Winner has been announced on their Facebook page, winning number was 633.
$1450 Overnight Stay for Four, Wine Tutorial and Case of 2014 Longhouse Chardonnay Semillon

4 entrants, 0 wins
Last edited 15/02/2015 - 14:51
Entry Requirements
Copied from their Facebook page:
To celebrate our 1000 likes on Facebook we are having a little give a way.
I have written a number between 1 and 1000 on a piece of paper at 8.32am 28/1/15 (and photographed it next to a digital clock). The first person to guess this number will win an over night stay* for 4 people, plus a 2 hour private wine tutorial, plus a case of 2014 Longhouse Chardonnay Semillon - total prize value is $1450.
To make sure duplicates aren't guessed (people have guessed the number 832 13 times so far… so there's lots already), I've created the following Google Docs sheet. If you guess a number, please delete it off the sheet. If you see numbers guessed by others, please delete them as well.
Sheet is here, and is publically editable, so be careful with it please!…
Good luck everyone!
The facebook page is
(Go to competition link not working for me)