Beware of Cheap Web Hosting Offers That Sound Too Good to Be True

I went to check out the Zuver web hosting offer at 90 percent off. After going through the "add to cart" procedure I decided it wasn't for me based on some reviews I saw. However, I am now getting regular invoices and threats from them and they have also added a service charge of $15.00 for holding up payment which I never agreed to in the first place.

I suspect these people pray on a person's fear of trouble to get them to follow through on something they don't really want. I wouldn't be surprised if their automatic renewal at the full price was difficult to get out of once you had signed up. I mean, I haven't even signed up and I'm getting plagued.

Be very careful and do your research before committing to anything like this that sounds too good to be true.


  • How much was it at? I'm with Zuver and the costs are really low without a promotion and they have been pretty helpful for whenever I need help.

  • +1

    I've used VentraIP and Zuver and nothing but amazing service.

    Sounds like you're not giving the entire story buddy. They don't just send out invoices for kicks.

  • -3

    Hi - Look I can't comment on their service because I haven't used it. Yes, it's cheap. $2.40 for twelve months (@90 percent off). But, as I said, I pulled out of the "cart" before paying and this is the latest email I got from them.

    Maybe it's an error on their part - I don't know. But who hasn't pulled out of an order at the last moment for one reason or another? I've never been hounded like this before (three emails).

    Hi Tony,

    This is a friendly reminder that invoice 178497 which was generated on 29/01/2015 is now overdue.

    Note: A late fee of $15 has been applied to your invoice, and your account remains in arrears. Please arrange payment for this overdue invoice soon as we don't want your service being suspended 7 days after the due date has passed!

    Invoice: 178497
    Amount Due: $2.40 AUD
    Due Date: 29/01/2015

    You can make payment to, or view the status of your invoices through MyZuver at any time.


  • -4

    When I relook at Zuver's email, it strikes me that they might be suggesting (but not actually invoicing) that if I don't pay the $2.40 I could be surcharged the $15. I know that it is impossible for them collect money from me if I don't want to pay, but the point is, it's not a very ethical or, let's say, "friendly" way to increase sales.

    One other note:

    People pulling out of purchases after they have committed to buying, but prior to paying, may well be a major frustration for online businesses but that doesn't give them the right to intimidate. I appreciate the various comments on the quality of service this company delivers but I think they are sacrificing this credibility in regard to new business.

  • So did they provide the service?

  • +1

    It looks to me more of a process issue. If you "add to cart" but never confirm order, then I agree that they shouldn't be sending you hassling emails. But if you already confirm the order, then I expect the process would have gone through to awaiting payment, and you need to inform them directly that you wld like to cancel the order.

  • -4

    Whether you add to the cart or confirm, a company should not set you up (ie give you credit) until you have paid unless you have an account with them. I'm sorry, but this is the way the internet has always been in my experience. Imagine if someone sent you a mobile phone on your confirmation before you paid for it.
    Spare me.

    • +1

      I'm sorry, but this is the way the internet has always been in my experience.

      Well your experience might not be representative of reality.

      For example, when i order stuff through the business, the service is provided, then i get a bill at the end of the month.

      I think there is more to the story that what we're being told, so you'll need to contact the company directly.

  • +2

    I think it's pretty obvious now what has happened after reading the above.

    You have placed the order. You didn't pull out at the "Adding to cart" stage. You placed the order, setup an account and then afterwards changed your mind and decided you didn't want it, didn't pay anything, didn't tell Zuver you changed your mind…in fact you didn't do anything at all. I bet you have other previous emails from them with account details, logins etc. that are automatically generated and generally sent to you straight away, that you've neglected to mention. I've set up various accounts with them, I'm aware how Zuver operate. The service is currently being provided, thus why they are asking for payment.

    How are Zuver to know you don't want the service if you do not tell them??

  • +1


  • +2

    Looks like you've went past the cart and actually processed the order. They haven't provided your credit or most likely haven't created your hosting account. Contact them and I'm sure they'll cancel the invoice for you. Simple.

  • +1

    these guys are pretty reasonable, just contact them and get the account cancelled. They do have a funny process with some business processes for instance if I need them to work on my VPS they produce an invoice then won't do the work until I pay it. You've probably tickled their system until it produced an invoice and now it's waiting for payment.

    I have no idea why you are trying to make something of this total non issue.

  • Its an automated system, and as mentioned above, once you 'complete' the order you are redirected to your preferred payment option. I assume you chose Paypal (as almost all cart complete the order before sending you to paypal, other payments such as credit card comleted on the same site might not complete the order). So the system is just sending you reminders that you haven't made a payment on your completed order.

    They wouldn't have commissioned any services yet until they receive payment, so simply call or email them asking to cancel your "ORDER".

    The emails aren't threats, they are reminders. I get this a lot in my line of work, they often don't even know the automated emails are being sent, and they certainly aren't at fault for reminding you that payment hasn't been received yet. It isn't a shonky practise, and all you have to do is pick up the phone and call them, something that would have taken less time for both you or me to type these messages. Not cool to write derogatory stuff about them without at least trying to cancel first :/

    p.s. I have never used them and have nothing to do with them

  • +1 cheap domains & long term hosting cheap as….

    • +1

      There's plenty of better ones

    • Take a look at biggest forum for web hosting as many companies has rep on there.
      For me it is ventraip for Au, mddhosting for us and Crocweb for CA

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