The remote for my Kogan 1080P32 TV has stopped working recently. A Harmony remote would work (~$40), but I was wondering if there are any less expensive options as it's a cheap TV that isn't used often and I just want a basic remote.
Need a cheap remote for a Kogan TV

eris on 05/02/2015 - 01:01
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Maybe you can get a new remote if your TV is still under warranty?
maybe a sub $20 logitech? they come up
Dont even think of going near Kogan or their logitech remotes. I bought a 39inch Kogan TV and dropped the remote. Oh well I'll have to buy another one. After who knows how many calls to Kogan and the return of a logitech remote i took a chance onbuying from them i still havent received a credit. Their service is absolute garbage. Go to Harvey Norman.
Kogan remotes are 100% crap, get a Logitech 350. I stole one from Kmart recently for $20
There are plenty of cheap remotes around but I have found it to be hit & miss with what works and what doesn't.
Being a "Kogan" I would doubt they would be mentioned in any list of programming codes??
Really only need on/off, channel & volume. Try a cheap one and if no good take it back. Try Reject Shop, K Mart, Big W etc.. $10 or less.