I am planning to head down to Docklands to check out Costco this weekend.Have heard about the $60 membership fee and how they would not allow you in if you didn't have one.Does anybody know if they enforce this stricly?Or how it is possible to get int w/o joining.would just like to go in and check out their goods and prices really…and rather not pay upfront.Help would be much appreciated!
Can Anyone Pls Help Me with Costco?

Members can take guests with them, or so I've been told. Maybe you could hang outside the store and make some new friends?
They are strict on it but you might be able to get a pass for the day. They did run that for a while after opening. Call them.
Does anyone know when( & where )they`ll be opening their store in Sydney next year ?
Although Sydney has dropped 51 places from 15th to 66th , on the list of the world’s most expensive cities.
With retail & grocery prices going through the roof here ,
Costco would be very welcomed , no doubt.auburn is the place mentioned most as being the Sydney site.
Hello, I am a member and have been a couple of times. As a member you can take up to 2 guests, however only the member can make a purchase at the register. So if you want to try your luck at a freebie visit, Saine's comment above about making friends would work if you find someone that is willing to take you in as their guest. From my experience, they do enforce the 'members + guests only' rule fairly tighly upon enterting the store.
Thanks for ur post pawpaw, i just called them today and they sounded pretty adamant abt only allowing members it.Might try to get a membership and then refund it soon after.Hows ur experience shopping there like?
Mixed feelings to be honest, some things have been really cheap, others not that cheap (supermarket prices). It really depends on what you're after. Price wise, (Groceries) I compare it to a good special at regular supermarkets. If you are prepared to buy in bulk and don't want to wait for specials, you're likely save some dollars. Whether its worth the membership, my opinion is that it depends on whether Costco have the items(s) you would buy in bulk. Grocery wise they don't have as many varieties of an item as a grocery would so in that regard you're limited if it is not your preferred choice. Let us know what you think of the store once you visit.
I have also been wondering about this. My dad wanted to check it out, he rang them and asked if you can go into the store just to look around and then decided whether you want to become a member. They said that you can't, you have to have a memebership just to enter. We didn't want to sign up before going to the shop as:
a) We live pretty far away, and would most likely not go often enough for it to be worth it
b) Without knowing the products/pricing of the goods it's really not ideal to sign up
Although the lady on the phone did say that you can sign up and if you're not happy with the prices you can get a refund on your membership. I think we'll be giving it a miss for now
Am interested to see if anyone has heard any different and has been able to get in without paying the membership fee upfront