Hi OzBairgainers, Im in a bit of a pickle atm, I recently sold a gift card I had advertised on Gumtree. The buyer paid me into my paypal (Over $500) and has subsequently spent the gift card (I kept a copy of the gift card number and pin). I met up with the buyer at a petrol station, half an hour after he paid me into my paypal and gave him the gift card, he checked the balance and all all was good. 3 days after the transaction took place, the buyer has subsequently lodged an unauthorised transaction with paypal. Paylpal emailed me of this and told me this :
Recently, PayPal received a notification from a user regarding unauthorised access to his PayPal account. As a result, one of the payments credited to your PayPal account has been placed in a temporary hold while we investigate the claim. PayPal constantly monitors transactions for unauthorised use of accounts in order to maintain the safety of our users.
I had already withdrawn the payment into my bank account, and my paypal account now shows this balance as a negative on my account.
When I called paypal they told me Im not protected as it was a gift card, and they told me to go to the police.
I went to the police, and as far as they are concerned their is nothing to look at. I supplied the product and I was paid, end of story they said.
Why is paypal chasing me for this? Isnt the account holder responsible for transactions on their account? Why are they threatening to recover this money from me? Ive already handed over the gift card to the purchaser and its been spent.
I should have noted the number plate and ID of the buyer but stupidly I didnt. All I have is his phone number, and surprise surprise they arent now responding to me.
Does anyone have a similar experience? I refuse to pay back the amount. Can paypal take the funds from my linked bank account/ credit cards automatically or do I need to approve this action first? I dont understand why they arent telling the buyer action from their account is their responsibility, I didnt make them send me the money
@brazen00: you may be right… maybe it won't help.
But we can't be 100% sure when information is intentionally censored.