Never find a bargain when you want one

So awhile back I didn't need a Chromecast (already had one) or a free download of Plex (already had it).
And Ozbargain was flooded with deals.
Now I need both (for the games room and the wife respectively) and nothing to be found.
Why does it always seem to be the way?
Anyone else want to share theirs?


  • +2

    RE: chromecast

    same here actually… sign up to an alert..

    click here then press "create alert"

  • +1

    Patience mate.
    don't give up for that bargain.
    Last time i was looking for something which was a decent used tablet.
    2 weeks and nothing then found on ebay a Galaxy note 10.1 2012 3g version for $100 free shipping from ebay and i still have it now 6 months later working perfect.

    but yeah it's always the way when your after something.
    or after you just bought something and next week its cheaper.

    • +1

      That first part was rather beautifully poetic.

      Almost like romantic advice for the lovelorn.

      Never give up on looking for 'the one'! He/She is out there! They'll appear in your life when you least expect, etc etc.


      • Somehow I thought I was getting Rick-Rolled…

      • Lol It's true though :P

  • +1
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