Moved to Forum: Original Link
I scored a great price on the Huawei P7 at Hardly Normal. Thursday deal price was $390ish.
$335 for a phone with specs better than Galaxy S4 (…)
Moved to Forum: Original Link
I scored a great price on the Huawei P7 at Hardly Normal. Thursday deal price was $390ish.
$335 for a phone with specs better than Galaxy S4 (…)
Tell 'em the price, son
Tell 'em the price, son
Just follow the posting guidelines, son.
You realise the phone's IMEI is showing in that photo? Also try using the Title Guidelines to make your title more informative.
Also, can you explain how you got that price? If it was price matched then it doesn't meet the Deal Posting Guidelines
So can someone report it as stolen and get it blocked by imei?
I can edit the deal but not until 10 minutes has passed. I'll blur out the IMEI and upload it in the right orientation when I can.
Sorry, misread the comment. Not sure it can be blocked if reported stolen. If it was carrier locked (like bought from Optus/Telstra etc.) then possibly.
Thanks for the assistance with the post and the criticism, still new at posting
This was the special price on Thursday, The price now is over $500
But the phone was bought on Friday.
Prob just a late change in pricing, the sale ended around 2am Friday if I remember correctly because I posted the deal :)
Thanks for the original post Trent86, As previously mentioned by MS this was bought on Friday (afternoon), I simply negotiated for the best deal on the day and thought that it was a bargain.
@captain fatguts: Great that you got it dude for that price because yes it's a great price, I just don't think HN Will offer it for that price but I guess it's worth trying. Which neg are you talking about?
You do not HAVE to hide the IMEI. Under ACMA legislation the IMEI has to be visable on the outside of the box anyway. So there is nothing secretive about IMEI numbers.
Only the owner can have a mobile phone 'blocked' by IMEI number.
Only the owner can have a mobile phone 'blocked' by IMEI number.
How do you prove you're the owner? With the receipt on OzBargain, anyone can download that and potentially claim it as theirs. The point of the receipt was only to show the price so I thought it might've been safer to remove it.
A better reason to remove it is to make sure OP can register the product for warranty reasons.
Apologies to those who think the IMEI should remain displayed on the receipt then. I'll happily put it back up if that's what people want.
Was just concerned about OP's purchase and any potential warranty issues down the track.
Apologies to those who think the IMEI should remain displayed on the receipt then. I'll happily put it back up if that's what people want.
It does not matter. That is why I emphasised the "HAVE" in my "You don't HAVE to hide the IMEI".
There is no need to have it removed. There is no need to put it back.
Can't someone use that IMEI, allocate it to their phone (I'm sure there are people in this world who can do this), and then use the phone in a different part of the world ?
Doable ?
Performance and specs are at best on par with the S4.. not S5 or later..
And who knows what sort of spywares the Chinese government planted inside.
And who knows what sort of spywares the Chinese government planted inside.
This is a legitimate concern. However, the American NSA also have access thanks to their theft of the security 'keys' to the SIMs that will be used in mobile phones.
A few months back I had a with a Chinese solar panel company. At the end of the meeting they gave myself and my colleagues a USB flash drive as a gift. I through them all in the garbage once back at the office. For sure it would be loaded with spyware.
Live with it, you have already got enough spywares that you are not aware of from the US Government. So why bother?
Have you checked through your Internet Browser cookies lately? You know pretty much all of these are tracking devices? The reality is - there is no privacy anymore no matter what people say and everyone is being spied on regardless of where you are. Unless you are happy to start moving into a cave and become Neolithic. Even then, the taxman will still knock on your cave rock to ask you for tax.
Thanks bchliu, i have updated the post to reflect same. The spec is somewhere in between the s4 & s5.
Wow, you dudes have watched too many Bourne movies and swallowed way too much US propaganda. I have been using Huawei products for 7 years and have had no issues. In my mind, US imperialism is far more nefarious than anything our Chinese comrades can offer. Mind you, i will get my wife to be more cautious when using our sex toys from aliexpress…. those sneaky chinese might be trying to 'screw' us!
Wow, you dudes have watched too many Bourne movies and swallowed way too much US propaganda. I have been using Huawei products for 7 years and have had no issues. In my mind, US imperialism is far more nefarious than anything our Chinese comrades can offer.
It has been revealed that China/Huawei are not to be trusted. The same with the USA via their NSA. It is not just USA "propaganda".
That's correct and it's why they were excluded from NBN work
That's correct and it's why they were excluded from NBN work
To clarify. It was Huawei who were excluded because of their illegal/unethical activities.
I bought one in Japan last month after I had dropped my S5. Around $280AUD.
Quite a nice phone, but it doesn't match up to the S5 performance-wise. Basically looks like a thinner iphone 4S. Very slippery in the hands though with it's glass.
Honestly, I'd buy the Moto G instead,
the extra 1GB RAM on the P7 isn't really a difference in real-life usage on this phone.
As a posting newb, please explain why this has been shifted to forum?
I would imagine that all deals showing receipts would be negotiated price?
How does my post differ to
PIT - price in title