got this promotion from wechat.. expiring 2am feb 13 (friday)
- 40" LED TV (Full HD) $288 free shipping
- Samsung Galaxy s5 $588 free shipping
- 5 in 1 steam mop $28 free shipping
& more
got this promotion from wechat.. expiring 2am feb 13 (friday)
& more
Have a kogan led tv - sound is pretty bad, would not buy again…
can't you plug some external speakers to it?
While this is important information for anyone considering buying one of their tv's, from what I've read around the place this is a common complaint. They push the quality of the panels (which is also debatable and seems to vary wildly) but not so much any quality of the speakers included. Most everyone suggests plugging in any variety of external speakers for a significant improvement in sound.
Every LED\LCD TV has shoddy sound
Have you heard a Sony's sound?
where do you want to bring a kogan tv to?
I bought a 42 inch one back in 2012, I think it cost about $400 at the time.
It's still going great and I'm very happy with it.
The speakers probably aren't great, but I use it with a separate surround sound system so it's irrelevant to me.
Can highly recommend the steam mop.
Bought it for $40 delivered last year and darn thing is awesome.
Can leave floors a little wet if on highest setting , but follow it up with wood magic and its awesome.
Thanks. Got the steam mop.
Got the steam mop too, thanks for the recommendation gryphn.
got the mop for $3 after free code
me to :)
Where's the free code?
u had to buy the monitor which was mispriced.
Steam mop will work on laminate or is it mainly for real hardwood and tiles?
I'm sure it would work… but does it damage the laminate?
The manual says "When using on vinyl, linoleum or any other heat sensitive floors, use extra caution.
Too much heat can melt glue within flooring. Use only on laminated flooring that has been laid professionally and without any gaps or cracks that would permit the entry of moisture."
Had terrible service from Kogan recently. Will skip.
it aint expired m8
Thanks, I got the steam mop. I noticed they've also got 1m micro usb cables for $1 shipped:
Speaking of cables, kogan still owes me a lightening cable, and also chips and drinks at nandos. They have never lived up to their freebies for me.
I got the free steel multi tool recently. Was surprised it actually turned up.
Says 3-4 weeks delivery on the cable… If they group the items that might not be worth it.
Thanks, bought the steam mop. Hope it will not damage laminated floor.
If you spilt your coffee would it damage your floors?
If not, should be fine! :D
Edit: according to above, if it's not the best job on the flooring and moisture can get in under it while cleaning that can become a problem and melt the glue.
The $28 mop is sick deal, wroth $50-70 from anecdotal reviews.
Great find. I got the MOP as well.
Thanks, OP.…
Kogan 55inh 4k 3D TV $899.
"Made with an LG 4K panel"
Not sure on quality, but that seems decent for a 4k TV.
Got the mop, thank you.
got a mop too!
never been more excited to buy a cleaning product!
Good price for mop
Got a mop aswell. Peer pressure and all that.
Steam pressure
Me got the mop too due to wife's pressure.
How long does one microfibre cover last? Anywhere to get cheap replacement?
The string that ties it tight goes on them first but that can be fixed with a bit of fiddling otherwise they last for ages
Well past the 2am expiry. Did you mean 2am tonight i.e Saturday morning not Friday? The discount prices are still active.
I love how the focus is now on the mop.
crap I shouldn't have waited til I got to the office.
Not to worry. Its still available from eBay for 56c more which was where I got mine. Its probably safer too since you got eBay backup…
Thanks, plus 4% cashback!
That too
I could only find 2% cashback. Where did you manage the 4% one from?
I don't use this personally but I'm guessing uder was referring to this:…
Thanks ReijArisu. Kogan has put up the price on the soldout item but there are still a few left on their ebay listing. Where do you get 4% cashback? Most gives only 2%.
Thanks mate! I just grabbed one :)
Damn I waited til in the office too.
Now out of stock for both website and ebay.
So depressed now about missing out on the mop
bugger steam mop sold out!
Steam mop sold out, da hell was in bed!
Tempted by that telly. Anyone tried this exact model?
Bought mop on Ebay. Ty
Now I regreted on missing out on the Benq monitor "deal". :(
Is there anything blatantly bad about Kogan phones? (Apart from the need to ship overseas if you want to claim warranty)
It takes longer to arrive? My brother bought S4 Active from them, saying that he doesn't care too much about the warranty. The shipping was fairly slow (which is reasonable considering that it came from abroad).
Got the mop from their eBay store thanks to ReijiArisu.
Another happy mop owner …
Mop at Ebay is now out of stock, 10 minutes late
its decided….im gana start selling mops
Thanks OP!
Did anyone receive a confirmation email from Kogan? All I received was PayPals transaction and Google protection
I got a Kogan email confirmation at the same time as the PayPal transaction email.
First time dealing with Kogan and get this
Just did a live chat with Kogan staff and they resent my confirmation email. They said there was heaps of orders for the mop and my order was in the final stages of processing and would receive a tracking number once shipped.
Got my steam mop this morning! Time to do some cleaning!
Did you get an email saying it had shipped? I haven't received one yet (just order confirmation). Though I have received things from Kogan in the past BEFORE being told they had shipped, so not overly concerned.
Nope the only thing I got was an email from AusPost this morning at 6:51am:
Your shipment from is due for delivery today
This delivery consists of 1 parcel(s). Once your delivery has taken place, you may receive another email notification.
Sounds similar to my last experience. Got an email saying my product had shipped the night after receiving it. Hopefully that means it'll be here soon.
Yeah the past two things I've gotten from Kogan have had the dispatch email come the day after I received it too.
Hope you get yours soon :)
Hows the mop?
I opened the box excitedly when it got delivered this morning and there are so many mini sealed bags of parts in there that I didn't want to pull it all out and lose some bits before rushing to work.
I'll have a play with it when I get home. I was mostly hoping to use it to clean my car wheels as seen in their pic on the webpage, hope it can cut through some of that brake dust to minimise the time I need to spend on it with a little brush.
What car do you have now unco? I never see your posts on the Lexus forums anymore (sent you a pm about the 2012 headlights a few years back) haha.
Oh wow haha hey there! I still have the Lexus, I haven't been very active lately.
Did you end up getting the headlights too?
Yeah I did! Shortly after I messaged you but I only installed the relay harness mod in December, was easier then I'd imagine haha.
No instructions came with my mop
online user manual…
Looks pretty good for $28, cheers op
Any brought a Kogan tv before? Is it any good?