When Is The Best Time to Travel to The Whitsundays?

We have decided to take the family to Daydream Island sometime this year and was wandering when is the best time of year to travel there? I was thinking around June/July when the weather here in Melbourne is normally the worst and we can get some nice sunshine when we go away.


  • You are correct. I went last July and it was great weather around 26c everyday. It was heaven after a cold Sydney winter. We went swimming (Airlie Beach) every day. The water temp is around 24c. Also another bonus was a deal the Whitsunday cruise operators had online, I bought 2 Whitehaven beach day tours and got 2 free Island Hopper tickets. Maybe they will have a similar deal this winter Some of the locals get around in big coats and complain how cold it is lol.

  • Due to the Aussie $ making it expensive to go o/s, there may not be so many bargains.

    • Good job the Whitsundays are in Australia then, eh?

  • Hamilton Island is good too, more amenities and excellent day trips.

  • +1

    Never, its over rated, over regulated and definitely over priced. Being a cruising yachtie we stop overnight at the bottom of the shitsundays (Shaw Is), blaze through in several hours and continue on our leisurely , unmolested way north.

    • +1

      Seeing as you apparently know quite a bit about the area Darvos any chance you could answer the question about the best time of year to go there that I posted instead of bagging the area…

      • Tourists and yachties will want to go there for different reasons.

        For tourists google says


        But a true Ozbargainer would probably look to the off season when the place will be quieter and accommodation cheaper.

        Me, I would find out the off season then look to BOM for rainfall in those months.

        • BOM & rainfall !!!

          Sometimes it says rain tomorrow, but in fine print it says 5mm expected, so expect it to rain for as little as 5 mins.

        • @travelwiz:
          History champ, look to the history.
          There you can see a year or more worth of data to see which are the wettest months.

        • @Davros: if I said no rain ever, I would be right 80% of the time. Probably more accurate than BOM.

        • @travelwiz:
          BOM are 100% accurate, like I said its historic data, that means it has already happened, they are not guessing like you are.

        • @Davros: talking about future. With all our technology, weather forecasts are still a guess.

  • How long is the optimal time to spend there for a short break?

    • For anyone who feels the need to use the term 'optimal time' when asking about a holiday, 6 months, so they can chill the fruck out.

    • presume you have to fly there, so why would you even bother going thru those big ugly airports, with all their security nonscience (bend over, take off shoes, belt, nail file etc.) for less than 5 nights or a week.

  • +1

    ANYTIME BAR SUMMER. Too hot in summer. Make sure you going sailing &/or snorkelling.

  • Horseflies that sting like bees. Can't swim without a stinger suit.

    • only need a stinger suit close to the coast.

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