This was posted 10 years 1 month 11 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

US PSN Flash SALE +10% off Code


So a nice little flash sale has shown up. All deals stack with the current one use only 10% off code KF56EM5KB3 so choose wisely.

All prices in USD


Title Sale Price Original Price
#KILLALLZOMBIES $3.50 $13.99
AQUA KITTY – Milk Mine Defender DX $3.06 $8.99
Contrast PS4 $3.75 $14.99
Costume Quest 2 $3.00 $14.99
FEZ $2.99 $12.99
Futuridium EP Deluxe $5.00 $12.49
Guacamelee! Super Turbo Championship Edition $5.10 $14.99
OlliOlli $2.99 $12.99
RESOGUN $3.00 $14.99
Road Not Taken $4.50 $14.99
Rollers of the Realm $4.00 $9.99
Shadow Warrior $6.00 $29.99
Speakeasy $3.00 $9.99
Strike Suit Zero: Director’s Cut $4.00 $19.99
The Unfinished Swan $4.95 $14.99


Title Sale Price Original Price
Alien Spidy $3.00 $9.99
Brothers: a Tale of Two Sons $3.00 $14.99
Castle Crashers $3.00 $14.99
Costume Quest 2 $3.00 $14.99
Crash Commando $3.00 $9.99
Dead Nation $2.96 $7.99
Dungeon Defenders $3.00 $14.99
echochrome PS3 $2.50 $9.99
FEZ $2.99 $12.99
Guacamelee! $3.00 $14.99
HOARD $3.00 $9.99
Hustle Kings $3.00 $9.99
Inferno Pool $3.00 $9.99
Joe Danger $3.00 $14.99
LIMBO $3.00 $9.99
LUMINES Supernova $3.00 $9.99
Machinarium $3.00 $9.99
Oddworld: Munch’s Oddysee HD $3.00 $9.99
OlliOlli $2.99 $12.99
PixelJunk Monsters $2.00 $9.99
Pool Nation $2.55 $8.49
Rag Doll Kung Fu $3.00 $9.99
RESOGUN $3.00 $14.99
Savage Moon $3.00 $9.99
Snark Busters: High Society $3.00 $11.99
Super Stardust HD $3.00 $9.99
Superfrog HD $3.00 $9.99
Tales from Space: About a Blob $2.80 $7.99
The Last Guy $3.00 $9.99
The Unfinished Swan $4.95 $14.99
TOKYO JUNGLE $3.00 $14.99
Trine 2 $3.00 $14.99
When Vikings Attack! $3.00 $9.99
Worms $2.99 $12.99
Worms 2: Armageddon $3.00 $14.99


Title Sale Price Original Price
AQUA KITTY – Milk Mine Defender DX $3.06 $8.99
Don’t Die, Mr. Robot! $2.00 $4.99
echochrome PSP $2.40 $7.99
FEZ PS Vita $2.99 $12.99
Futuridium EP Deluxe $5.00 $12.49
Guacamelee! $3.00 $14.99
Hustle Kings PS Vita $3.00 $9.99
Joe Danger $2.75 $10.99
Kilka Card Gods $1.50 $5.99
OlliOlli $2.99 $12.99
PixelJunk Monsters: Ultimate HD $3.00 $14.99
RESOGUN $3.00 $14.99
Rollers of the Realm $4.00 $9.99
Superfrog HD $3.00 $9.99
The Unfinished Swan $4.95 $14.99
When Vikings Attack! PS Vita $3.00 $9.99

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closed Comments

  • +1

    $5.40 for Shadow Warrior PS4, nice

  • +4

    Canada: JBFHBPJL8H

    US: KF56EM5KB3

    Mexico: NJ36Q5BTCD

    Japan: 8PLLN4L3DQ

    Hong Kong: RN89HNC5NA

    Australia: K5B9PMJQMF

    Austria: A9PMAFADEM

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    Czech Republic: HLTCL52QCQ

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    Japan is 8PLLN4L3DQ

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    Netherlands: DDHBNBF9EK

    New Zealand: 7LMGFC3B33

    Norway: JC9EEEHGLR

    Oman: 7D995HE92Q

    Poland: 9C38255C6L

    Portugal: PBTRQ7FGBF

    Qatar: 2P863Q427A

    Romania: A3G86KQ7T3

    Russia: T34NK72FQ6

    Saudi Arabia: 93NBHTTJDG

    Slovakia: F8LRPK323P

    Slovenia: HPDEG94QQF

    South Africa: BD43JPHDJJ

    Spain: GKE22RKKCN

    Sweden: 3E4MBKJTG6

    Switzerland: 9FTRKF52QL

    Turkey: QCDTCD526N


    Ukraine: 233NJCNQ59

    United Kingdom: T6R3KB529K

    • +1

      I didn't link the other country codes due to there only being a flash sale on the US PSN store

    • +1

      This is more about the Flash Sale, the code is just a bonus

  • Just tried to use this code, and the store said it has expired.

    • That was for the week end only.

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