This was posted 10 years 19 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

X-Men First Class $7.50, TBBT Season 3 $15, Night at The Museum 1 + 2 $9.75 + Lots More @ Target

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closed Comments

  • +2

    I should have thought people would have upgraded to blu-ray by now. Who still intentionally buys DVD movies now a days?. Maybe that's why these DVDs are slashed in price people aren't buying DVD any more.

  • -1

    If only it was $7.50 for X-Men First Class on Blu-ray, then I'd buy it…

    • +1

      True. I bought X-Men First Class blu-ray recently for $10 on a JB Hi-Fi 2 for $20 blu-ray sale. That was only a $2.50 price difference for the much better blu-ray release.

      At the moment X-Men First Class blu-ray can be bought for $12.50 on the Sanity 4 for $50 blu-ray sale. That's only a $5 difference compared to the DVD from Target. I mean blu-ray HD beats DVD SD any day and in my opinion would be worth the extra $5.

      Also brand new X-Men First Class blu-ray + DVD combo $7.50 + delivery ($10.45 delivered) on eBay. Only $2.95 more than what Target wants for the DVD alone and you do get the DVD and the blu-ray discs in this release. Granted there's only 1 available from this eBay seller but you can see how it's possible to buy the blu-ray for $7.49 + delivery when you actually shop around.…

      Avatar blu-ray is going brand new on eBay for $9.95 delivered.…

      Personally i have no idea why people are still buying the insuperior DVD release when the blu-ray release is only a few dollars more. Take World War Z blu-ray that's only $13.50 delivered on eBay. Prometheus blu-ray is also only $13.50 delivered on eBay. Blu-ray is much more future proof and for only a few dollars more. And who in their right mind would play DVD on a large screen TV when they can get blu-ray and see the movie in proper full HD with uncompressed sound instead of faked full HD through upscaling and compressed sound.

      That is my argument as to why blu-ray is much better than DVD and being only a few dollars more. The blu-ray will last much longer than DVD when it comes to future proofing and even the disc lasting longer due to the scratch resistant surface on the blu-ray disc. For a measly few dollars more that's worth every cent in my opinion.

  • In store there are signs up saying 25% off DVDs, Blurays and music CDs. Ends tomorrow.

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