• expired

Xiaomi Piston Earphones IEM Gold Colour - $19.44 AUD Delivered @ iBuygou


Been a few of these posted already on ozb but I don't think ever before at this kind of pricing. Originally thought I was being duped but after some googling note that iBuygou has a really good reputation for supplying the real deal so I thought I would post this so it doesn't get buried behind all the other previous deals.

Unsure if it is the 2.0 or 2.1 version but again looking at google people are reporting that ibuygou are selling 2.1s, but as I just ordered these today can't confirm until I receive it :)

Free (untracked) airmail delivery is provided by iBuygou free of charge to major cities, but given it ships from China probably takes like 30 days to get here anyway.

$15.99 USD for the brown/gold originals. At the top of the page there is an option to change the currency to AUD, which gives you $19.44 AUD for these. A seriously good price at the best of times, and a ridiculous price given the crappy exchange rate going ($19.44 is about 82c equivalent which is great as of 11 Feb 2015).

Silver also available (note the cable of the silver one actually appears to be white and the only silver part is the buttons and the actual earphone part). I personally don't like brown but prefer brown to the white cable potentially getting dirty. These are $16.00 USD or $19.45 AUD.

EDIT: To clarify the links:



Happy buying…

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closed Comments

  • It appears silver has sold out but brown still available. Thanks OP I need a new pair as I water damaged my Sony ones. Just hope the sound quality is passable :)

  • +4

    Anyone notice it says Save $5 when you like our Facebook page and spend $30 however I don't see any coupon code unfortunately :(

    • -1

      The coupon for facebook thing can only be used for purchases over $30 so don't bother.

      • +1

        Well I could buy 2:P

        • +1

          You got me. +1

  • oh dammit i just bought this last week for $25 aud..

  • I brought a pair of these from aliexpress recently. Got them for $10.Since people say that the ones selling for a cheap price are knockoff ones.How do you tell if it was genuine or not ?
    My pair from aliexpress came with the retail package and all.And so far it seems very durable and hasnt broken on me yet.The sound quality is pretty good as well for the price.
    So far I cant find any flaws.
    Whats the advantage of paying more for a genuine over a cheaper "Xiaomi Piston Earphone" thats labelled a knockoff because its sold at a cheaper price less than rrp ?
    Surely the materials used for the Xiaomi Piston Earphone dont cost that much to manufacture ?

    • +1

      Not sure as I haven't personally listened to these but I had a knock-off pair of sennheiser cx300 vs the real deal and everything looked almost exactly the same. The only real difference was the sound quality which was night and day.

      Maybe it's one of those things you need to hear the original to show you the difference? Or maybe you got lucky with an awesome price hah

    • +3

      I think you pretty much pay for quality control and other things as well, when you buy a genuine product.

      For example, there was a hype in one of the online community I go to on Aliexpress IE80. Some sellers apparently got their hands on the real IE80 drivers, from one of the OEM companies in China. The problem is, manufacturing an earphone is not as simple as just adding all the parts together. You need quality control, tuning etc. Also, even if they have the real driver, usually the AliExpress sellers cut cost on other parts like wire, the tips, materials etc. Of course, you have to also take into account that there are a lot of fakes in AliExpress that sound worse than a 5 bucks earphones as well. So there is a risk factor. As the result of what I said the hype died out. People were getting disappointed with the build quality of the wires, housing etc, some people got really bad ones and the number of "bad fakes" increased as people were buying more of those AliExpress stuff as well.

      If you are fine with AliExpress products though, I suppose there is no problem (unless there is a legal problem associated with buying a fake one). After all, you are the one who's going to enjoy how it sounds. Some people complain about some earphone because they cannot stand how it sounds, other people are fine with it.

      • The genuine product is ¥99CNY (about $20.6AUD)


        (price from the largest online direct sales company in China)

        $17.99 delivered (with Paypal Package $2.00) is unbelievable.

  • Yup and they are closed for.Chinese new years

    • website says they will be closed after 14feb

    • -4


      • -3

        .. so ronry

  • Good deal for these headphones. Bought another pair. Thanks OP.

  • What do they normally retail for?

    • -1

      like 30+aud

    • I'd like to know this too, might hold off buying for now

    • Updated version look like piston 2 and newer version is piston 2.1. Very minor difference between the two. 2.1 comes with shirt clip (visible on white and silver photos) cord length is 1.2 compared to 1.1 in piston 2.

  • What other things is ibuygou best for buying from? just seeing if there's anything else recommended on the site.

  • I have ordered this month back and still waiting for delivery

  • -6

    Fine, christ you guys won't stop spamming them, I bought a pair.

    • -2

      Vote me down all you like, you're still wrong.

    • How do you know if they're the real deal though?

      • +2

        how do you know these iBuygou are genuine?

        • I read all the 140+ reviews on the website about the product, so I'm assuming it is real

        • +1


          Good point, but bummer I already ordered haha, now I'm skeptical!

          Oh well, I'll let you guys know how it goes, takin' one for the team! :D

        • @montorola: don't worry too much - XM forum goers seem happy :)

        • +1

          iBuygou are an established genuine retailer amongst the Xiaomi community, although their site looks pretty dodgy, they've actually got a partnership with Xiaomi to sell their products.


          Not affiliated with either companies, just a hardcore xiaomi fan

        • @mattgal:

          Reading around the various forums it does seem that bad reviews are deleted from their social media pages.

        • +1


          That website is not an official one. It is a fan (or profiteer) who has partnered with iBuygou. Although he does state on a few pages that it is not an official Xiaomi site it does appear designed to deceive. So this fan endorsement means very little in terms of iBuygou's reliability. In fact there are several horror stories which raise alarm bells for me with this vendor.

      • 647 transactions.

    • +3

      These are definitely fake, the cardboard packaging is supposed to be plain with no chinese text.

  • So if you choose AUD, will you be charged in local currency or would it still be an international transaction? I'm deciding whether to use 28 Degrees or another cc for points…

    • I selected aus and paid through PayPal with cba cc. Was charged the display price with no international fee

    • +1

      it depends on your card whether you have a "foreign currency transaction fee" or an "overseas transaction fee". One involves all foreign currencies whilst the other involves all transactions processed overseas, even if in AUD.

      From my experience, Citibank won't charge overseas transactions fee so if its charged in AUD, regardless of whether its processed overseas or not, you won't get charged any extra fees. Bonus is that you'll get bonus points for overseas transactions :P

      I think all the Big 4 banks do charge overseas transaction fees, but could be wrong. Pretty sure Westpac definitely does.

      • Oh nice, didn't know that - Do you have the Citibank Signature? I was going to use that, but thought they may slap me with a foreign transaction fee.

        But it's good to know now I can get points and a free conversion!

        • +1

          Yup, Citibank Signature(along with every other Ozbargainer who snapped it up fee-free-for life!!). Also useful for stuff like uber where they charge you in AUD but its also processed overseas.

          What you don't want to use are cards that charge the overseas transaction fee on purchases that have been converted to AUD by the merchant(at a usually less than great rate) as you then end up paying the OTC AND the premium charged by the merchant for the currency conversion. A double-whammy if you like. At least with the Citibank Signature, you get extra points for the overseas transaction, even if AUD, so you get points to soften the blow of the exchange rate premium

  • +2

    For those of you after the silver white versions, Mushtato is still selling them at $27.95… slightly more expensive but it apparently ships from Aus and not overseas.


  • +4

    Been listed on head-fi that iBuygou sells legit


    Though i bought from Mushtato and it arrived in 3 days

  • As much as I want to buy these I think back and shudder at the discomfort I felt trying to wear IEM's. Anyone got any recommendations for making IEM's more comfortable or any other earbud recommendations?

    • Try memory foam eartips. There's cheap stuff on ebay or there's the expensive 'Comply'

    • My Shure SE215's are the most comfortable IEM's I've ever used. I could never wear IEM's before as they just hurt after an hour or so, I can (and do) wear my Shure's all day. I wholeheartedly recommend them.

    • Some people just cant stick something in their ear I know I just couldnt, just not comfortable.

  • Bought these from Focal Price before Xmas(http://www.focalprice.com/MI0174X/Xiaomi_3.5_mm_In_ear_Earph…) and their normal price is under $10AUD even before the Aust Dollar drop.

    • +1

      Well those are obviously fakes by looking at their pictures

      • If they sell fakes , I guess the pictures would be from the original ones.

  • Look's like silver's back on the menu, boys.

    But why is silver only valued at $37 while brown is $52?

  • So what's the difference between the "original updated version" and the "new version"?

    Both are currently $16…

  • I got mine today, took ages to arrive. But they are v good - I'm no expert but sound v good for the money

  • are there headphones around $50 that sound better than Xiaomi Piston?

  • Guys, do these headphones sound better straight out of the box or does it require 'burn in' time like other headphones?

    • All headphones require 'burn-in' time. Every brand of headphones (and often across each model, too) has a different sound signature. The 'burn-in' comes from your ears adjusting to this signal.

  • Can anyone kindly point out the significance of these headphones? Are they that much better then regular headphones?

    • these are much better than apple earpods or basic samsung included earphones. worth a try IMHO

    • I hear you. I put in an order on feb 12th and their system still has the order as 'Paid'. The invoice they emailed me didn't have my shipping address, so it doesn't inspire confidence.

      I am assuming they have my shipping address from Paypal.

      • Ditto……the wait game begins. Knowing me, I'll probably forget -.-''

  • mine was shipped a few hrs ago!

    • Mine shipped 12 days after yours. Golly

      • man that sucks, but they did have a new years break until yesterday!

  • hmmm still waiting…

  • Received mine today and from scanning the QR code they are genuine.

  • +1

    Holy shit……. mine only just shipped!? I just got the email.

    • Same here, and I ordered before the supposed "cutoff" the guy mentioned. Bloody useless!

      • OMG I have them in my hands!! Fast shipping! I think the reason I received them fast was because I did what it said in the second email they sent (I had to send them the paypal transaction number etc. for 'tracking'). Going to unbox soon……

  • How does one read their tracking page?

    Mine says:
    Payment Status: Pending => Paid => On the way => Order Completed

    Does that mean it's not even up to the shipped stage yet?

      • Got my shipping notification email :) can't wait!

  • +1

    OH MY GOD these sound so effing good!!! Can't believe they were under $20!! Been listening to spotify songs on PC and everything just sounds so rich. Very happy with ibuygou and Xiaomi…..cannot wait until Xiaomi starts releasing actual products to Aussies directly (heard their phones are great)!

  • I'd completely forgotten about these but my Sennheisers are starting to play up and I remembered I had some replacements on the way :-)

    I don't think I'll be buying from these guys again…

  • man i only just got the email telling me they've been shipped.

    I paid on the 11th too…….

  • man i only just got the email telling me they've been shipped.

    I paid on the 11th too…….

  • just checked email

    got email from them say shipped 28th Feb


    now going to take another 2 weeks to receive

    tracked my order
    Payment Status Pending => Paid => On the way => Order Completed
    Order Date 2015-2-12 8:07:53

  • Your mileage may vary I guess.

    I am the OP and ordered first, and also only got the shipped email on the 28th of February!

    Of course there were other businesses with stock in Aus you could order from if you wanted them faster, although they do cost more, so the tradeoff is there. Seems like some people have gotten them quite fast still.

    • Weird ordered after you and got mine 2 weeks ago.

      • Mine just arrived, 1 month + 8 days later :P

        These are really good compared to my old pair, but since I've been waiting a whole month+ maybe that is why they sound so good, cause I haven't used IEMs since :P

        For $20, these are ridiculously good.

  • mine finally showed up a few days ago, nice headphones but when i'm one of the lucky ones who got theirs in ONLY a month it's hard to get excited.

  • Got mine today. On my fiio x1 with 24bit flac the sound quality is pretty damn good for $20. Might have to get some for other family members.

  • Got mine today, (13 days after shipment notice), sound is pretty good for $20!

  • Yep so (profanity) amazingly slow shipping, incredible. Still I knew this going in so not a huge deal I guess. Hope they are decent - but fair warning to others, SLOW.
    NOTE: This doesn't mean I've got mine yet..

  • Ordered on 13 Feb 2015.
    Shipment notice 27 Feb 2015.
    Received 12 Mar 2015.

  • They have arrived today, quality is over rated, sorry.
    Build quality of them? Exceptional. Packaging, exceptional. Look - pretty darn good overall.

    I played back a song on my Galaxy S3 and thought "wow these are so good, I need to switch to flac, maybe? Perhaps that's why it's so hollow sounding??" - nope
    The treble / non bass range is just completely hollow.
    I have here a several cheap (sub $30?) pairs of classic "Sony MDR-E737" headphones (NOT headset, no Mic)

    The sound quality DESTROYS these, just destroys them.

    The microphone? Well, it's very very "noisy" no noise reduction, there's a hiss in the air and my el-cheapo blackberry headset destroys that too.
    Sorry - but that's how I see it.

    I would be willing to put up with a weak mic if the audio was amazing but the only amazing thing about these is
    1, cheap
    2, build quality
    3, how long they take to ship.

    Ultimately the quality is not good, definitely not, sorry

    Song used "Nightmares on Wax - "Thought So" - fairly good quality MP3 listening specifically to the trumpet / lyrics at the 1:50mark onwards.

  • yet to receive mine!!

    • Same, playing the waiting game.

  • Likewise still waiting. Yawn.

  • +1

    Yep, waiting…

    Also, I bought 'paypal tracking' shipping, and you still don't even get a tracking number! Order status simply says 'shipped'.

    wondering how long I should wait before raising a paypal dispute…

  • Mine arrived last night, finally!
    Haven't opened it up yet.

  • Mine just arrived today - 1 month, 8 days later…

    They're excellent for the price I think.

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