Referrer and referee get $20 after referee's 1st purchase of $90+.
Win a Lenovo Y50 Gaming Laptop (Valued at $2,199ea) from Lenovo
58 entrants, 0 wins
Last edited 28/02/2015 - 19:18
Entry Requirements
Same deal as last month's comp.
To enter:
- Go to the linked page
- Put in your first name, last name and email address
- You'll get a code which you then pass on to your friend to get them to sign up
You only get a valid entry if a friend also submits the form with your referral code. To help each other please use the link below and use someone elses code to validate their entry, once entered leave your code in the comments and I'll add it to the list for someone else to use to in turn validate your entry (in alphabetical order)
- Use this link to enter the competition
- Use the referral code below:
Username | Code |
0180 | 84E57 |
2shy | AB153 |
8anddrank | B8BF5 |
Agoodname | 4B0BD |
ajwatts | 3E046 |
Allan | 25DB1 |
Anonym0us | 3F3C5 |
Apoca89 | 4193C |
arthy90 | 657AD |
ash | 76DD4 |
ausmechkeyboards | 74DE2 |
Bappy | 16328 |
Bargain_Bandit | 9792D |
bex000 | 0B09D |
big bill broonzy | 1ABA0 |
big spender | F7138 |
blippo3k | 43457 |
blurn | 5F80C |
bozp | 747A1 |
Brachneos | 5ACE3 |
buckster | 490F8 |
chonghe | 0D967 |
ci3reR | E7F7D |
Cooties | FB88F |
Crys | 3FAB5 |
danz84 | CB5D8 |
downero | 8EA8E |
Dreamily | 1E195 |
DrSJ | 89E14 |
Economist | D32C8 |
evilol | 7FA6A |
Flies | 513C1 |
Fortune | 16ABC |
full0085 | 2A0F6 |
gagiman | C6856 |
geekomatic | 111FB |
GeoffM | A6E1C |
ginmi | 78C85 |
godzilla123 | 7EF62 |
gummibears | EF1FC |
hamza23 | 4F7A0 |
Hellfire | B2DD4 |
HelloKatie | A4FD1 |
Hen | 0A258 |
Hoolio | 4880B |
jlfutari | 0DEB6 |
Jmerc | 70369 |
JoeSoap | F09D3 |
JokerCandy | 1B925 |
justmaybe | E222E |
kaitoo1412 | 85ED0 |
kangur | 97079 |
kcbworth | AEAB0 |
knick007 | 99BAD |
LadyMooGoo | 4AFB2 |
leyeon | D9C6B |
Lizzle | B93B1 |
Lunchtime | 182CA |
mangew | E88B5 |
matego | 1ADC1 |
Metafizick | 0CD00 |
mickey | 15DCF |
mikeywa | A2D58 |
Minimoo | 6147C |
MountainGoat | 2C57F |
msjacqui | A71A5 |
mutantx | 0DF02 |
natman | CEA53 |
nbpengii | 8E558 |
Neoika | 6360A |
ngf | 0E768 |
nj8842 | 93D45 |
nmat | 472CE |
Noobist45 | 72BA2 |
oak | A555F |
Ohcheapcheap | 2A16B |
Odin | 406E0 |
oringal | E8FAB |
ozchobie | 91A02 |
panda6 | C89EE |
pennypincher | 22626 |
peteru | 83252 |
PinzVidz | 6E3DC |
pippen | 84E57 |
pixxelpusher | 9DE2D |
plasmo | B97AA |
porleng | F97A1 |
Ramrunner | B0AFE |
reecho | 0758B |
RichRichardo | 01E1C |
robertm | E6644 |
ronorboris | 557C6 |
scottg | A215D |
sebconn | 182CA |
Skeksys | 09DFA |
slong | 9EC21 |
smartnotcheap | 9414C |
stinkychicken | 5688E |
subywagon | 68A3C |
thelute | 3CBAA |
TheBean | A0111 |
ThisOne | 14B03 |
toniyellow | B1CBB |
Tragus | 03C2A |
Triple675 | 255F3 |
unco | A625A |
WhiskeyJack | 024B4 |
whothegood | D6F21 |
xoom | 81DD6 |
yetnedtran | F2B73 |
zaobaowang | 0A73E |
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closed Comments
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not sure why when I entered the code it keeps saying "please input the invitation code!"
Validated Lunchtimes :)use yours
Validated OP's
Validated chonghe's code :)
validated lizzie :)validated triple675's code
how do i get a code?
Check your email address it will be there if you didn't note it down after submitting.
Validated Econoicist
My code: 74DE2
Validated: ausmechkeyboards
Validated ausmechkeyboards
My code 81DD6
Validated xoom
My Code: A215D
Validated scottg87
My Code: A2D58
Validated mikeywa
My Code: 5ACE3
Validated Brachneos
My Code: D9C6BValidated leyeon
My code: 97079
Validated: ausmechkeyboards
My Code: 72BA2
CODE: 22626
validated ausmechkeyboards
my code: 85ED0Validated xoom
My code: C89EEI validated panda6
My Code: 70369
Thanks1B925 :) validated lizzie
Validated Jokercandy
0E768 is my code
validated PinzVidz 6E3DC
B97AA is my codeValidated brachneos' code. :)
Mine is: 3E046
Validated ajwatts code.
Mine is 5688E
Validated stinkychicken code
Mine is: 7FA6A
Validated scottg
My code A6E1C
My code 68A3C
Sorry I did it wrong and didn't validate anyone :(Validated evilol
Mine is: 513C1validated scottg
Mine is: A4FD1validated HelloKatie
Mine is: B8BF5Validated 8anddrank
Mine is: A625AValidated 8anddrank
mine code is 747A1Vaildated xoom
Mine is: 14B03Validated ThisOne
Mine is: 4AFB2Validated LadyMooGoo
My code: 78C85
Validated Triple675
Validated Ramrunner
My Code: 9792D
Validated sebconn
My Code: B2DD4
My Code: 2A0F6F97A1
Also Validated Xoom before realizing that there were new ones in the comments… Oops.
A555F (Validated XOOM, last one on last at the time)
Used your code oak.
Mine is 8EA8E. Cheers
Used yours.
Here's mine: 8E558Used yours.
Mine is AB153.
Used yours, mine is E222E
Grabbed yours thanks. Mine is C6856
cool used yours:)
mine is A0111
Used TheBeans code. Got "Great, your place in the draw with Benjamin is confirmed. "
my code is 3F3C5
Whoever wins, make sure you check for Superfish!…
Mines E8FAB
Used yours.
Mine is 6147C
Confirmed oak. Mine's EF1FC.
Validated xooms (81DD6). Confirmed with an email.
Mine is: 9DE2DMy Code is 9414C; validated 2shy
Used yours; mine is 024B4.
Used yours.
Mine is 16ABC
Used yours,
mine is 0DF02@mutantx: used yours. Mine is 657AD
09DFA - Cheers!
Mines 2A16B - Thank you!
Used yours.
Mine is E88B5
E88B5 - Thanks in advance
Mine: 0A73E
I used your code zaobaowang
Mine is 15DCFUsed yours :)
Mine is: E7F7D
Thanks!Used yours. Don't get where I get mine from, I didn't get a code on screen nor in my email.
Thanks! But that's weird..I got my new code after submitting mickey's code. I also received two emails - one is mickey's code use confirmation and the other one to advise my own code (subject: You're almost entered to win…(last step) )
Maybe they go to your Spam folder?
@Ci3reR: I checked spam. That's ok, at least I have an entry with you :)
Mine is E6644.
Thanks :-)
validated Neoika.
mine is 3CBAA
Used thelute
Mine: 472CE
Used nmat's.
Mine: 2C57F
used 2shy
my code is winay50That's not a code, that's just the end of the URL. Check your email again, it reads like this:
If a friend uses this code to enter at
Reply with the code once you got it so I can add it to the OP, thanks.
Just entered.
Please use my code: 91A02
Used yours!
Validated Mountaingoat,
my code is 490F8
Thank you!
Mines 9EC21
My code: 01E1C
mines 255F3
Used above.
Mine is B1CBB
Just entered with yours.
Mine is 406E0
Used yours
mine is 99BAD
Someone please validate my code.
GeoffM A6E1C
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