Do you count cans before going to a recycling depot to get 10 cents per can ?
I haven't but I got a feel that they pay me less than they are supposed to.
So next time I will count how many cans I am taking to the depot.
I am just wondering if I should wait till they chucked my cans to their bins and tell me how many I brought as per their counting or tell them beforehand ?
Do you count cans before going to a recycling depot ?

Being an Ozbargain'er i only buy my drinks in cartons and then pack empty's back into the same carton. No need to count just multiply, also so much easier to store and pack into car.
counted them a few times before but every time ended up getting more than what i counted.
Just weigh them? ironically it will cost you 80 cans to buy a scale off the internet
Take photo's of every can, and record details, and imperfections about each one.
ALWAYS bring your attorney to the depot.
Triple check the count, and weight, and get witnesses.
Get all parties to sign a statutory declaration.
Seek further council from your accountant as to how to receive payments, making sure it suits your financial circumstances.
Do not check your bills and receipts.
Never look into your super or your bank deposit accounts.
i know plenty of blokes who've worked at them
chances are they have no interested in short changing you. they only work for the place so they don't care. if you're more confident in your counting abilities then do it yourself and let them know your total- usually they'll just take your word for it if it appears reasonable.
whatever you do, don't become the guy thats anal about the figures- you might just encourage deliberate underpayments. stay polite and honest and if they don't appear to respond to that well, just find another place.
foe example- up at golden grove there's two places within 300m of each other.