Hotel Refund for 3 Days - Broken Glass & No Aircondition

Hi guys, i was staying at Canberra Furnished Accommodation in Canberra from 1st Dec to 24th Dec. I made these booking and paid to Agoda directly. But when i reached Canberra, i have faced many terrible problems.
1) Room was not ready on time (As we travelled from melbourne with little baby, it really made us unhappy)
2) Aircondition only in dining area, boths rooms were boiling. But Agoda advertised those rooms as fully recycled Airconditioned. (My daughter does not sleep without AC)
3) When asked, they offered to change room, which did not help at all. (AC was still in dining area)
4) Second week, my daughter when crawling picked up broken glass piece from underneath sofa and kept in mouth. She was bleeding and luckily i saw this and removed that broken glass. When complained, no one took any action. I still have that piece of glass and bloody t-shirt.
5) I immediately left the apartment (when 3-4 days were still left) and asked for refund. They acknowledge that apartment left was in perfect condition and said they will speak to CEO and get back to me. But they have not. I had to write 15-20 emails to get their reply. Finally yesterday they gave me a clause and said there wont be any refund.

I'm looking for APOLOGY, REFUND and Commitment so that no one in future faces similar issues.

Please help me guys as i dont know how to tackle this. I dont want to look mean or bad. But i also want to get Apology, refund and commitment.

Thanks in advance.

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  • +1

    Have you left negative reviews on travel sites outlining your experience (Expedia, TripAdvisor, Google Reviews, TrueLocal etc)?

    A law suit seems extreme and costly. Surely if you had some leverage (negative truthful reviews on a few popular travel sites) and then sent them correspondence saying that their lack of action has resulted in you leaving the following negative reviews (send them links).

    If they care about their reputation they'll probably refund you and ask for you to update or rescind your negative reviews.

    Just be careful not to threaten them with the reviews. Leave the reviews (and be careful to be very honest in your reviews) and let them know you've left them because of their lack of action. Let them take the next step. They may choose to not refund you still, in which case they'll wear the bad reviews and lose customers. If they're logical they'll see the neg reviews and offer you some kind of compensation to try to appease you.

  • +1

    Try a complaint through Agoda if you aren't having any luck with the hotel itself.

    • thanks Blaircam & the-mal. I have just lodged complaint with Agoda and waiting.

  • -1
    1. what time was check in and what time did YOU want to get in the room. what time did they let you in the room
    2. Most apartments or hotels only have one AC unit, boo hoo
    3. as above - you changed rooms and found that the air conditioned units are all located in the same spot! boo hoo
    4. teach your daughter not to put glass in her mouth.
    5. why would they refund YOU? they held their end of the agreement. Just because your daughter put things in her mouth that you shouldn't, that's your problem as a parent and not the fault of the owners of the building. You were moved rooms, if you didn't move rooms, did you ever think your daughter wouldn't of ever even found glass under the first sofa? so is it your fault or theirs she was bleeding?

    suck it up and move on. lifes too short for you to piss and moan over a few dollars when they have done nothing wrong.

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