Candle Making: How to Make Candles At Home - The Simple Candle Making Guide for Beginners
Start making your own candles now
Candle Making: How to Make Candles At Home - The Simple Candle Making Guide for Beginners
Start making your own candles now
This book has had 1 review from a certain RM. Now, look at RM's activity here. Incredible how many books he's had the time to read and review… 23 books on Feb 22 alone!! He's either a very fast reader, or full of s***. And what's more annoying is that most of these books are being posted by 'reps' every single day. Something very fishy here. Rant over.
No mention of warren buffet though in this listing TA.
2674 book reviews since April 28, 2014. Legitimate bookworm here!
Would be nice to have a system that weaves out all of these spam books, not really possible though.
And, it's funny how 'RM' never seems to give a rating less than five stars too.
But seriously; this is just making a farce out of the review & rating system. Amazon should do something about it because it really does impact their credibility.
It seems that this particular book wasn't even written in English and the grammatical translation is appalling.
The source of light in the dark was The CANDLES long time ago. But now I must Thank Thomas Edison that due to his efforts we take candles as a pretty decoration now a days.
Candles are source of fragrance and lovely gifts these days just because of Mr. Thomas Edison who invented the light bulb and turn the candles into this beautiful and pleasing stuff.
Making Candles is not a job or a business it’s an ART, one can go creative doing this. Candles have various color different styles and a lot of sizes whatever suit you. As an artist paints a picture, candle making is a similar fun at home.
You simply will need some items to make candles and some of the regarding tools at hand. So what you are waiting for. Gather tools and the entire candle making basic items and go start to make your very own candle.
Oh my, the grammar! The author is taking the piss, right?
I used google translator as it makes more sense after the conversion.
Seriously the worst grammar I've seen in a book.
Lighten up.
I guess the author never attended the Derek Zoolander Center for Kids Who Can't Write Good and Wanna Learn to Do Other Stuff Good Too.
Author is not an ant?