Is it just me or are the consoles of this gen just not good enough??.
Console Hardware!!!!! when is new gen.

It's just going to be smaller, more colour choices and more storage etc. not hardware upgrades in the processor or GPU deparment though.
Inb4 PC gaming master race comments.
Sorry the peasant really cracked me up with this post.
It is just you.
There is a 0% chance that there will be new consoles this year with upgraded hardware.
But as a side note, about the consoles being "not good enough", it's more that they aren't being fully utilised. More what I am impressed about are games like "The Last of Us", which looked absolutely stunning and was released 7 years into the PS3's life cycle. I dare you to look at the specs of the PS3 and complain that it is "not good enough".
Now, compare The Last of Us that to games like Call of Duty 3, Sonic the Hedgehog, or other games early in the console's life cycle, and notice such a large difference in quality. These consoles which are "not good enough" are still in the kiddy pool of the life cycle, and wait for next gen exclusive games like Batman: Arkham Knight, MGSV: The Phantom Pain or anything like that, then you will see something slightly closer to what the consoles can output.
Yes, they may be "underpowered" compared to Gaming PCs these days, especially comparing the performance of a i7-4790K, 980GTX and 32GB of RAM. This is mainly because they are a lot less powerful than those gaming PCs, and are a fraction of the cost. I mean, these consoles released at basically $550, which is much less than the $1k+ for the PS3 on release. I spent double the cost of the new console on a PC recently which would most likely outperform a console, but the same could be said during any console generation, just that people are more stuck up about it because they can see someone else post pretty screenshots from their $5+k beastly machine.
You mean to say game developers haven't pushed the console's hardware to their limits?
A fair point actually. If you look at the Mass Effect series, you get a fair idea of how good they can make a game using the same game engine. Some people don't realize that the first and third games run on Unreal Engine 3, which is a pretty dated engine from 2007.
and Halo (on the first gen Xbox). Big difference, yet still on the same hardware…Of course the side effects of dialing the graphics up is that the frame-rate tanks as the hardware can't keep up…on a console with limited memory, and sub-par heatsinking, you're not going to be able to turn on the pretty visual effects all at once like you can with a top end gaming PC. You'll just overheat the console and players will complain about the poor framerates.
I'm not saying that they aren't using the console to their limits, just that it isn't effectively using the hardware to push the extra grunt. Games like Crysis for example pushes most PCs to the limits of their PC, but was most likely due to not being optimised to run on the devices that were using them (e.g. multiple core CPU). It's more that it takes time for any developer to fully understand the hardware they are developing for.
The other reason why most games are not truly optimised for new-gen consoles was because most games even released now or this year started development before the console's hardware specifications were released/finalised. Most game developers had to guess what hardware would be provided and develop for that, which would be most likely hit or miss. Now the games coming in the next year or two will be the wave of games which would be developed specifically for the new-gen consoles, with the game engine built from the ground up specifically for these consoles.
Maybe the real downfall of these new-gen consoles is that they are using similar parts/architectures to PCs these days. It makes it much easier for developers to port games from PC to console, but also means that there are more direct comparisons to existing PC hardware and people know the approximate specs of these devices. Compare that to the PS3, it took them multiple years to figure out how to properly utilise the hardware, especially the CELL CPU.
You should definitely hold out for the next gen. Also I hear that better web browsers are coming in the next year or two, maybe quit the net until one of those comes out also. We'll be in contact when it's ready.
Did you read this article about netflix suggesting the consoles will be updated to support 4K playback?…
Doesn't look like they would ever support 4K gaming but maybe 4K video playback, I would think they are powerful enough that only a software update is required though.
I'm more hoping for a white xbox one slim
I believe there are updated versions of the consoles releasing soon