at least you have some experience and initiative. Just be clear you want to get some basic experience, not do the filing for nothing.

  • Are you also engineering and commerce?

    Assuming you are, I would recommend your pants and shoes to be of suitable quality for the workplace. Assuming you are also male, your top attire would be a button up long sleeve shirt- no suit jacket, no tie. Just make sure the shirt looks presentable for office space.

    Sometimes companies wont care too much that you do or don't have experience. For someone of your level most companies assume you have 0 experience, or the experience you have was in a different field and it was unrelated anyway. They will care about your culture and how you would interact with their team (who probably operates quite efficiently).

    Generation Y has prompted the 'hire culture, teach skill' ethic. I imagine that a well established company who is mindful of their future in the industry will hire with that as a motivator.

    Don't try too hard to answer how you think someone wants you to, or how you think the boss would do things. A smart boss will take in someone who he believes is quite different from him and possibly the rest of the team- not to rock the boat, but to provide a different perspective and ensure quality.

    As an entry level position, you might find yourself doing a lot of learning and grunt work- which will help your understanding of what your potential company offers. They will likely be after someone who is diligent and fits in with the culture.

    Best of luck :).

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