Help Me Create an English Sounding Name!


Inspired by the topic in this subforum, I would like your help and advice in creating a new, English sounding name for myself! See, I'm Russian-Australian and have this old, great and totally unpronounceable name KIRYL. Yeah. Dont try pronouncing it. The name meaning is the 'boss' and I love it and really used to it, but it's getting more and more annoying having to spell it to ererybody and anybody. So, please vote in the poll and let's help me get an easy saying name at once!

Oh. Don't ask me what my surname is. Just don't.

Poll Options expired

  • 19
    1. Cyril. At least keep your Russian origin!
  • 48
    2. Kyle. Starts with the same letter and easy to pronounce!
  • 7
    3. Keith. Good old Aussie name.
  • 6
    4. Carlos. Why not?
  • 233
    5. Keep your original name or Mother Russia won't ever forgive you!


  • +1
  • None of the options you provided, but you cannot go past this:

    • Might get misheard as 'Camel'

  • +3

    Heather is rather English. How about Heather? :)

    • The only Heather I know likes herself some apple pie..

  • +1

    Nothing wrong with Kiryl. I think it's a cool name.

    One of my kid's find has the same name and doesn't seem to have any issues with it. Everyone pronounces his with a hard K

    • +1

      Erm… what does a "soft K" sound like?!?

      • The K in Kite…I guess.

        • That simply can't be right; the sound of the "K" in "kite" is as "hard" as the verbalisation of the letter K gets.

    • I will be interested to know how exactly you pronounce it? It may give me some ideas how to say it too:) glad to know I'm not the only Kiryl in oz.

  • +3

    It doesn't matter, as long as your middle name is Danger

    • +6

      No joke, My sons middle name is Danger, took a while to convince the wife but I got it over the line.

      • +1

        On birth certificate?? lol

        • +5

          100% on birth certificate, he will thank me one day and if he doesnt like it he can always shorten it to Dan

        • +2

          @cypher67: when I did my third childs birth certificate application I was tired of writing for my occupation "government officer" (as I did with my other 2 children) as it sounded dull/uninteresting. so I wrote on the birth certificate application form "astronaut" for my occupation. my 3rd childs birth certificate states that I was an astronaut.

        • @altomic:

          Im going to put space marine on my next one. Promise.

      • I know someone who is an artist. He has sold a few paintings but his lavish lifestyle is mostly funded by his boyfriend's money. On one of his passport ( he has dual-citizenship), he has written 'gigolo' as his occupation because he thought it would be funny and well,its not that far from the truth really:b

        He says that almost every single time he travels on that passport, he gets strip-searched at the airport.

    • +1

      Kill Danger… hmmm… APPROVED!

    • "… as long as your middle name is Danger"

      But we don't know what his last name is yet… what if it's "magnet"?

  • +1

    Massive storm in Europe in Jan 2007 was called Kyril. One of the biggest storms in Europe on record, caused chaos across the continent.
    Keep the name!

  • Max Power… great name =)

    • What's with all this max power stuff! At first I thought it must symbolize verility or something but I'm not sure anymore

  • Кирилл, it's hard to hide Russian origins even with Kyle, also Kiryll is well know name, keep it.

    • Well, I'd never want to hide my origin, its part of me the same way my accent and looks are! I'm just tired of spelling game :(

  • You could switch to a Russian name that Australians will be able to pronounce?
    Stalin, Lenin, Trotsky, Boris, Vladamir, Fyodor, Leo?

    • +11

      You're Putin me on

    • -2

      You missplelled Vladimir defeating your own point.

  • +5

    Kyrilex :)

  • +3

    Inigo Montoya.

    As in, "Hello. My name is Inigo Montoya. You killed my father. Prepare to die."

  • +1

    Victor. No, I'm not announcing a winner - this is my suggestion. Then your work colleagues can say, "Oh Victor, you are a very unattractive man."

  • My mate Wayne Kerr is very famous in the circle just coz of his name, try that may be.

    • +1

      Just make sure he doesnt pick Ben Dover and Phil McCafferty or Iva Sorass.

      • +1

        Or Phil McCracken

    • I might use that name just for laugh.

  • You can't go wrong with Ashchf Lshtshfum.

    • +2

      Ashchf Lshtshfum

      Bless you. Need a tissue?

      edit- oh wait, was that the name..

      • +1

        "Ащьф ΛШТШФУМ" transliterates as Ashchf Lshtshfum, nowhere near Foma KINIAEV.

        The "Λ" isn't even standard Russian, it's more like Greek.

        • It is "Л" which is absolutely OK in Russian. They produced this name by typing "Foma Kiniaev" after switching to Russian keyboard. They fixed it in a later episode.

  • +1

    Help Me Create an English Sounding Name!

    Well i see this name everywhere so u WILL 100% be famous

    John Citizen

    • +1

      Hm.. What if I'm still on visitor/bridging visa will it still work?

  • So… Why hasn't anyone suggested Bruce Wayne here yet?

    • Cause it's a dumb suggestion. Soz, but you asked.

  • Clark Kent, perhaps? or a little too obvious.

  • Haha is so funny.

    Im in the opposite situation.

    My first name is Kiril and second name is Chris.
    When I was younger till the end of high school I was always using my second name after high school I was fed up with it and went by my first name Kiril.
    The problem I have is people that are not wog enough cant pronounce or understand it when spoken but I just accept it that its different and thats me.
    My current boss knows I also go by Chris but all my paperwork is as Kiril, he wants me to chage the paper work to match funny thing is im the only Macedonian in the company.

    • +3

      Kolbas is a meat sausage in Russian:). I'd tell the boss to bugger off:)

  • +1 for Carl !!

  • Ivan , Ivanahumpalot

  • Dick Steel

  • You would be amazed how easily and regularly a foreign, unfamiliar name will be misinterpreted as an offensive\derogatory\demeaning word. In principle, using your birthname when living overseas is self-respectful\empowering\etc it can genuinely hurt your chances in life. I agree a carefully chosen, locally popular name is the best option, but make sure you research the colloquial meaning and popular usage, don't just be seduced by the cool way it sounds.
    Of those you are polling, Carlos is a very good option, it is also the birth name of Carlos Ray, popularly known as Chuck Norris. Cyril\Kyril is more commonly a woman's name in anglo culture. Keith, or any short-sound mono-syllable name will make you appear more simple and less intelligent.

    • Hmmm… Interesting stuff here. This must be the most thought provoking post in this topic. Thanks I will definitely consider..

    • (…)any short-sound mono-syllable name will make you appear more simple and less intelligent.

      Do you mean on resumes and official papers?

      Because everybody's name get shortened in Australia. Almost everyone calls me Kai or Dr K, whether I've given them permission to do so or not.

    • +1

      Cyril is never a female name in Anglo culture.
      There was a comedian in the seventies who used Cyril as a trope for a gay man, but I doubt many would remember it.

    • I have a customer with the name Carlos and he isnt very bright….

  • Dare I put a non-funny comment? I do! Kyril sounds close to Carroll, maybe that'll keep the pronunciation?

    • You're really suggesting a man change his name to Karol in an English speaking country?

      • May help his cause too if the interviewer's an English soccer follower, Andy Carroll. Or, this name will plant an image of Christmas, which brings happy thoughts, which brings the job

        • Yes, but it's ethnic as a male name and common as a female name.

    • Great. Now I've got that Paul Anka song stuck in my head.

  • My name is Kyril! When I started kindergarten my family had me called Ken, but that only lasted a year! I don't think its affected me too much with jobs or anything, sometimes I go by Kez as a nickname if I CBF, eg coffee orders, backpacking and meeting lots of people. But lately I've just been forcing people go deal with Kyril, even though I cant pronouce the R properly myself…

    The worst was at my uni graduation where they pronounced it Cyril (K cannot be a 'see' sound!), and I got super annoyed and corrected them in front of the whole auditorium, and then forgot to tip my hat to the chancellor!

  • Do you have a middle name?

  • +1

    It is M'Kkshi in Klingon. Try that

  • Kerry

  • +1

    no need to change your first name, just change your last name to 'Putin'.

  • +2

    I've today decided my first born son will be named Kiryl. I think it sounds super awesome, don't change it ^^

  • "great and totally unpronounceable name KIRYL. Yeah. Dont try pronouncing it."

    huh?? anyone who can't pronounce kiryl shouldn't procreate. Easier than stephen.

    Are we that lazy as a society these days to change kyril to kyle??

    Seems to me more 'self-esteem' related and the need to blend in than anything else. Don't do it, otherwise you'll be just like any other shazza and bazza. Stay 'unique'

    • I've got a feeling there's more to the pronunciation than phonetically spelling the way it's written. That said, if I was to suggest an Australian sounding name, Alf Stewart is right at the top.

  • Ivana Tinkle

  • +1


  • +2

    I have a Russian friend, who used to call himself Henry, for about 10 years, he decided a few years ago to go back to his original name and hasn't regretted it since.

    Original name is Gena, pronounced with a hard G, then with a bit of accent it's sounds like: Gyenna.

    Girls fall at his feet. They literally can't get enough. They are like oh wow where are you from…

    It's all up to you Kyril, I have no recommendation other than to say go with what makes you confident and comfortable in society.

    • Women love exotic sounding name, especially if the person with that name is exotic looking too. It makes them go weak at the knees.I've seen it happen so many times with my husband: he'll say his name and they'll give him that extra special smile ,bat their eyelashes at him and totally blank me out of the picture. LOL Its quite funny really, to think that I used to be one of them and that now, after knowing him for over a decade, I mostly say his name in exasperation :b

      OP,you're russian , you should totally be able to pull off Kyril:) Please don't change your name. I am of those people with a boring name . I didn't realise how boring it was until I came to oz and everyone assumed that it was my 'english name' and not my real name :(

      I've been told that the russian form of my name is Ванесса :) Let us know what you decide.

      • Not always true. I remember meeting this AMAZING Ugandan guy and could not pronounce his name at all so I just left it despite having a massive crush on him because I had asked him his name like 5 times already.

        He didn't give me any sort of nickname either just the full African name.

      • I hear you, I've got a boring (4 letter) English first name also…

        Actually, my name doesn't sound too bad in Japanese! Where my wife is from :-)

        • +1

          I'm going to take a wild swing here and guess that… your hot Japanese wife is a nismo GTR? =P

  • +1

    I don't see what's wrong with Kiryl, I pronounced it correctly the first time I read this thread, and it's a great name.

    I don't think you should change it, just pronounce it for people who have trouble.

    My name is 'Shaun' and people spell it in about 10 different ways, it bothers me a little bit but I love the name, so there's no way I'm going to change it for other people. :P

  • For the mother Russia.

  • I have a good mate called Kyril, completely normal name. I know it's not the same as yours, but it's pretty close.

  • Pick any name, even your own.

    Remove the last 3 letters, add an "O".

    Youll be right.

    • That doesn't work so well for people with 4 letter names!

      Or 3

    • so Ceero or it could be Zero :D

  • Wayne, Shane,Keith or Kylie you should go for if you don't want to spell it out to everyone

  • How about Adolf that's pretty unusual

  • Kilo. Easy when ordering over the phone.

  • I too, have once wanted to change my name. Without telling what my name is, here's my dillema:

    1. My first name is Asian name, but in its origin country its often thought as a girl's name (I'm a guy)
    2. My middle name is Dutch name that many Aussies are not familiar with (both spelling or pronunciation)
    3. My last name is also Asian name but with Dutch spelling

    I haven't change my name out of respect to my mum..

    But to feedback on your consideration, I like that CYRIL name.. reminds me of a Japanese magician Cyril Takayama (although I thought Cyril is a French name?)

  • +1

    Hugh Jarse, Ben Dover, Mike Hunt, Yuke Hunt

  • My mate has the same name and spells it Kyryl.

  • +1

    Ok I try hard not to reply to anything in this topic to make sure it goes off the front page! But you guys keep it going;)

    Thanks to all people who took their sweet time to give me an advice;) It's comforting to know I'm not the only Kiryl in the country:) And due to the poll result, I think I won't be changing my name after all(I have even printed the forms off).

  • Change to kirill oil

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