A slightly cheaper version of LycaMobile
Looking at low usage with Data capability
Appears to be on the Telstra 3G network, Call rates from 12c a minute and a data pack of 500Mb for $5 and 2GB for $10.
Data pack 30 days expiry and unsure of call credit expiry. Found someone had reference to it being no expiry date, but need confirmation.
Aware that support will be minimal, but prepared at this stage for that. e.g.. Can order sim, but no option for nano sim. No info on how data is charged. Kb or Mb increments (saw one reference to 10kb but that was for Lycamobile and by one person only)
Website is a bit sketchy so looking for experiences with this provider.
Noticed today our Woolworths stock the sim cards, I think they were $2 … not totally sure on that though.