This was posted 10 years 15 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

Tim Tams Treat Pack 90-100g $1 Each at Coles Whitford City (WA)


Spotted at Coles Whitford City in WA. Most flavours available with lots of stock. It appears to be clearance as on the two packs I picked up expiry was late March and early April.

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closed Comments

  • these look like the tiny half-packets…

    • Are they even half?

      • Not sure, they're gone before I even open the packet

        • Dammit…jv's been on the Arnott's payroll this whole time.

  • Also seen at Leichhardt NSW Coles. The small packet Adriano Zumbo line is being replaced by a "normal" size pack, but the Zumbo Tim Tams were explicitly excluded in the catalogue of last weeks 50% off Tim Tams sale at Coles, so these are still cheaper than a full price pack.

  • Yep only a bargain if you normally pay full price

  • Yay! I will have to pick some up tomorrow! My boyfriend loves the salted caramel ones.

    • +2

      We're still taking about timtams right…

      • yes…

  • +1

    Full size Zumbo's TimTams are half price this week at woolies

  • Can anyone confirm if this is just one store or Coles nationwide?

    • 50c at Coles in Tas.

  • The ones such as peanut butter etc were promotional. Check the use by dates as they're most likely out of date!

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