I have outstanding debt with a insurance company of $2250 and so the ARL company called to collect the debt and said if I would pay in a weeks time over the phone I would only need to pay $1500. Does this sound right?
Is Australian receivables LTd a scam???
..and pay the $2250 that you owe.
if they are willing to settle for less, then why pay more?
It's common for the collection agencies and even insurers themselves to negotiate a smaller settlement than the original amount.
Just to check that they are legitimate, & authorised to collect on the Insurance companies behalf.
http://www.arlcollect.com.au/ is their website. Their is also a Financial Hardship page.
so you are going on holiday on the gold coast, thinking of buying a 20k car, getting your bf a present, and you have a 2k debt?
maybe you should pay this off first before thinking about spending money
Sounds like a debt factoring company of which there are many around.
However if what madmouse58 said is true…tsk tsk. Pay Up!
just pay the man
They just want to make a deal, this is normal, but you should pay your debt back before you take that holiday. Its the right thing to do.
Maybe they are willing to write off part of the debt. I would contact the Insurance company.