Just want to say that I am 17 and work part-time and while at work I got a call on my phone which I never have from insurance people before, and they would not stop hassling me about funeral insurance when I'm 17…..
Win an Overseas Holiday (Worth up to $11,500) + 150 Minor Prizes - Medibank Private

spackbace on 11/02/2015 - 22:22 medibank.com.au (1589 clicks)
103 entrants, 1 win (1 unique winner)
Last edited 11/02/2015 - 22:23
103 entrants, 1 win (1 unique winner)
Last edited 11/02/2015 - 22:23
Closing Date
28/02/2015 11:59pm
1 of 3 Overseas Holidays
No. of Prizes
Total Prize Pool
Entry Requirements
Open To
Entry Limit
One per person
Entry Methods
WIn a trip to Bali, Thailand or the US, plus the chance to win 1 of 150 minor prizes.
Good luck all!
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closed Comments
I won a minor prize - Jawbone up & move + accessory pack. But they are really dragging their heels sending it out. I got the "you've won" email 6 March, prizes were all meant to be received "very soon" after that, definitely by 24April.
thanks for posting, great prizes in this competition!