• expired

TPG Revised Their ADSL2+ Plan Again ($50 for 50GB+50GB)


Now for $50, you get 50GB + 50GB. Also off-peak period extends a bit longer to 2am (from 2:30am) until 8am.

TPG has been changing the plans a few times in the last 6 months or so. It is highly unusual. I think TPG might be hit hard by new AAPT unlimited ADSL2+ plan since AAPT introduces unlimited plan from May and unlimited 8-8 plan from Sept. Frankly AAPT unlimted 8-8 plan is so far the best value ADSL2+ in the market. TPG must be so headache now…..

See my another post for more about AAPT unlimited plan:

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closed Comments

  • That sounded great :)

    Then I remembered I am not in an ADSL2+ area :S

  • Where is your post on AAPT? could not find it.

  • Great offer again by TPG! I will be changing my plan on the 1/11 !

  • Call me daft, but this:

    Super Fast Standard /100GB $49.99 ADSL2 100GB (50GB+50GB)

    versus this:

    Ultimate 1500/25GB $49.95 1500k/256k 25GB (10GB+15GB)

    Just doesn't add up for me at all.

    • +1

      some areas only have ADSL coverage, and not ADSL2+

      • My point was why the fastest internet with 4 times the limit is the same price. Matter of fact, at best, you can get an 80GB ADSL connection for $70 a month - so it costs far more, and you're still getting less bandwidth and a far slow connection.

        • +3

          Because it probably cost them less to provide the ADSL2 service despite the lower speeds.

          • +7

            @Smigit: ADSL2 uses TPG's equipment.
            ADSL1 uses Telstra's equipment, which they charge a substantial sum for, despite being so far from the cutting edge of technology. So, ADSL2 is substantially cheaper to TPG than ADSL1, and that's reflected in their prices.

            • @jong: Bloody Telstra. Must charge a ton if TPG can build/rent all this ADSL2 equipment and still beat its ADSL prices by a lot.

              • @noyesmaybeok: yep, that was the major driving factor behind the ADSL2+ movement. So you could say thanks telstra for being so anti-competitive as it made iiNet, Internode etc start putting their own equipment in.

                • @rodh: The only good thing about those morons is I'm currently getting my first 6 months free, even though I'm around 18 months into the contract haha. They made me THREE accounts, apparently when I moved they made a new account instead of transferring it and it didn't work properly, and whoever tried to fix it just made another account. The only person who had any clue was the cancellations guy (of course) who straightened it out. For the next few months at least, I have a decent price for my internet :-)

    • The "Ultimate" plan would be on a Telstra exchange, whereas the "Super Fast Standard" would be on a TPG exchange… Plans on Telstra exchanges are much more expensive as Telstra charge a fair bit for their Wholesale plans.

      • When did TPG start building exchanges ????

        • +2

          They didnt.
          ISPs use space in telstras exchanges to put their own equipment.

          TPG has their ADSL2 equipment in a telstra exchange

    • telstra are obviously doing great deals on wholesale adsl2 price of cabinets at their exchanges, adsl cabinets must cost tpg more.

  • It is actually ridiculous to charge internet use by traffic, I have been to a few countries, and never heard of that before coming to Australia.

    • Pretty sure a few of the US provider at least have begun introducing it. They get a lot more quota for the buck mind.

    • It is actually ridiculous to charge internet use by traffic

      No it isnt.

      As most of Australians internet use involved brining in data from overseas we need expensive connections bringing the data into the country

      If you were download as much as you could on your ADSL+ connection (assuming it all came from another country) you would cost your isp more than $7000 per month just for the data you downloaded

      • How do you figure? ISP's pay for bandwidth capacity, not data usage..

        • +1

          In terms of international bandwidth the bandwidth capacity and data usage are related.
          The more data you use the more international bandwidth your isp needs to supply, more data use means they need to buy more international bandwidth, buying more bandwidth costs more money so the more data you get the more you need to pay

          • @anthony: How did you calculate the amount to be $7000? There is no way a single user could cost their ISP that amount in a single month.

            • @Super6: Probably a theoretical maximum - 20mbps connection running at capacity 24/7.

            • @Super6: The cost of international bandwidth is charged in megabits

              The cost of 1 megabit of international bandwidth is about $300 per month (or so i have been told)

              So if you used your 24mbit ADSL2 connection constantly for one month downloading things from other countries you would cost your ISP about $7200

            • @Super6: 1MB/s * 60 sec * 60 min * 24 hours * 30 days = 2.592 TB a month. Would that cost $7000? No idea, but it it sure can add up.

              • @cyssero: perhaps we're forgetting that the isp caches some data? and that there are australian sites, and that most people dont use up the allocated quota.

                but still, the figure doesn't add up…

                100gb plan for 50$ translates to at most $1300 for 2.6TB?

                • @kimmik:

                  perhaps we’re forgetting that the isp caches some data?

                  As websites become more dynamic the number that can be cached is getting smaller. Plus sites like news.com.au cannot be cached as they are always changing.
                  I dont think isps would bother caching websites, the only things they would cache are the files they offer for free download on their servers.

                  Heavy use plans probably mean people are using them for downloading things from bit torrent and other sources.
                  This data cannot be cached.

                  Streaming music etc cannot be cached.

                  and that there are australian sites

                  An australian site does not mean that it is in australia and not coming from another country.
                  Take ozbargain, it is hosted in New Jersey

                  100gb plan for 50$ translates to at most $1300 for 2.6TB?

                  If you downloaded 2.6TB in a month that would mean that you are downloading constantly at just under 10mbs
                  If all that data came from overseas it would cost your ISP about $3000

      • Yes, all that data coming in from overseas makes our underground cables heavier!

    • +5

      Yeah but overall, they don't get to live in this awesome country. Fair trade IMO.

      • just give us cheap internet and cheap postage fees for ebay widgets and i'm all set!

      • True. Would be even better if we had a level telecommunications playing field for fairer competition to benefit all of us and if the govt didn't want to keep spending more and more millions of our taxes filtering the net when parents can do it themselves if they could be bothered for less (We could always send our traffic to China for cheaper filtering) ;-)

    • +1

      It's actually ridiculous to offer unlimited internet usage. No ISP in the world can handle all their customers downloading at full bandwidth. There has to be checks and balances in place.

      Mind you, I do think that the limits in Australia are too low for the price. But I do respect the need for a limit. In fact, I'm glad there is; it ensures I get good performance, and will not be affected by people abusing their connections.

      • It's the same as overselling hosts. I'd rather be on a host where they don't, that way a bunch of people can't use a massive limit and cause a problem.

        That said, I'd rather more bang for buck, the prices are a bit ridiculous but getting better as competition improves.

      • I'm sure they have their "fair usage" clauses in there to fall back on…

  • yeah well I'm one of the lucky few that is stuck with ADSL. We don't get anywhere near the value that the ADSL2+ customers get.

    • Do you live rural?

      • I live in a town of 60,000 people 3 hours from Brisbane and not many offer ADSL2 here yet. Within an hour from here, the population of the couple of towns would be around 150,000 people. You hardly have to be rural.

        • Perhaps you may want to encourage or remind the other ISPs to step up their game. Sucks that you can't get ADSL2+ though.

          • @Kranbone: If Telstra aren't offerening ASDL2 in that area I doubt they'll make it any easier for the competition to get space in their exchange. "Sorry our exchange is full to capacity… We've got directories stacked everywhere!" ;-)

  • awesome… and as per previous TPG plan revisions, no re-start of contract right?

  • They keep on upping the quota on the $50 plan, but the $40 plan is still 30GB in total…

  • The 150GB plans offpeak period seems to have been cut back from what I last remember it being too.

    • You are right, that's definitely shorter than I remember

  • thanks, just changed my plan!

  • I love TPG - 3rd time ive upgrade my limit this year for no charge. I've already lined up 25 GB of stuff to download before my plan gets changed over!

  • Nice one … my exchange comes online next month
    Currently on $59 - 20GB international + 40GB local
    Much rather be on $49.95 - 50GB + 50GB
    I'll be switching as soon as the exchange becomes active

  • 50gb>55gb>75gb>80gb>100gb

    that's a lot of changing in such a short amount of time

    btw, i'm pretty sure that if you upgrade now even if your month has quite a few days to go, you'll be credited $$ based on the number of days you have left, not the amount of download quota remaining. that's how it worked for me last time. so i'll upgrade once i've used most of my peak download :)

    • correct - ive done this a few times now. good point - wait till you've got little download left then upgrade.

  • Due to high demand and Telstra limitations at the telephone exchange, there are currently no free ADSL2+ ports at the ASCOT exchange. Your exchange supports an ADSL connection with speeds up to 8000k/384k. Please choose from one of the ADSL plans shown below. Please contact our ADSL Sales Team on 13 14 23 for more information.

    Aww :(

    • Same for me

      ADSL2+ service is currently not available in your exchange. Your exchange supports an ADSL connection with speeds up to 8000k/384k. Please choose from one of the ADSL plans shown below.

  • Hintswen, I just disconnected my TPG ADSL2+ at the ASCOT exchange last week. I guess somebody beat you to it.

  • wasn't the old plan's off peak timing 2:30am to 8:30am? I think it's the same, just that they brought the timings forward by 30 mins.

    • yeah i thought that as well

  • Anyone use TPG for gaming?

    • me and housemates do. Generally fine. Around 100 ping I'd say from Brisbane. Not sure where we are connecting to but certainly fine with three people playing.

    • Pretty good for PC, xbox live isn't bad either. I pull host every now and then even with Americans.

  • +1

    AAPT LiveNet 5 ADSL 2+ may be better,
    5Gb between 8am to 8pm and UNLIMITED 8pm to 8am

    Its actual download speed is around 12MBps and service is stable.

    90 per month including
    Free Modem
    Free installation
    Free line rental
    50 included landline credits
    Free uploads

    I've been using AAPT service for a month already and I couldn't find any reason not recommend to others.
    My off-peak downloaded data was over 380Gb for last accounting period without any drama.

    • +3

      That looks good for those that want to torrent or whatever but 5GB onpeak is incredibly low IMHO and having a look it gets more expensive quickly if that number is increased.

      • TPG and AAPT peak limit cannot be compared directly. In that 6 hours of time (8pm AAPT to 2am TPG), you can shoot up with more than 1.5GB stuff easily, so to make the plans are of same value, at least. If you do >1.5GB, then AAPT offers better value.

        • Yeah I imagine its good for those that work and get home at 6pm -7pm or something and don't need the net a lot before 8pm, but if you do plan on using it through the day 5GB won't go far IMHO, even if it is a shorter time period than TPG's and kicks in earlier.

          I assume weekends share the same time periods too? If they are offpeak 24hrs for Sat and Sun maybe I'd be a bit more inclined to agree.

    • +1

      it is depend on your habit mate. I can't wait until 8pm before i turn on my pc. and i can not wake up early just to turn off my pc.
      and there is no free line rental, the correct word should be line rental included.

      • get a program called shutdown now

  • I'm on the $49 80gb plan at the moment and still under contract does that mean I will be charged if I change to this plan?

    • See this.


      It says

      "ADSL/ADSL2+ upgrade: a change to a plan with a higher or equal monthly access charge"

      So no you shouldn't be.

    • no you can, your only charged if you downgrade your plan in terms of how much you spend. You can upgrade to 100gb free of charge - your contract remains the same as well.

      • yeah i'm saying that you wouldn't be charged

  • edit: double post

  • kewl … just connected to TPG last month on $49.99 80gb now got 100gb no extra charge … :) but yeah their off peak download a bit sucks 2am-8am …

    • Slightly better than 2.30am - 8am :)

  • -1

    You know our country's internet isn't really that high end.. Have you been to korea? The internet speeds there are crazy. And also cheap. :)

    • uh - korea is the best in the world? how do you compare to that? the infrastructure is totally different anyways.

  • How can TPG keep doing this? Its like Christmas every time they release a new plan!

    There are not many other ISP's that increase quota.

  • holy crap, it keeps going better lol. Love it!

  • exetel offers $50 for 50GB + 60GB and offpeak is from 12am-12pm, better value than TPG..

    • They charge for excess usage though. $1.50 a GB

    • Yes Exetel's plan is cheaper however people say off-peak speed is awful. Any clue from current Exetel user?

      • Yes the off-peak is hardly one to be desired, but i have heard the same about TPG speeds to be honest.

        Im just wondering at the OP's mention of the aapt plan.. I've been looking it over and i cant see why its such a good deal?

        • locks you into a 24 month contract
        • probably horrible 256k speeds during 'unlimited' time
        • only 5gb to use in the other 16 hours of the day (and if you go over this both your on and off peak times get capped)
          and if you look into their fair usage policy you'll probably find a limit to their so called maximum downloads
        • +1

          i don't have any problem with tpg off peak.

      • I personally have managed to use up all 60GB during Exetel Offpeak every month.
        I have got a friend who complained that he could not even download more than 4GB (out of 110GB) during TPG offpeak.
        But this could be due to other factors.

  • I am planning to use up my quote and upgrade to this plan(free). Then use it up. After that downgrade once and use that up again(free in 6 months). Then upgrade to the new plan again(free?). So I will have 3 months' quote for an extremely low cost~~ Does it work?
    The only problem is how frequently TPG allow us to change the plan.

  • AFAIK Your usage for the past 24 hours will be added onto your upgrade quota. This is because TPG quota is 24 hours behind.

    This means you need to use up all your quota, wait for the usage to update, then upgrade.

    50+50gb is so much I don't care :)

    • yea, you are right. When you finish your quote, you should wait for one day and then downgrade once for free (once in 6 months).

  • What else is there left to say….others have said it all….TPG…always the best plans for OZbargainers :)

    Pity those who are in rural areas and outside the coverage of TPG and have no choice but buy telstra.

    • +1

      TPG…always the best plans for OZbargainers

      Not any more. Exetel has renewed their plans to combat TPG's plans.

      For your reference, two comparable plans from TPG and Exetel at $50 range.
      Super Fast Standard /100GB
      50GB 2am-8am (6 hours peak)
      50GB 8am-2am (18 hours offpeak)

      50GB 0am-12pm (12 hours peak)
      60GB 12pm-0am (12 hours offpeak)

      Which is better? You be the judge.

      • first exetel, you need to have your phone line with them, which is $30 extra.
        Compare with tpg, we can have with telstra budget which is only $21 - $9 different.

        Secondly, when you exceed the download limit, you have to pay $1.5 / GB, TPG don't charge for exceeding the limit, they just capped the limit.

        When you make comparison, you have to compare equal products.

        There are many types of fruit. You can call them orange, apple, banana, etc.
        But you have to remember banana and orange are different types of fruit.

  • -3

    I just left TPG because they have the worst tech support I have ever encountered. Yes they are cheap, and I only had two issues in three years. But it took almost 2 1/2 weeks of daily calls to fix the first issue (their fault not mine), so I gave up after over 3 1/2 hours on the second issue with no end in sight and after finding no-one even vaguely interested in helping me.

    But when it worked it was fine.

    • +1

      vote on the deal, not the company.

      never had a problem with tpg.

      • I am, but i was just pointing out that best deals for consumers is nothing new for TPG.

    • Thanks for the warning.

      If that happens again, you might want to contact the telecommunications industry ombudsman.
      (there is also a phone number on that page)

      After you've given your service provider sufficient time and opportunity to fix the problem, it only takes minutes to log a complaint.

      For my mobile phone operator, after their regular staff gave me the run around for months, I called the TIO, got a complaint number and a hotline for my mobile service provider.

      The problem was fixed inside 2 days.

    • Exetel's phone support is bad as well. Long waiting time.
      But their email support is great.
      You even get replies from their engineers after hours.

  • I'm just about out of contract with ADSL2+ Naked Exetel. Is there any way to get this a naked plan for the same price?

    How long would it take to switch? How would it work with the phone line as it's currently used as naked ADSL2+.

    Also would my Dynalink modem work with them, even though it was supplied by Exetel?

      • What do you reckon, stick with Exetel Naked ADSL2+ $50 12/40 plan or move to TPG Naked ADSL2+ 150GB for $80?

        Any predictions if the price for Naked ADSL2+ will go down soonish?

        • Stick with Exetel for the moment.

          Then get TPG ADSL2 (not naked) when they release their phone line for $9.99 a month.

          • @samfisher5986: TPG are releasing a Normal Landline Phone Line rental for $9.99???

            • @Benmc: I'm all onboard when they get their phone line rental that cheap

          • @samfisher5986: Sounds excellent. Thanks! I also need to get a free call no for business, so having a dedicated (and reliable) line will be so nice.

            Can I bring my Exetel-supplied Dynalink modem with me?

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