Cockroaches and Minties dilemma

Firstly, I'm not too sure whether it was a cockroach but its the only insect I can think of.

So I had this bag which had a few clothes in it and a 3/4 full opened packet of 400g minties.
I left it on the floor of my bedroom, and I woke up in the middle of the night and I heard this rissle rissle. Half asleep put didn't think much.
Woke up, and it was still happening periodically.
It couldn't have been anything else.
So my dilemma is: To throw out the minties or not..

TL;Dr: Potential cockroach scavenger, shall I throw out minties?


  • "rissle, rissle" tee hee! I say, yes throw them out. I can spot you a new pack if you like!

    • Don't throw them out. I doubt a cockroach would have the taste for mint. He probably just wanted to read the comics.

  • +18

    cockroaches do not have thumbs to untwist the wrapper.

    Don't be a girly man, eat the minties

    • +5

      and the cockroaches.

      cockroaches do not have thumbs to untwist the wrapper.

      Actually cockroaches have the ability to chew through thin materials like paper and cardboard. No prehensile thumbs required, when you have a sharp set of teeth.

      • -1

        Yes, I love to eat food from gnawed packages!!!

  • +2

    You probably have a mouse or a rat.

    • Nah don't think so, I transferred the contents into a empty bin and there was no sign of a mouse/rat.
      But at 2AM I did think it was a rat..

      • Better check the Minties aren't dirty… by putting them in the bin!

  • -2

    Www, throw them out

  • +5

    Put the minties in a bowl and leave on your coffee table. Your friends will eat them …

    • +16

      In laws..

      • +5

        even better :]

    • If they don't eat the Minties, they can always try the cockroaches - hey, they're a great source of protein :P

  • +2

    could be cockroaches… they will chew through bags & wrappers and make a noise doing so,
    mice will do the same thing but not sure if they would be into minties???
    throw them out, don't leave food laying around, including dirty dishes, to attract them.
    its the peak season for cockroaches in oz atm. cheap and easy to control.

  • +6

    A grin for the person that is negging throwing the minties out. :-)

  • +3
    • Ew… but nah

  • +1

    I've figured out what it is and its not cockies.

    • +2

      ahah we've had a similar experience..
      there was this huntsman on the roof and i went to get the insect spray bit it was gone. Didnt think much of it.
      woke up and there were literally 1000s or little tackers on the roof. FML.

      • I have seen that too, hundreds of babies.
        But you dont want to see it when you turn the bedroom light on a 2am and they just disappear.

        • This was at 9AM with full light

      • I was sitting on the crapper. Something falls on me. I notice dots on the roof but I am half asleep so I ignore them. While I finish my business a feel a few more tiny objects fall on me. I wash hands, waking me up a little more.

        My toilet and hall was covered in baby huntsmen…

        • +5


          I'm afraid it's too late to save you. I recommend dousing yourself and your house with kerosene and then nuking it from orbit.

  • Maybe its a rat?

    • Doubt it.

  • Why aren't your minties in a glass jar or canister once you've opened the packet?

    I reckon it could be a mouse in the house…

    • +2

      It was a long day mate.. but generally thats what happens.

      • we have to put things away cos when we wake up we find our little dog has hoovered up what ever we have left on the coffee table - lollies, half empty cups of tea…. even finger nail files (those sandpaper types)

    • +4

      If the cockies have been eating Minties, they will taste like mint. That way you can tell for sure it was cockies.

  • +1

    Put them out again and set a trap

  • People still eat minties?

    • +3

      You bet ya!

    • +2

      Or rather.. People buy Minties?

      • +3

        True, they're free from Pokie Rooms across the country.

        Protip: You don't actually have to play the pokies to grab food and drink from the Pokie Room.

        • +1

          Who knew the pokie rooms would be a utopia for the ultimate bargain hunter!

        • @waterlogged turnip:

          When you run machines that can suck in $50 per minute you can afford to give back snacks and drinks to your suckerscustomers.

          Clubs are truly wonderful organisations that do so much for our communities. ¬_¬

  • +1

    So I've decided, after long thinking and the valuable help of the OzB community, to..
    Drum Roll..

    Throw them out.

    Thanks for all your help everyone!
    I'll keep my eye on woolies deals and stock up next time :)

    • +6

      You could've just washed each one before consuming.


  • OP you got me googling. Mr Google says cockroaches hate mint, peppermint etc and it is toxic to them.

  • +4

    Eat the minties and then the cockroaches. In true ozbargain spirit… you get free cockroaches with minites.

    • +3

      cockroach first, then minties for fresh breath.

      no one wants to kiss some one with cockroach breath.

  • +1

    Eat the roaches as they will taste like minties…. ala cheech and chong when cheech smokes a roach that was in his pot jar.

  • Eat the minties even if a roach has chewed on one it won't kill you, stop being a sook

    • But they're dirty..
      Too late anyway

  • Its only your fear of bugs that makes them dirty.

  • +2

    Think about how much of your supermarket food has been touched by rats or cockroaches before it hits your mouth. Im willing to bet that most apples, nuts, and dried fruit have had rats and insects crawling over them at some point between the tree and Coles.

  • +1

    jv, where are you? This discussion is right up your alley :)

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