Introducing the new value breakfast menu at McDonald's for a limited time only, before 10:30am.
A Hash Brown is usually $2 or more.
Introducing the new value breakfast menu at McDonald's for a limited time only, before 10:30am.
A Hash Brown is usually $2 or more.
No idea jv, sorry. I just saw the ad on TV that said 'limited time', so I assume it's reduced. It's also on their website.
Another one of your supreme deals TA
Hey, welcome back from the sin-bin chill. Glad you like it.
Been this price in QLD for about 2 months now.
FYI just incase anybody wants to know: click on hide then the tick next to "Hide comments from user jv"
Nah man, he makes ozBargain more exciting.
Nah man, he makes ozBargain more exciting.
Let me fix that for you:-
Nah man, she makes ozBargain more exciting.
@A3Australia: Come on now. Your comment didn't contain any bargain talk. Should have been in the forums.
Come on now. Your comment didn't contain any bargain talk. Should have been in the forums.
Comments are not required to contain that type of content. You should read the OzBargain rules.
I was merely pointing out the correct way of addressing JV.
Some do not realise that her pic is of Jules Vern, and think that she is a he.
Not sure what you're eating for breakfast, but where I buy my food a piece of bacon is well over 60-70cents alone.. Add in the english muffin (another 50cents), 20cents for lettace and tomato, 5-10cents for gas/electricity to cook it all.. $1.35-$1.50, home made. This is before you factor in any food which spoils over time; these calculations assume you partition and use every ingredient over a period of time.
A $0.50-$0.65 markup for putting all that together and removing the hassle? Yeah it won't be as good as home made, but you've got yourself a decent bargain still!
It's certainly cheap but in my experience it wasn't very good and I am a huge fan of BLT sandwiches. Better off sticking to a bacon & egg mcmuffin.
Where in the rules is does it cover your belief that only "bargains" (i.e. reduced prices of a previously available product) are allowed.
This $2 BLT is certainly cheaper than at my local cafe. Is that good enough? As far as I can see just because McDonalds will always offer this product at this price doesn't mean it isn't a bargain in comparison to other vendors.
Yes, it is the normal price. Been on the menu for at least a month or more now.
Good that people think its a bargain but it is the regualr price for these item. It isnt on sale at all.
Sorry but you're wrong. it is "on sale" and is not the regular price. for now it is, and for the last month or two it has been. but I guarantee the prices WILL go back up to stupid amounts at some point in the near future. hence "limited time only"
ive been getting these for weeks already and do so each morning before work haha so it's not really new.. i thought it was the normal price too cos i thought it said it was the spare change menu at my local one but idk
It's been on menu from last 2 months, but I Appreciate TA as usual you posted this as some of them not aware of this so can be useful for them.
as some of them not aware of this so can be useful for them.
this is for bargains, not announcements…
as much as i appreciate the announcement of new products for cheap im siding with jv on this one.
this is for bargains, not announcements…
Correct, which is why it belongs in the Forums.
I see that there are two reports still pending attention from the Mods.
Why can't bargains be cheap affordable deals that come for a limited time? They don't always have to be something that is massively reduced from its standard price. you have to think that a similar meal or product from a cafe or competing take away will be much more expensive than this.
Ye, really have no idea on this one. The ad on TV & their website says 'new breakfast value range for a limited time'. So not sure how long it's been going, or when it'll end. Cheers.
The ad on TV & their website says 'new breakfast value range for a limited time'.
so it's a advertisement for new products. it doesn't mention anywhere that they are discounted.
No argument from me jv.
JV grow up not all deals have to be a discount. some things are just cheap.
I'd normally agree that full priced items don't belong OzBargain (like the Raspberry Pi deal a few days ago). This is a bit different as I doubt McDonald's were the first to come up with an English muffin BLT or a ham and cheese pocket and of course that's not even including other food items that are similar.
I'm surprised you ever get time to watch TV considering how busy you are on here posting deals.
I watch while I post. Beauty of having Foxtel IQ is you can rewind the commercials (such as this). Sad, I know.
I think these have been this price in certain states previously (such as QLD). It may now be national?
mmm hashbrowns!!
Hash browns used to be $2 at my local maccas, $1 makes far more sense.
$1 makes far more sense.
Potato scallops used to be 10cents each 'in my day'.
I miss cheap scallops. $3 worth of chips and 10 scallops would feed 5 people after a day at the beach.
Ah scallops! With dollops of flavour on top
Spot the non-Victorians/Tasmanians ;)
I do love me my potato cakes.
Potato fritter over here in sunny Adelaide!
before 10:30am.
Might as well be on the Moon.
Hash Browns being $1 is definitely news to me! Last time I got them they were $2.xx (which admittedly was about 2-3 months ago) but good to know - Thanks TA! :)
I haven't seen this at my local (ACT-based). Will have to check it out tomorrow!
bring back $1 small fries!!
Might have a BLT for breakfast today! I could be a fatty and get a hash brown and add it to the BLT… Lets see how things go!
I indulged this morning myself. Delish!!
BLT plus a Hashbrown is only like 371 calories for both. It's really not that bad; not just for breakfast, but for a meal in general. Compare, 100g of Cornflakes is like 357 calories (and if anything is just as processed). Lets not talk about something like Muesli.
Of course, there is all the fat and crap to consider, but, science doesn't really support that saturated fat and cholesterol are really the devils they were once purported to be, for one.
So, I mean, don't beat yourself up. Everything in moderation and all that. You're practically almost being healthy.
Thanks TA!!! This post was useful for me!
I don't care where this info is, forum or main page, I an just glad I found it! This is something I would actually go to Macca's for. Thanks TA!
Halo effect well and truly in action, this is a standard menu item, not even sure of the logic of this. Because someone isn't aware of a menu item this gets an up vote? What next, posting slurpee flavors which are available for a limited amount of time?
If mods are wowed by the votes as a justification, they'd want to be confident this site attracts a membership which has an IQ on the right side of the bell curve. I personally think this ship had been sailing in the wrong direction for far too long.
If anything, the hash browns are cheaper than they normally are.
What state (of Australia) are you in? I know these were on the menu in QLD from at least last year but were not on the menu in NSW.
The appeal of WWE for me is an analysis of it as a business and people being the product. It's actually quite fascinting where it's gone from regionals to globalisation and PPVs/Cable to media streaming. In ring I have less of an interest.
Not saying this is a bad deal but last time i looked a supermarket has hash browns for 40 cents (less in bulk)
Cooked and ready to eat?
If its a hot day out in th carpark, the answer is 'sort of'
Doesn't worry me bro, I can cook it on my fully sick wrx chrome engine after doing turbo burnouts in the carpark dawg
lettuce for breakfast! i wish the bacon and egg mc muffins were $2. :(
Got a ham and cheese pocket yesterday for brekkie. Not worth the $2, very small and tasteless. Good deal otherwise tho. I'm still a mighty mcmuffin fan
It is in QLD, seems to be a permanent item
Just went to my local store and they had a sigh up.
They had around 30 hash brown ready to go!
And they could not make the pocket fast enough
Just went to my local store and they had a sigh up.
Uhhhh….the sound of people when they see the mini ham cheese pocket
The hash browns have been discounted heavily, as much as I love them I never order them separately but now I guess I'll indulge from time to time. Thanks TA
Great post TA. Thanks!!!! This isnt advertised anywhere as far as I know.
Just tried the Ham and Cheese pocket at Wynyard Maccas. It's small, and tiny - like a small pancake. Not worth it. Hash Brown for a $1 is good
I can confirm that they're tiny. I got one this morning and couldn't believe how small it was. Ended up making a second order for a BLT McMuffin.
this has been the case in qld for over a month now, it has been advertised heavily on tv
I just tried the Ham and Cheese pocket, it is very flat, and very little, and their BLT muffin looks small. What is it with macca's and their miniature size food?
Stuff on the value menu is not meant to replace what you would have otherwise purchased, it's meant for people to go "I'm starving, I'll add one of these to my value meal cos it's cheap" - at least that's what McDs want it to be.
Shrapnel sized foods for your shrapnel money?
Damn it, just saw this while the clock ticked over 10.30 Fml!
Still got another hour to go over here :)
Still waiting for Macca's to bring back the BIG BREAKFAST.
i loved the big breakfast back in the day
They got rid of the machines to make the scrambled eggs. They were selling them recently as a one off promo but now they are gone.
You can still get a big Brekkie in Thailand.
Tried the Ham and Cheese Pocket and the BLT.
Ham and Cheese Pocket was flat and not enough filling/flavour. Too much wrap to too little filling. Had a slight taste of maccas hotcakes too.
BLT was pretty good and a good balance of ingredients. A healthier breakfast snack option for cheap.
It's just not breakfast without eggs though. I won't be getting the BLT again.
burger is smaller than usual
If only this was on at the same time as the Monopoly promo.
Someone calculated that with the free food and prizes, each $1 hash brown only costs you $0.22 in real terms.
They obviously didn't calculate the effect on your health lol
Mmmm $1 hash browns.
I miss that deal with the mcmuffin and hash brown for $3 but I guess that a hash brown for a dollar isn't bad..
You can find it for $2.95 at Hungry Jacks.
I live far away from a hungry jacks unfortunately
Not sure if this happened to anyone else or not, but I ordered the blt, pocket and hash browns during the week at Mulgrave and got the advertised price.
Just went to Yarraville, wanted blt and hash browns, they said $1 hash browns only available with meals. I can't find any conditions anywhere.
These are VIC maccas btw.