WikiObject App

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Have you ever thought

  • to be always updated with deals, news, forex etc
  • to view deals offline while you are traveling with limited internet connectivity
  • to analyse a data with time period

WikiObject is the solution

Download the app now and get everything at one place without installing multiple apps

Related Stores

Google Play Moiz Kantawala (Oliya)
Google Play Moiz Kantawala (Oliya)


  • Do you plan to charge for this app in the future?

    what does it do technically? Is it just an offline RSS reader?

    • No this is going to be free application. However I may integrate Ads in future.

      Yes it is kind of offline feed reader but it more than that as feeds are not the only systems you can bind to. I have a long term plan to integrate with Google calendar objects, Journey planner objects etc

      Feeds and other custom object are initial system service once the user base develops I would like to hear what more problems we can solve by creating simple objects that can be invoked and accessed using wikiobject App

    • Use Feedly and Google Now - you are covered :)

      • Yes but as I said its not a comparison with Feed Reader.

        I can understand the confusion as most of the objects in WikiObject resembles Rss feed. But the intent is to go beyond Rss.

        For example :
        Can you have a App pushing simple Maths problems for a student to learn maths using his phone ?
        WikiObject can push that type of object and can deliver to read offline and then point a resource for further reading.

        Feed reader is not the solution as its more specific to Feeds but WikiObject aims in achieving that goals.

        You can think WikiObject as superset as its not focused on only integrating Feed systems.

  • Yes more information thanks

    • I hope the answer above has given information you expected.

      To add more, I would like to integrated more systems and there are ongoing talks with third parties as there are constraints in distributing data.

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