Hi oz bargainers
I am a newly admitted lawyer and it goes without saying that the industry isn't that great at the moment but I have been lucky to score an interview with a commercial firm. The only issue is that the interview will only last 10 minutes. After that, there will be full second round interviews if successful from the first.
IM just wondering what questions May be asked in the 10 minutes? I need to try to get into the mentality of the interviewer (who is the firms director) to see what they really want in these precious few moments. 10 minutes is very short so I have to somehow make an impact and make a difference
I have until Wednesday.
Your advice is appreciated. :)
Thanks all!
You're right, 10 minutes is fast. Firstly remember that it's not a time for you to recite your resume…they have it already, it got you this far. It's really going to be a rapport thing that will get you across the line. Try to feel comfortable talking, make sure you have a comfortable body language and make sure you're not waffling, just answer the questions succinctly and concisely.
They'll let you know what they want out of the interview, they'll guide it with questions. They could be in industry questions to test your knowledge, they could be "typical HR" questions (What are your strengths/weaknesses? How do you like to be managed? etc) or they could be "get inside your thinking" questions (such as "you're given this particular situation, how would you deal with it?").
Rapport counts for more than how awesome your answers are. They'll likely be trying to:
1) Confirm your resume isn't BS (test your knowledge) and
2) Understand what makes you tick, whether you're a good cultural fit
You're (hopefully) already prepared for 1. And 2 you can't really prepare for other than going into the interview with the right mindset and not letting yourself get too nervous. Be friendly and self assured without being overconfident/cocky. Oh, and (obviously) learn about the firm and the interviewers/director…do research so you can namedrop things that show your knowledge. Check their website and LinkedIns.