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1 Months Free Access Fee's, Handset/Gear Fit Discount + 1GB Free Data (Students) @ Vodafone

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There are some good deals available if you call Vodafone. I just upgraded my plan as it's 3 months from it's end which means I could upgrade!

I ended up combining a few of their special offers to get a pretty good deal:

  1. Got them to waive the $5 per month fee for the Samsung Galaxy Gear fit. This was just a standard negotiation with the sales staff.

  2. Got them to waive $5 per month from the $70 per month plan. So the Samsung Galaxy s5 with gear fit went from $75 per month to $65 (Saving $10 per month) This was just a standard negotiation with the sales staff.

  3. As per their Hot Offers I got the first months access fee's free (Saving $65)

  4. As per their Hot Offers I got 1GB extra data for free for the 1st 12 months by giving them an old student card number that I had lying around - I'm sure any 9 digit number would work!

  5. By signing up I also got 6 months free access to spotify premium. you can also choose 6 months smh.com.au access.

This plan includes:

Infinite standard national calls. Infinite standard TXT here and to overseas
300 standard international minutes in Oz

Check out the Critical information summary for more details about the plan.

The above is definitely available for existing customers trying to upgrade - It was not a hard negotiation at all. New customers shouldn't have any issues getting the above either.

Referral Links

Referral: random (37)

Referrer & referee receive $25-$50 credit after referee's 3rd monthly bill.

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closed Comments

  • +1

    Looking at getting the Galaxy Note 4 or the iPhone 6 Plus and currently a uni student. Hopefully they can do some sort of a deal on these handsets. Thanks for letting us know about it OP!

    • +1

      Glad to help out :)

  • If you move the apostrophe 14 chars to the left the force will be less disturbed.

  • did you do this over the phone or in-store? because first month says online offer

    • I called them and they added it on for me!

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