Xbox live gold 12 months subscription for AUD 39.74. Region Free and email code within an hr.
Xbox Live code can be stacked upto 36 months
UPDATE: use promo code for another 3-5% discount ( code use is limited, I found on internet and is working)
Select Seller (100% satisfaction rating) with $38.28 price tag + G2A shield protection $1.46 (optional), then proceed to checkout option
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Silly question.
You can buy inter-regionally on the same account with the Xbox (at the moment) - with some trickery, pretty cool to get the US deals even on your AUD account for XBL.
However, will your AUD XBL Gold status, allow you to get the US stores deals which are cheaper for XBL Gold customers? (Example Lords of the Fallen going to be or is very cheap right now? and even cheaper for XBL Gold subscribers)