Are there any problems with having lots of sims at any point in time activated against your name?
I notice telstra requite your D/L and DOB when you activate a sim online.
I am just about to, for the first time, start doing the telstra prepaid starter kit 'method', with the main Sim1 [long-life>simplicity] and the monthly throw away sim2 [Freedom].
So if you buy a whole bunch of cheap $30 starter kits and activate them monthly then use them on Freedom and use Creditme2u to transfer to your main Sim1, you are accruing all these sim activations against your name.
Can this cause any problems in the long run?
In the past weren't you added to a 'database' once you had more than 5 sims activated in your name ?
All info appreciated.
I've activated 3 in the past 3 months at TLS shop and had no probs. But, prob not what u r asking.