This was posted 10 years 1 month 18 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

Guild Wars 2 PC Digital Heroic Edition $10.00 USD (75% off) Sale Starts Sun Jan 25


Guild Wars 2 PC Digital Heroic Edition $10.00 USD (75% off)

Guild Wars 2 is a massively multiplayer online role-playing game developed by ArenaNet and published by NCsoft. Set in the fantasy world of Tyria, the game follows the re-emergence of Destiny's Edge, a disbanded guild dedicated to fighting the Elder Dragons, a Lovecraftian species that has seized control of Tyria in the time since the original Guild Wars. The game takes place in a persistent world with a story that progresses in instanced environments

This game has no subscription fee!

IGN 9/10 -…
PC Gamer 94/100 -
Gamespot 9/10 -…

Offer applies only to Digital Heroic Edition and Digital Deluxe Edition purchased through from 8:00am Pacific Time January 24, 2015 through 11:59pm Pacific Time January 25, 2015.

8:00am Pacific Time Saturday Jan 24 = 3:00am AEDT Sunday Jan 25
11:59pm Pacific Time Sunday Jan 25 = 6:59pm AEDT Monday Jan 26

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closed Comments

  • Started playing this game last week after a 2 year long wait. Brilliant game :) At that price, it's awesome even if you use it as a single player game.

  • game is awesome, best MMO atm, only thing it lacks is hard end game content eg raids, exept for that amazing game, updated constantly always free, no sub for that price its a steal

  • +5

    Personally I am a bit disappointed with this game. After GW1 when I spent over 800 hours of game time, I just couldn't bring myself to finish the whole quest in GW2. The last part of the PvE campaign at the island is just so frustrating, enemy groups kept spawning and you can't even take a break. The worst part of the game is every waypoint travel now costs you gold coins. I agree the no monthly subscription fee is what got me into playing GW1 first and I definitely got my money worth, but in hindsight if I knew about GW2 experience, I wouldn't buy it in the first place.

    • it will be hard to be disappointed at $12.50

    • Agree with this GW1 > GW2. I enjoyed the first game more - I found it to be more team based than the second game. In GW2 I rarely found the need to join a party. (Beaten the game and have 3 characters max level).

    • +1

      Yep, that's pretty similar to my experience with GW2. I bought into the hype and pre-purchased it. Purely based on amount of time played, I've definitely got my money's worth, but in terms of enjoyment I'm not so sure. Many times while playing I had to tell myself "this will surely get better"… it never did.

      I didn't like the main storyline. The dungeons were introduced way too late (at level 30) and were prohibitively hard (at the time; not sure about now) and messy (imagine running a WoW dungeon as 5 rogues, with enemies running around hitting anyone they like). The "every 2 weeks" events (with a lot of long breaks in between) were hit-or-miss.

      At this 10 USD price, I'd probably be content with it; and there are a lot of people who bought the game at release and still like it. But my suggestion is to prepare to be disappointed. I just wish I had invested my time and money on TSW instead, which I ended up liking so much more.

    • +3

      Way point cost is negligible and doesn't cost you gold coins, it's a silver at best.

      The very worst part of the game is the changes they made to talents and how they now cost a small fortune in gold and skill points to obtain or countless hours of boring PvE to unlock. They have also neglected the only worthwhile part of the game in WvW and the only time they do anything to it is to make it more PvE friendly.

      The game is still fun, especially if you haven't played it before, there is a lot of content to explore. For those that have played it before however, it is becoming increasingly stale and I personally think a lot of the changes they have made are for the worse and not better.

      The point of this sale though is an expansion is apparently in the works so we'll have to see how that pans out.

      • +1

        The people complaining about waypoint costs probably quit the game shortly after release. Inflation makes those expenses look like they're negligible nowadays, but on release using waypoints quickly drained people of a considerable percentage of their money. In reference to other posts, Guild Wars 1 veterans are also unlikely to like GW2 based on the fact that its target demographic for competitive modes (PVP/SPVP) are casual players. There's a very good reason why there's no competitive league for GW2.

        In other words, if you like a casual MMO which is easy to get into for both the PVE and PVP aspects, GW2 is the game for you. However, if you're interested in competitive gameplay you really should look into another game. Ranked arena (essentially the closest thing to official PVP in GW2) is a joke and isn't worth discussing. WVW was useful for organizing unofficial guild verse guild battles, but that's becoming less common due to increasing amounts of players treating the mode how it was actually envisioned by arenanet. Essentially you run around capping PVE points and only very occasionally run into meaningful battles. The entire mode actually discourages PVP battles - it's essentially glorified PVE.

    • I've never played GW1 but GW2 has been great fun.
      I think the problem here is that if you are looking for a single player game then this probably isn't ideal for you.
      The main quest is not made to be long and challenging and getting a character to max level is not supposed to be an achievement.
      You may have some fun alone but at the end of the day this is a MMO. Massive Multiplayer game.
      There is a plethora of content. Of which, to be thoroughly enjoyed, you may need to join a guild or have some friends play too.

      Similar to Static's comment, WvW is the part I most enjoy. It's not about having the best equipment or pay to win items or even individual skill (which I lack all of). It's about working together as a team.
      I think that's rare nowadays because the focus of some games is just to get super rare things or simply paying to be overpowered.

      Not my video, but this is what the World vs World game play can be like:

  • +2

    10 bucks for 700 hrs of entertainment is pretty good value any way you look at it

    • -1

      So why no +?

      • Finally gave one i see.

  • +1

    does the upcoming expansion promise improve on some of these gw2 aspects or is it just a casual/regular expansion? I was looking to hop into this game with the arrival of the expansion and with this price it seems like it might be it though after a bit of looking around there seem to be many excellent MMOs that are free also out there.

  • +1

    can't believe I paid $59 for GW2 when it first launched >.< Still lot of fun though

  • Shit i paid $70 for this

  • If you're hoping it'll be more of GW1 besides the lore, you'll be disappointed. If you're hoping it'll be similar to WoW, you'll be disappointed. But if you're not hoping for either, I think you'll get your money's worth.

    I definitely did (I paid $60 USD for it at launch) and although I no longer play it now (I'd probably start from scratch again if I came back to it), I enjoyed my time in the game.\

    If Heart of Thorns turns out to be a full fledged expansion pack, I might jump back into the game I reckon.

  • Not the worse MMO I've played (I think ESO may be taking that award atm in terms of economy and game play) but it was up there. No cohesive support, issues with phasing, grouping, economy and more.

    That being said, I was in Beta and initial release and they just weren't dealing with things quickly enough. You also need to understand the economy or buying gems. It was one of the things that really irked me after paying so much for the initial game. You effectively hit a wall you couldn't pass without getting the credit card out. The time in game to grind around that was too much (at the time). Playing another MMO at the time (which had a sub) and suddenly the idea of coughing up $30+ a month on 2 games became a little off putting. Needless to say, GW2 lost out. I really hope these things have been addressed. It'd make me reconsider the game.

    For $10, you could be confident in buying it and even if you only got a few weeks out of it, you wouldn't feel robbed. But you need to be aware of all potential costs.

    • dunno if you even played the same game… to be on the same playing field as other people is pretty easy and fast. end-game everyone has the same gear, and you can get it in about 2~4 weeks of regular play. other games…there is no end to the grind. you only grind in this game if you want better looking stuff. gems (money) are usually cosmetic and do not change the stats of your character. there is no sub fee for gw2 either

      • Um what?

        You realise the whole point of fractals was cause people complained that there's nothing to grind for, and in the end it was a poorly made "endgame" grind.

  • -8

    I was only 12 years old
    I loved Steam so much, I had all the achievements and items
    I pray to Gaben every night before bed, thanking him for the life I've been given
    "Steam is love" I say; “Steam is life"
    My dad hears me and calls me a fanboy
    I know he was just jealous of my devotion for Gaben
    I called him a peasant
    He slaps me and sends me to go to sleep
    I'm crying now, and my face hurts
    I lay in bed and it's really cold
    Suddenly, a warmth is moving towards me
    It's Gaben
    I am so happy
    He whispers into my ear “It’s summer-time“
    He grabs me with his powerful dev-team hands and puts me down onto my hands and knees
    I'm ready
    I open my pockets for Gaben
    He puts his hand deep into my pocket
    It costs so much but I do it for Steam
    I can feel my wallet emptying as my eyes start to water
    I accept his terms & conditions
    I want to please Gaben
    He roars his mighty roar as he fills my library with his love
    My dad walks in
    Gaben looks him straight in the eyes and says “It's June 30 now"
    Gaben leaves through my window
    Steam is love. Steam is life.

    Not mine . All credit goes to NuclearGamers

    • Guild Wars 2 is not on Steam at all and this code is not Steam redeemable.

      • -1

        know it , just saying.
        neg is a tool to troll

  • I believe the latency is not that bad after all for Australian players?

    • +1

      The latency is pretty bad but as long as you aren't super into PvP it's managable except for any times where you have to dodge fast moving things as the things you need to dodge are run serverside and don't actually match what's on your screen so you will always get hit.

      • Haven't had any problem in PVP with dodging attacks/casts etc. And I play fair bit of WvW in Yak's Bend.

  • Any word on upgrading from the base edition to the Digital Deluxe edition at a discount?

  • I dont know anything about this game. Is it worth to buy the deluxe edition?

    • +1

      Haven't played in 2 years, but I wouldn't bother with it. Most of the extra stuff is temporary or not useful later on. And you can only use it for 1 character. You can always upgrade through in game currency but still not worth it.

      Thinking of playing this again. How big is the download?

      • I haven't bought it yet, still deciding hahah.. thank you.

      • About 20gb, downloading now.

  • I don't think the CSS file works when you try to buy it which make the whole Web page really messed up.
    Try to buy it via smartphone , it somehow work

  • Download speed is up and down, likely rubber-banding due to the sale.

  • Keep getting 'Payment Authorization Failed' no matter what I try paying with. Any tips?

    On that note, I noticed it's a Digital River payment, who also use uPlay which I have had problems with too. Not sure if it's connected, but perhaps worth mentioning?

    • Tried paypal? Didn't have any issues, maybe close the browser and start again, you could clear cache, but I don't expect it will make the required difference.

      • Still get the same result from PayPal or with different browser. Might try with a different IP to see what happens

        Edit: No success

        • I just bought the game via paypal, no problem.

        • @xavi46:

  • No luck buying it so far, still getting this error. The support staff don't seem to want to respond, so I'm running out of options here haha. If anybody is feeling generous, could they gift me a copy? (Not even sure if this is possible, but worth a try). I'll pay you back with any similar priced game on Steam, cheers.

    • Could get a serial key for you, which you'd use to register a game account.
      Would you be able to transfer the money via paypal? Drop me a PM.

      • -1

        I'd rather gift a game on Steam as I have some money in my Steam Wallet that's just sitting there, sorry

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